I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 123

"That's right, it's mine that did it."

Carlos did not have the slightest concealment, this kind of time to conceal would be too ow, we all know it in our hearts, this ability to want to save people is really not too difficult, concealment instead of falling part.

To today's point, Carlos, although not very scrupulous rain of Xi left to leak out, the world government wants to move him, have to consider the West Sea sea land are in turmoil situation.

Just one side of the story can bring trouble to Carlos, but not bring the disaster, of course, trouble is still trouble, to be able to extinguish or to extinguish!

Carlos had purposely brought Rainhill to this island, giving Rainhill only two options, join or die!

There might be a tiny possibility that he was killed by Yuu no Hiryu, but he didn't think Yuu no Hiryu was that strong.

There was still a greater possibility of Rain's Hilleu more than twenty years later, and that was still only if Carlos didn't use his Rascal ability, or else he wouldn't be able to fuck Carlos even if he was exhausted.

"Hahaha Your Excellency is really bold, this is using Propulsion City as a backyard."

"But it doesn't matter, the most important thing nowadays is to verify if Your Excellency is qualified to be my captain."

"The battle has begun!"

The words fell, under the moonlit night, a cold light appeared, like a flowing moon beheading Carlos's head, gorgeous with cold killing intent!

Carlos's seeing and hearing color hegemony, kaleidoscope writers eye insight has long been placed on rain no shiru, head deflection to avoid the strike, at the same time, the right hand fingers covered winding unique red hegemony, precise and swift one finger point on thunderstorm's blade, powerful power outbreak, bounced the blade to the side, the huge force almost make rain no shiru hand blade was shaken flying!

This finger broke Rain's Hillel's follow-up attack move, breaking the pre-emptive advantage and causing a reversal of the offensive and defensive momentum, turning Carlos into the pre-emptive side!

Chapter 134 - The Captain's Qualifications (below)

One finger later, the left hand slapped a devastating palm to the chest of Rain's Hillel, and the electric fire was too late for Rain's Hillel to return his blade to defend himself, so he could only cover the armed color domination and take a palm strike with Carlos.


With a muffled sound, Rain's Shiroku's body slid over the island reef, leaving two clear marks on the ground, his throat moving and a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"What a bizarre stamina!"

Rain's Hillel exclaimed with a dignified face, holding Thunderstorm in both hands, a thunderous blue sword Qi burst out, flying halfway, the sword Qi burst, and countless tiny sword Qi turned into a gust of wind and whistled away, leaving no room for evasion.

Hurricane Fist!

Five fingers changed into two red iron fists, countless red fists emerged, stirring the air, countless transparent air fist prints erupted, not only shattering the flying sword qi, as Carlos's fists continued to swing, a fist print blasted into Rain's Hilliu.

Rain of Hillel stood in a big step, both hands holding the thunderstorm, and constantly waving the knife in his hands, a path of blue sword qi constantly cut through the air into blue streams, constantly and transparent fist prints collide, roar constantly sounded, long-standing seawater erosion of the stone continued to explode!

The two of them were constantly bombarding each other, fist seals and swords flying around, both holding their breaths.

Carlos' old seemingly erratic and random bombardment, in fact, Hurricane Fist was originally the fastest and longest lasting move among his physical attack methods, specifically responding to fast-attack type skills.

The sword qi attack of Rain's Hieu was just a pure sword qi cutting attack, not specifically dealing with this aspect.

Therefore, it didn't take long for the fist seals released by Carlos to gain the upper hand, squeezing the sword qi, and the fist seals kept getting closer to Rain No Hiryu.

Rain no Hiryu's face was heavy and his eyes were red, yet the increasingly heavy pressure caused Rain no Hiryu to retreat.

Boom boom boom.

The remaining fist marks bombarded the island like a bomb burst, leaving a sizable hole in its wake

Laser Eye!

Watching Rain's Silhouette retreat to show weakness, Carlos' eyes narrowed, then opened abruptly, a red laser light burst out from his eyes, shooting at Rain's Silhouette.

As soon as Rain Noirishiru landed on the ground and was preparing to counterattack, the speedy laser light blasted in, making it impossible for Rain Noirishiru to do it again many times.

However, Carlos's laser light kept tracking Rain's Hiryu, and wherever it passed, the dirt and rocks disappeared, leaving a hideous scorched black trail on the island.

