I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 120.


Carlos watched the disappearing trio also chased after them, the fun wasn't over yet, and the prepared snacks hadn't been eaten either, how could he stop halfway?

As for the target crew that Rain's Hillel was staying with, Carlos wasn't in a hurry to make contact, it wasn't the right time to go and make contact now, it wouldn't be too late to wait for Embers to leave Propulsion City and appear to recruit him after he suffered the Magellan blow.

Carlos was at least seventy percent sure that embers had already developed the intention to leave the propulsion city, otherwise embers wouldn't have done that, not only do they not want the support that arrived and the support that was about to arrive, but they also have to fight alone

I'm not the one who's not up to it!

So, one by one, they flew and flew and flew and flew for who knows how long, and they all flew over the red dirt road, and Kaido and Ashes at the front didn't have any intention of stopping.

It was about to enter the New World, which made the suspicions in Carlos' mind come true, and no matter how much he chose the location of the battle, there was no need to choose the New World, right?

This must be a betrayal, whether they want to fight or not.

This betrayal of the embers is clean and neat, no mud dragging also, embers have no attachments, he is basically the only one of his race, what else is there to attach?

Polusarino and Carlos each stopped on the side of the Red Earth Continent located in the New World, they were in different places, and both were rather depressed at heart.

Carlos was depressed that he couldn't watch the good show anymore, having just fought Shanks, and then watching a powerful man of this level fight, the benefits to himself were considerable.

Polusarino, on the other hand, is depressed that he's being played, as well as the embers' defection into the new world, which makes it even harder for the Navy to deal with the pirates.

Neither Polusarino nor Carlos are narrow-minded, and it doesn't take long for the depression to go away.

Polusarino is more open-minded than Carlos, just go to work and punch the clock, long live the best!

Now that the embers have made their decision, knowing or not knowing doesn't affect the big picture, and he can't stop him now anyway, what's there to be depressed about?

The two left after looking at the scenery on the New World side of the Red Earth Continent and returned to Propulsion City, each doing their own thing.

Carlos waited quietly for the best time to recruit Yu no Hiryu, although the twenty-something year old Yu no Hiryu was basically characterized, it was not as extreme as the original.

Carlos doesn't seek to change Rain's Hiryu's character, just make it less extreme.

When they returned to Propulsion City, the strong naval support had already arrived, led surprisingly by Warrior, a great general, as well as some veteran lieutenants.

Polusarino reported the situation and his guesses to War State, and the strong naval men who rushed to the city all looked very ugly at the news, the Hall of Propulsion City's first-in-command actually left with a pirate, is a fantasy, but also a strange shame!

War State immediately reported the situation back to the naval headquarters, and when the naval marshal Air got the news, although he was not furious, his face was also very ugly, and he immediately had a warrant issued for embers, and the first bounty was one billion berries!

After this matter was dealt with, Propulsion City still had a bunch of messes left.

The current Navy Admiral Airborne was training Warring States as his successor, and valued Warring States very much, so he entrusted all the affairs of Propulsion City to Warring States, in addition to the aftermath of Propulsion City, the most important thing is Propulsion City's new Warden, also known as the Administrator, who is the top man anyway.

The most important thing is that the new warden of Propulsion City, who can also be called the Administrator, is the person in charge.

When the Golden Lion escaped from prison in the original series, Magellan was the Deputy Director, or Deputy Warden, and it's more plausible that Magellan would take over when the embers left.

While it still can't avoid a fight with Rain's Hillel, in terms of the number of supporters, there are quite a few more people who support Magellan than Rain's Hillel, and Magellan takes power more smoothly.

The world had already changed due to Carlos' meddling, and the Golden Lion had escaped from prison a year or two early, so the officials at all levels of Propulsion City had eaten their hang-ups, with both light and heavy responsibilities.

Unfortunately for Magellan, his responsibility falls into the heavy category, as he was the one in charge of the Wireless Hell where the Golden Lion was, and was demoted one level, staying at the same level as Rain's Hitch, with the deputy director's position hanging empty.

This time the two started out about the same, and while Magellan's support numbers were better than Rain's Higo's because of his personalities, the difference was small and the poisonous fruit was obnoxious to those on the sidelines

Therefore, from the data of the warring states, it is a big headache to choose who will be the leader of the propulsion city, both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.

After dwelling on the matter for quite some time, the warrior decided to meet the two personally and test the schoolmaster, so that if they were both about the same, then it would only be strength that counted!

