I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 125.

Chapter 136 - All We Need is the East Wind

These top navigators, famous doctors usually have their power to belong, Carlos is not easy to forcefully seize, but just want them to come out of the question together, then the power behind them definitely do not dare to slow down.

Carlos is not no strong capital, just do not want to cause trouble, after all, he will leave the West Sea in a short time, but give face to continue.

If you don't give face to something like this, you're looking for death!

With Carlos' order, the various agencies under his command operated, arranging the Voyager and Doctor who had come to participate and bringing them into the examination room that had already been prepared.

The Voyager's examination and the doctor's examination were divided into two adjacent examination rooms, and besides the invigilator, Carlos also participated personally, covering the two examination rooms with the Seeing and Hearing color domination to prevent cheating and ensure that those who could pass the examination were genuine talents.

From the preparation of the questions, setting up the examination room, to the end of the examination, it took about a week to select ten of the most outstanding mariners and doctors, five on each side.

Carlos' method of recruiting partners like this was still relatively rare, and the talents selected by the selection method might not be as good as the ones who had luckily met their destiny partners, but the ones who stood out from the crowd definitely had real skills and could be trusted for their navigation and medical skills.

Five navigators, five doctors Carlos and his people interviewed them personally, and finally selected the two crew members who were the most suitable for Carlos' eyes, and whose personalities were also more pleasing to him.

One was named Bel Suzanne, a very good female navigator, dressing, sex are very competent and sharp, with a moderate appearance, compared to Kylie, Doris's appearance is a grade lower.

A name Carl Sholima, is a full of intellectual temperament, elegant and easy-going, wearing glasses male doctor, still quite handsome face face always smiling, giving people a sense of intimacy.

These two were the crew members chosen by Carlos, the others were eliminated, but the other eight were actually not inferior in professional standard to the two crew members chosen by Carlos.

The only thing was that their looks, temperament and personality didn't suit Carlos' wishes, but the eliminated people were treated very well, enough to let them live comfortably, without any worries, and concentrate on studying navigation and medicine.

After taking the two crew members away alone, Carlos talked to the two one-on-one, in fact, Carlos was using the Kaleidoscope Writing Eye of the Four Corners Great Windmill, which is best at illusions, hypnosis Kaleidoscope Writing Eye to check the background of these two people, to see if they were sent to his side by other forces

Under the loss of self-will, everything is hidden, the good thing is that although each of the two have their own reasons, but there is no other ulterior motive, the purpose against him.

After verifying that there was no problem with the two, Carlos took them to meet the other crew members, all of them introduced to each other, to get to know each other, after all, we are all on the same ship, not to say like brothers and sisters, too strange can not.

The professionalism of the two men was absolutely not to mention, they were the best in the West Sea, and they had some understanding of the Great Voyage and the New World, but their fighting ability was very general.

Average to what extent?

I'm afraid that the two are the weakest of all the crew, with at most the strength of an Ensign of the Naval Headquarters.

Isn't that a drag?

While it was true that the navigator, the ship's doctor didn't need to be much of a fighter, protected by the ship's combatants, it couldn't be too bad either, there was always a time when he needed to rely on his own strength.

So let the man train well, as much as he could improve before going to sea, and when he went out to sea, he would take the time to personally discipline him.

In fact, after going to sea, they were definitely not the only ones who needed to be disciplined, all except for Yu no Hiryu.

Although Rain's Hillel was young, but had already mastered the power of Hegemony, the realm of Sword Dao was close to the great swordsman, there was not much that Carlos could help him with, it was just pointing out Hegemony, and cutting and contrasting, it was mainly up to Rain's Hillel himself.

The others would need varying degrees of discipline, and Carlos had already made preliminary plans.

On his ship, the ones with the greatest combat potential, besides Rain's Hillel, were Martin, Riley, and Doris.

Martin had the powerful Demon Fruit Shattered Fruit, developed and powerful, and qualified to be one of the core combatants.

Riley's Expanded Fruit was slightly inferior to Martin's Shattered Fruit, but that was merely the difference between Tsinghua University and Wuhan University, coupled with dominance, and also qualified to be one of the Core Warriors.

Although Doris was female, she was a swordsman, and being able to become a female swordsman was remarkable in itself.

How many male sword heroes on the ocean, there were only a handful of female sword heroes, in Carlos's memory Doris should be considered the strongest of the purely female sword heroes, that was a great sword hero, sword hero sword hero, not using a sword to qualify to be called a sword hero.