What an eye!

Rain no Hilleu was chased into a mess, there is seeing and hearing color tyranny aid, rain no Hilleu as soon as possible fast, also often predicted to move trajectory but in the process of escape, rain no Hilleu is also constantly saving power.

When the power is ready enough, stand still, wielding the thunderstorm, the shadow of the road emerged in the bright moonlight, the air is hidden in the sound of thunder roaring, heavy rain, a sword cut out, a blue sword qi that makes the world a light emerged, bursting harsh, will shoot the red laser light cut into two halves, non-stop against the source.

Carlos increased the output of his pupil power, and the more fierce red laser light burst out, constantly shooting at the sword qi, weakening its power, the blue sword qi was like a blue boat, sailing against the current, every step forward, the greater the resistance.

Eventually advancing to a position five meters away from Carlos, the power was dissipated, the red laser light dissipated, and Carlos' eyes transformed back into triangular sickle kaleidoscope writhe eyes.

Bloodbath Body!

Susa Noh!

Thunder Kick!

The red tyranny within the body surged out into a special blood pattern covering Carlos' entire body, defense, recovery increased greatly, adding a layer of green-blue Soso Nenghu bones outside the flesh, adding another layer of defense.

A shadow remained on the spot, but in fact, Carlos's figure had already turned into wind and electricity and was rushing towards Rains of Silhouette, and the sound of breaking through the air was very small.

Carlos was planning to fully display his own body technique, strength, speed, defense, recovery, explosive power, followed by a stormy attack!

Rain no Hilleu face unprecedentedly heavy, eyes as if the table became smaller, the Seeing Color Tyranny fully urged, such a terrifying speed, unless special eyes, only the Seeing Color Tyranny can capture the trajectory, and just capture is not enough, itself must also keep up.

Just like in the manga, Luffy was spiked by Kaido, Luffy's Color of Witness Tyranny has been enhanced a lot after Kata Kuri, but he still can't avoid Kaido's thunder gossip, and the possibility of not being aware of it is very small, it's more likely that he can't keep up, his reaction speed and movement speed.

Rain no Hiryu now also almost encountered the same thing, but the difference in strength between Carlos and Rain no Hiryu using the body technique alone was not too great, so it was not that bad.

As soon as Rain Noirishiru tried to dodge, Carlos' figure had already come to Rain Noirishiru's right side, and a whiplash leg smacked the air into Rain Noirishiru's chest, simple and bursting!

Rain no Hilleu a bite not to dodge, operating all the strength of a slash towards Carlos's leg.

The dang, big fast blade thunderstorm plus armed color tyranny plus swallowed sword gas, even unable to break through Carlos's defense, the outer layer of the bones of the Sousa Noh is cut open, however cut to the blood bath battle body but as if cut to the diamond.

Carlos was heavily armed and fleshly, even if his body was under normal times, the bullets couldn't be broken, but the shells would be injured, so he couldn't compare to the big monsters of the new world, but it wasn't too much to call Carlos a small monster.

After the sound of a clash of gold and iron, Rain's Hillel was jerked away, landing on the ground and crashing into a large rock, cracking it apart.

"Poof what a domineering attack!"

Rain's Hilleu spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Carlos.

Rain's Hillel today's strength non-descript probably in the Navy Rear Admiral to Lieutenant General that level, stronger than the Rear Admiral, a little less than the Lieutenant General, Magellan's words now is the Lieutenant General in the stronger, and Carlos is the top Lieutenant General to the level between the Admiral, than the Admiral is still a lot weaker.

Anyway, Carlos was now not too hopeful for just winning the Admiral, even if he used his complete body Sousa Noh, but with all sorts of weird and strange abilities, it was still very confident to meet the Admiral to save his life.

"Tyranny's still to come, eat my Tyrant's Elbow!"

Carlos said the figure of a movement again rushed to the rain no hiju, that is, is not really fighting, otherwise Carlos will not remind sex to say a word of nonsense.

Carlos's figure as if instantaneous flicker generally came to the front of the rain, is to give the rain, the good thing is that at this time the rain is left to speak, otherwise forced to resist, will only be injured, badly wounded.

"The battle ends here," said Rain Noiru, somewhat dejected.

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