I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 121.

Rain no Hilliu face serious and heavy, although confident in himself, but does not mean that can underestimate Magellan, that poison stained a little bit is basically finished.

Rain of Hillel jumped back, left hand holding the waist scabbard, right hand pressed the hilt, right hand movement, a series of swift bursts like a thunderstorm, the first appearance of the blue sword gas, cutting through the void will be rushed to the poisonous dragon cut to pieces, purple venom fell on the ground rising soaring smoke.

A move has not been built, Magellan face unchanged, the body emitted a large number of poisonous gas into a poisonous cloud, as long as the touch of the poisonous gas, then the five senses will disappear, the poisonous cloud spread towards the rain of Hillel.

Due to the circling of the field, the poisonous gas, sooner or later the venom will spread throughout the field, so Rain no Hiryu can't stall for time, the more he stalls, the smaller his chances of winning, he must take advantage of the time of suffocating and not breathing to take down Magellan, otherwise he won't have a chance.

Rain no Hiryu kept dodging the poisonous gas, sword swings cutting off various balls of poison that flew at him to keep the gas and venom from getting close to him, while the field was getting smaller and smaller where he could step, filled with poisonous gas and venom everywhere.

After all, Rain's Hilliu was still young and a little anxious, not having the patience to wait for his chance to win with a single strike, he took a deep breath, and his figure flickered as he rushed towards Magellan, the famous sword Thunderstorm in his hand swinging out countless fierce bursts of sword qi to cut off all the attacks that flew by!

However, the matter of the director's position, the boss of the fight, the two concepts had many differences, Magellan does not want to listen to the rain of Hillel, so that their own life is not comfortable, and in terms of seniority, he joined the advancement of the city earlier than the rain of Hillel.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have the right tools to do what you need to do to get the job done.

Kenho's instant explosive power was terrifying, he didn't want any accidents.

Poison Channel!

This move was originally to attack the opponent with his own self-generated poisonous slide, but at this point was used by Magellan to escape, playing guerrilla, not at all with the mainstream of the rain head-on, sprinkling poison gas, sprinkling venom, he wanted to turn the combat area into his own poisonous field, a little to compress the space, gain an advantage, and eventually reach the point of victory!

Rain no Hidetoshi was getting angry, it wasn't like this when they were fighting at odds before, they were so rigid, why were they so wimpy this time? That creepy?

For a time the ring swung like a rain of swords, sweeping in all directions, leaving countless hideous sword marks on the square floor, but Magellan always dealt with it, dodging or deflecting it

No opportunity to confront head-on, rain of Hillel could not explode their strongest power, even beyond their own power, this dense sword Qi looks horrifying, spectacular, but can not do anything about Magellan.

In the end, Magellan's poisonous gas venom occupied the entire ring, making Hiryu of rain poisoned, losing the fight from shallow to deep, losing the position of Director, and Magellan's steady word, and successfully became the Director, the first hand to advance the city!

Chapter 132 - Meeting Rain No Hiryu

Rain no Hiryu was poisoned and was carried off by the medics, but of course Magellan didn't want Rain no Hiryu's life, and War State wouldn't allow it, and left with the antidote Magellan had given.

Without limiting the scope of the fight, it would not have been so easy for Magellan to win against Rain's Hiryu, and it would likely have been a lose-lose situation, but in order to limit the scope of destruction, the Warring States delineated the combat zone, making it just take longer for Magellan to win without injury.

The Administrator officially belonged to Magellan, and the next step was to go through the procedural motions.

The battle was over by the time Carlos came out of the Shin Megami Tensei space.

Carlos was constantly following the developments in Propulsion City, and it didn't take long to learn the fact that Rain's Hilleu had been defeated and Magellan had become Administrator.

Although the exact process was unknown, it was right that the outcome wasn't unexpected, so it would be much easier to mess with the success rate again.

Carlos secretly hypnotized the people of Propulsion City, and soon asked the location of Rain's Shiroku, who was resting in his room after being relieved of the poison.

Carlos didn't immediately go to look for Rain no Hiryu, but only late at night.

There is a proverb that says to take advantage of a weakness, but it's not just women who can take advantage of a weakness, men agree that they can take advantage of a weakness and welcome the man, ahem!

The resting place of Rain no Hieu is located in the right corner of the second layer of the Beast Hell in a set of rooms, as the advancement of the city's top, the treatment is quite good, three rooms, a hall and a bathroom, the kitchen is not, there is no need for Rain no Hieu personally cooked.