In addition to the Peach Hare, Carlos also remembered the BIGMOM Bandits, the third daughter of the Great Mother, Charlotte Armand of the Serpent Beast Clan, holding the famous sword White Fish.

Well Sauron's childhood friend Guina couldn't be guaranteed to be the world's best swordsman if she grew up and didn't die young, but she might be able to grow up to be as good as Peach Bunny.

Dasuki was mostly just a swordsman two years ago, and after two years might barely have the strength of a swordsman.

By the way, Guina, is Darth really the two or the same person?

These three plus Rain's Hilleu, Carlos is the core of Carlos's ship, the main battle force.

Olsen, O'Neill, these two animal demon fruit ability, Carlos is ready to cultivate into a supporting combat force, the requirements are not high, mastering at least one kind of domination, fighting to reach the Rear Admiral will be satisfied, whether they can be stronger depends on their own.

As for the others, Kylie had been with him the longest, serving his food and helping him with his affairs.

Although it was quite dramatic to follow him, but she was the first person Carlos approved of, to be stronger depends on her own ideas, anyway, he went all out and did not hide his selfish cultivation.

As for the others, if they have reached his minimum requirements, they will be fine, but if they want to become stronger, Carlos will help them, and if they don't want to do what they want to do, he won't care.

Carlos's first voyage, did not stand firm in the new world when the elite route, the minimum combat power should have a standard, so as not to drag too much behind.

After getting to know each other, Carlos sent them off to do their own thing for the sake of sailing, and the crew was not idle.

The crew was not idle, but Carlos was now idle, there were only a few aftermaths of his departure that needed to be arranged, and all that remained was to wait for his flagship to be built.

With the construction of the various facilities on Stygian Moon Island almost complete, it was time to send someone in.

This candidate was naturally Noah, who had been with him the longest and most dedicated.

Carlos talked to Noah properly and alone for a while, hammering, admonishing, motivating, praising, telling, and adding carrots and sticks to clean Noah up and bring him into compliance.

He's getting bigger and stronger, already some of the old man has swelled, and Noah has swelled a bit, doing some humiliating things in private, which calls for admonishment, knocking.

Carlos admonishes, knocks Noah, and Noah admonishes for him, knocks those below him, so that they don't forget their last name

He can give money, power, women, and property to Carlos, he is not a man who can only share hardships, not wealth, but don't go too far, swell too much, that's forcing him to kill!

One operation went on before Carlos let Noah leave, and after knocking the people below him, Noah would represent him and bring a large number of elite troops into Stygian Moon Island to preside over the Black Alliance Council on his behalf.

Of course Carlos won't completely hand over the power to Noah to deal with, the other two leaders will take turns to Noah's side as a deputy, dividing the power and supervising each other.

Carlos does not worry about the betrayal of his men, he is now alone, no wife and children, even if betrayed he still has the strength to turn the tide!

The reason for this arrangement is that we don't want to test human nature, but now everything is ready, we just need the east wind, so we can start sailing, no need to be a salted fish on land!

Chapter 137 - Arrangement, Ambiguous

Time passed bit by bit, and in the blink of an eye, more than two months had passed, approaching the ninth month of the Sea Circle Calendar Year 1500.

During these two months, Carlos never engaged in any more affairs and stayed on Paradise Island, and apart from working hard on his training and dealing with some daily affairs as always, he had more free time.

In addition to enjoying the rare free time, he also took some time to instruct the crew under his command, and it was worth mentioning that Olsen, who originally knew nothing, and O'Neill were also sent by Carlos to give Martin, Riley and the two of them a hand to learn a few things.

Martin and Riley, one of them knew a little bit about shipbuilding skills, and the other one knew a little bit about helmsman skills, besides training, they basically spent their time on learning shipbuilding skills and helmsman skills.

Olsen, O'Neill, the two rough men were sent by Carlos to give the two a hand, not requiring them to have the skills of Martin and Riley, but more or less, later on, they would do some chores on the ship, that is, do everything except the professional things, when a tool man.

For his flagship, the Stygian Moon, Carlos was very concerned, and from time to time would visit the shipyard to take care of the progress of the construction.

After more than three months of hard construction, the main contents of the Stygian Moon had been built, and all that remained was to craft the flagship, which would take up to another half a month to build, meaning that it would be ready to sail in another half a month.

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