I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 122.

"No, no, my ship isn't a pirate ship, and to take a step back, even if I became a pirate ship and fucked with the Navy, I'd have a way to wash my hands of it."

Some time ago, the World Government sent someone to recruit me, but I refused."

"Unless the Black Alliance is allowed to join the world government as one of the franchise countries, I won't agree to it."

"Although the world government has not agreed to my application for the time being, I believe it is only a matter of time before I join the world government as a joining country."

"First, the world government has not explicitly sent anyone to reject me."

"Second, the world government has been standing for so many years, there is a lot of decay, the finances are getting more difficult, and more franchise nations are needed to provide funds."

"Third, with the increasing number of pirates everywhere and other forces working in secret, the world government also needs more power to join."

"The navy is just a front for the world government, even if my ship beats up the navy, when it becomes a franchise country, the bounty disappears and it's washed away in an instant."

"The navy still has the obligation to protect the franchise, I beat them up before and they'll have to protect me in the future, it's funny to think about it, hahaha."

Hidetoshiro no Yu, biting on his cigar, was a bit surprised and excited by what Carlos said, but it seemed to be interesting.

Chapter 133 - Captain's Qualifications (above)

"If you can talk, talk some more, I'm a little tempted." Rain's Hiei stayed with a line on his face and held out his hand in an inviting gesture.


Carlos was speechless, but had to be persuaded in order to recruit a powerful crew member.

"I've already heard that you unsuccessfully competed for the directorship of Propulsion City, and the directorship was taken by your old enemy, Magellan."

"Obviously you have a tough time behind you, as the Director of Propulsion City, where you have enormous power, Magellan will definitely promote his cronies and suppress dissent in order to be able to control Propulsion City!"

"And you're the biggest dissident of all, I don't think you'll be Deputy Commissioner for long even if you take the position."

"Unless you become a muckraker and do nothing, sooner or later Magellan will find an excuse to seize the position and it will go lower and lower."

"Which means your career in the position is pretty much hopeless, as long as Magellan is around for a day."

"I've investigated you, and your temperament is not one that can be quieted, so sooner or later you'll be caught in the act."

"This advancing city is a cage for those criminals, but what is it really to you guardians?"

"Nothing more than a little more freedom, live too long in Magellan's shadow and you'll be repressed to the point of perversion I'm afraid, there might be a cell in Propulsion City for you."

Carlos mobilized his brain and used his eloquence to bb and blunder at Rain's Hillel, but what he said wasn't entirely without reason.

Rain Shire's face was covered in thick smoke, his eyes flashed, and he said quietly, "Continue."

"Propulsion City is really too small, it's the outside world that's exciting and interesting, it's the era of the Great Sea Pirates, the world of great competition, the Great Sea Pirates are increasing year by year, more and more powerful people are shining on the stage of the world, competing with each other, don't you want to join in?"

"What's the point of staying behind closed doors in Propulsion City all by yourself?"

"Becoming strong is too slow, there are countless sword heroes in the world, you have many opponents, fighting them is the only way to hone yourself and hone your sword dao in order to help you step onto the peak of the sword dao!"

"Do you have a strong heart, Yuu no Shiroku?"

"Challenging the strongest in the world to win and not be proud of their victories?"

Carlos's last sentence, with a serious face and a deep voice, was like a flood bell ringing in the ears of Rain's Hilleu

"Of course I have Rain's Hillel!"

"I recognize what you said, but there's no use in just being clever, you're the first one I challenge!"

"I want to verify if you are strong and qualified to be the captain of my Rain's Hiryu."

"If you can't defeat me, I'll just have to take your word for it."

"I can't stand the fact that the Captain isn't as strong as me!" The battle intent in Rain's Hillel's eyes rose, and his face was solemn as he said in a deep voice.

"Well, I already knew that whether I can convince you or not, a fight is inevitable!" Carlos spread his hands and laughed rather helplessly.

"No talking me into a fight, too?"

"Of course I will, although I'm not afraid of you talking nonsense, but after all, the dead are the best at keeping secrets, so let's try to see if we can kill you"

"Ahahahaha funny, funny, well, let's see what you've got!"

"Let's go, find a place and have a good fight!"

Rain's Hiryu laughed, the rising battle intent contained murderous intent, Carlos' words somewhat infuriated Rain's Hiryu.

Today, Rain no Hiryu's mood was already extremely bad.

"It's too much trouble to find a venue with you, and this is the middle of the night, and Propulsion City isn't the place to be able to fight."

"Better come with me."

Carlos said as he walked towards Rain's Hillel and slowly extended his claws

Hillel of Rain wasn't quite trusting of Carlos yet, and the figure took a step back, frowning, "What do you want?"

"Don't be so nervous, I don't have any malicious intent yet, much less a sudden sneak attack, after all I was trying to pull you aboard my ship" Carlos smiled slightly.

Rain's Hillel didn't retreat any further at the news, but his energy was high, his body was tense, and his heart was dangerous, he had to be guarded!

By the time Carlos' arm was on Rain's Hiryu's wrist, Rain's Hiryu's entire body was tense to the max and his energy was focused to the max, and if he sensed anything at all that was wrong, he would launch a stormy attack!


Carlos' right pupil power surged, a spatial vortex emerged, a huge attraction enveloped the two and quickly sucked in.

Rain no Hillel's horrified look still had a strong regret, finished, a thousand precautions, didn't count on this hand, cool!

Push into the southeast of the city, within about a hundred miles, there is an island reef, covering an area of about a thousand meters square, the island is full of rocks, not a blade of grass, surrounded by dark blue water, life extinct.

A full moon in the sky, a full moon in the sea, double moon shine, the cold moonlight makes the night no longer dark, the whole world seems to be covered in a layer of white veil.

In the center of the island reef, the space vortex emerged, and the figures of Carlos and Rain's Hilliu were sent out from the space vortex in a spinning trajectory and landed on the island reef.

Rain no Hilleu stood on the ground still a little confused, around to take a look at the surroundings, eyes surprised, exclaimed, this ability is strong!

"Is this your Devil Fruit ability?"


"So the golden lion that mysteriously disappeared in Propulsion City and escaped from prison for no reason was also saved by you?"

Higo no Yu recalls the prison break incident with him, Magellan and their boss Embers viciously eating the supernatural golden lion hanging down above and asks, although it seems like a question, it's actually in an affirmative tone.

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