Spacious and simple bedroom, Rain no Hieu alone on the bed, with a cigar in his mouth, the darkness of a flickering fire, holding a soft white handkerchief in his hands as if caressing his lover, gently and patiently wiping his sword, thunderstorm.

Rain no Hiryu was in a depressed mood, the more I wanted to kill, but could only hold it down and calm myself down by wiping his own paired knife.


Rain no Hillel eyes narrowed, stern and austere eyes stared at the bedroom door, only to see the space twisted and rotated, wearing a black and red suit Carlos stepped out, without a mask, since to recruit others, hiding his head and tail is how it works?


The moment Carlos appeared, the figure of Rain no Hiei left lying on the bed moved, the pads floated down, immediately turned into a fighting state, the famous sword sheathed, the cold blue blade cutting Carlos's neck, the shot was fierce and vicious!

No matter what the reason, suddenly appearing in his bedroom, slashing first before anything else, that's the way to do things in Yuu no Hikari, can't even take a single slash from him, don't even talk about anything, not worthy!

The scarlet triangular scythe kaleidoscope writhe in Carlos' eyes was particularly conspicuous in the darkness, blossoming with red light, for this blade Carlos did not resist, nor was it necessary to resist, making a bit of noise and disturbing the outside was also trouble, not bothering to deal with it.

The fierce and cold blade sliced through Carlos' throat unhindered, but there was no special feeling of the blade cutting open the throat, nor was there any blood spraying out, just like the usual practice sword cut in the air.

Rain no Hilliu brow frowned, arm turned, the blade flipped, from Carlos's left shoulder to cut diagonally into the chest, yet still like cutting the air, easily cut through, without cutting the bones, muscles that pleasant feeling.

The frown of Rain no Hilliu frowned even tighter, fiercely puffed on the cigar, the spicy feeling spread in the chest, the extremely bad mood of Rain no Hilliu ton fuming.


Black armed colored dominance wrapped around the blade, and with a movement of both arms, countless fierce and cold blue blade lights burst out, cutting into Carlos from all directions and angles, the blade constantly moving through Carlos's body!

If this cleaving had been Carlos' entity, Carlos would have been reduced to pieces of shredded flesh.

"Alright, don't waste your energy, this isn't a natural system of mine, you won't get any results if you're tired of chopping."

"Rain no Hiryu, isn't there a need to be so disoriented for just an Administrator's position?"

In the midst of the basket woof of the blade light, Carlos faintly spoke up, this is just a waste of effort, this is just a projection of the original body in the space of divine might, no matter how much you try to cut it, it will be useless.

Rain's Hillel was startled at the words, the blade light closed, exhaling a long breath of depression, and said in a deep voice. For what purpose?"

Carlos secretly skimmed at the tall figure of Rain's Hillel, the world was too abnormal, there were too many people who were too tall, too many oddly shaped people.

But it didn't matter, the taller and more oddly shaped they were, the harder it would be to find a girlfriend, then again, how did Big Momma become like that when she was so beautiful when she was young in the Rocks Pirates?

If you get fat, it's too serious.

I've had so many husbands, how did I give birth?

Carlos wasn't slow to answer even though he was imagining things, there was nothing to hide, he was confident that it wouldn't matter if he persuaded Rain's Hoshi to stay on his ship and expose it, he wouldn't admit it, the world government wouldn't be able to do anything about it without hard evidence, the Black Alliance under his command had a huge influence on the Western Sea, he wasn't someone he could get rid of with one side of his mouth.

"My name is Lucifer Carlos."

"The purpose of coming here, well it's simple, to invite you on board my ship."

"Lucifer Carlos?" Rain no Hidetoshi frowned, the name seemed to have been heard somewhere before

"Come to think of it, I read about you in a newspaper, you're the one and only godfather of the West Sea who unified the West Sea Mafia and formed the Black Alliance, right?"

"In the newspaper I thought it was exaggerated, you were able to sneak into Propulsion City without a sound, you seem to be really good at it."

Rain's Hillel's low, thick voice rang out, curiosity in his eyes, this man looked like he had good strength

Carlos lit a cigar from his breast pocket of his suit as well, no doubt about it, can't lose class, he too wants to be the boss, always the boss man!

"You want to invite me to be a pirate with you?"

"I'm here to take in pirates, it's really hard to get in here if you're not a pirate or any other criminal" Yuu no Hiryu put his knife back in its sheath, rather playfully.


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