Chapter 131 The Director

After Carlos returned to Propulsion City, he snuck into the Divine Might Space and hid, not eating, drinking, and having fun, but quietly digesting the insights he had gained from fighting Shanks and watching Kaido fight with the embers.

Although these insights could not directly improve his strength, they could indirectly improve his fighting skills and use of power.

The world of the Pirate King is not other time, although the insights are important, the most important thing is the improvement of one's own strength.

It is the improvement of one's own strength that is the basis of improvement, and the basis of one's own strength is physical strength, whether one takes the sword route, the physical route, the domination route, the devil fruit route, the other route, the comprehensive route, all of this consumes physical strength.

So Carlos's daily workout didn't stop, he needed to constantly improve his physical strength, increase his pupil strength, sharpen his spirit, and polish his physique.

Propulsion City Administrator's office, the then Admiral of the war will be called into the office to talk to Magellan and Rain no Hilleu respectively, chatting, ostensibly never mention the propulsion city a handful of things, south of the sky with the two, from business to private matters, from political events to customs and folklore

Spent more than two hours, the war from the two people's speech and behavior for the two people have a more detailed understanding of the two, his heart is more fond of Magellan, the three outlooks with him closer to the man, for the rain of Hirou's favor is not Magellan enough, but also can not talk about hating the rain of Hirou.

When embers were in power, torturing prisoners, abusing prisoners is very common, there is such a boss in, up and down, torturing prisoners is very normal, torturing prisoners for information is very normal, the people of Propulsion City have tortured prisoners, abusing prisoners not everyone, but the number is also not small.

After all, the supreme boss of Propulsion City had done that, and it wasn't outrageous for Rain's Hillel to follow suit, but Magellan had done it rarely, a handful of times, but it wasn't like he hadn't done it either.

As previously said, rain Heejun indiscriminate killing of prisoners is Magellan after taking power, now the two in the heart of the war divided into ten percent, Magellan sixty percent, rain Heejun forty percent.

Although Magellan in his heart is more appropriate, but the rain of Hillel is not unqualified, in the lower subordinates by the embers of the boss, standing in the rain of Hillel supporters than Magellan more thanks!

War State considered tangling for some time, since the overall strength of the two was similar, the Director of Propulsion City was usually the one with the highest force, it was better to let the two and the force ultimately decide the winner.

War State called the two into the office, with a serious face, and said in a deep voice, "The higher-ups have given me the position of Director of Advancing City to select, you two are the most outstanding rising stars of Advancing City, I have compared and compared, and I have not made up my mind who to choose"

"So according to the old rules, whoever has the strongest force takes the position of Director, and the second strongest Deputy Director, do you agree?"

"No problem!" Magellan didn't hesitate, still confident in his own strength.

"Yes!" Rain no Hieu speaks briefly and succinctly, for his own strength is equally confident, the two had fought, the battle was short, he was at a disadvantage, but the formal battle, life and death battle, he is confident that he will be the final victor!

Both of them were the brightest rising stars of Propulsion City, young enough to be in high positions, and proud at heart, even if Magellan, who usually acted placid and even comical, was the same.

"In that case, let's go to the square on the sea."

"That's right, you two control your power and don't do too much damage."

The warrior got up, and after that, went outside again, and their eyes clashed without fancy, and the air condensed for a moment, then resumed its original form and followed the warrior away.

A few minutes later, propulsion city sea, next to the castle in a square and spacious square, there are not many spectators, all of them are the Rear Admiral in the navy, Lieutenant General, war country, the general himself as a referee, so as to avoid the problem of human life.

"Stepping out of the drawn circle is losing, start!"

The battle began with a command from the Warring States.

Magellan's fighting style was mainly based on the Devil Fruit ability, while Rain's Hillel was based on swordplay.

The Poison Fruit ability was poisonous all over the body, including sweat, saliva, even the gas exhaled was poisonous gas gas, all parts of the body could create poison, which actually somewhat restrained a swordsman like Hiryu of Rain.

Swordsmen, katana, and great swordsmen, despite the huge difference in strength, preferred melee combat, and the feeling of the blade slicing through flesh mesmerized them!

Poison Dragon!

Magellan just came up very well, directly with his attack is considered to be his big move, purple venom from the body gushed out into a day of purple poisonous dragon, from Magellan I soared up towards the rain to bite.

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