I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 126.

So Carlos also began to gradually devolve the powers necessary to keep the Black Alliance running, transferring them to Stygian Island so that the members of the Stygian Island Council could begin to familiarize themselves with the process of handling business, and that when he left it would not affect the operation of the Black Alliance.

Of course, just because Carlos was sailing away, it didn't mean that Carlos completely disregarded the Black Alliance.

Although he didn't care about the handling of the Black Alliance's daily affairs, he also needed the phone worm to consult him on important matters.

It was fine to not consult him, it was just a matter of whether he wanted to tear down the hammer or not.

Three days before departure, Carlos came to the castle where Robin's mother and daughter lived to say goodbye to the two of them and make arrangements for them along the way.

Robin mother and daughter is not suitable to sail with him adventure, one age so young, one skill is not strong, bring on board is simply a burden.

In the future, if they have a firm foothold in the New World, they can be picked up, but it all depends on the mother and daughter's will, what kind of life they are willing to live.

Although he saved the mother and daughter, but Carlos did not want them to serve, he was not even interested in the history of the disappeared hundred years, the so-called onepiece.

Instead of pursuing the past and chasing after the so-called secret treasure, it was better to focus on the present, to improve his strength, to strengthen his strength, as long as he was strong enough, no matter what kind of secrets were hidden in the disappeared hundred years, and what kind of secret treasure the onepiece was, he would be able to take the lead and deal with it with ease!

In the end, the strongest man will prevail in this world, and words are no match for fists!

The future of Robin and her daughter's life is up to them!

Carlos came at the dinner hour, and when he arrived, the maids in charge of serving were preparing dinner in the dining room of the castle, and when they saw Carlos stepping in, all the maids even stopped their work to give Carlos a greeting.

Olivia also took Robin's hand and smiled at Carlos.

"You can go out to dine after dinner is set up and cleaned up so you can rest and you won't have to serve tonight." Carlos casually sat on the main seat of the long table made of white pale stone and casually opened his mouth to command.

"Yes, Godfather!" After all the maids bent down and bowed, they speeded up the process of setting up the cutlery, drinks, and dishes, and left after processing them.

"Eat first, after eating I have something to tell you guys, I'm really a bit hungry." Carlos smiled slightly and greeted Robin's mother, while also moving her chopsticks.

Carlos came to see the two of them not once or twice, the two sides are quite familiar with each other, there is no elaborate, the two women smiled at Carlos, also followed the meal.

After they finished their meal, Carlos and the three of them went to the living room on the second floor of the castle, where they enjoyed some dessert and fruits after the meal.

After picking up the soap box on the coffee table and lighting a cigarette, Carlos pulled out two things from his arms and handed them to Olivia: a black and gold card with a blood-colored full moon pattern reflected in the middle and a lovely white telephone bug, Olivia took it and looked at Carlos with a puzzled look in her eyes.

"The phone bug is the top phone bug captured on the Great Voyage, with top communication capabilities, and most of this world can talk."

"The other card is the highest VIP card representing the West Sea Mafia Alliance, with this VIP card the entire West Sea Mafia will provide help, even if the holder is someone wanted by the world government."

Hearing Carlos say this, Olivia and Robin were both a little scared and lost

"Big brother, are you you going to kick me and my mother out?" Robin got up from the couch and spoke up in fear, but Olivia was more calm than Robin, but couldn't hide the panic and a hint of loss in her eyes.

"How?" Carlos smiled and stroked little Robin's little head, "It's not that you're leaving, it's big brother I'm leaving and leaving Paradise Island."

"Wherever big brother goes, mother and I will go." Little Robin said smoothly as soon as he heard that it wasn't meant for them to leave, he returned to normal.

That made Olivia blush, why did that sound so strange?

"Hahahaha can't take you guys, big brother is going to sail and make the great voyage, the new world, can't take you guys"

"The Black Alliance top VIP card and the phone worm are a guarantee for you, the limelight is over, if you don't want to stay here anymore and want to walk around, these two items will be very useful to you."

"The VIP card you can use directly, and the phone worm can communicate with me, so that even if you go out and are found on the trail by the world government, it won't be easy to catch you in this part of the Western Sea."

"After all this time in the castle, I suppose you're tired of it, aren't you?"

"No, no." Mother and daughter denied it incessantly, being wanted by the world government, it was good enough to have a place to stay.

"Haha Suit yourselves, stay wherever you want."

"I'll arrange it down there, just tell me what you need and someone down there will bring it to you to relieve your boredom."

"Little Robin remember from now on don't stay engrossed in your books, how to fight and learn well so you can protect yourself and your mother!"

"I will secretly prepare some teachers for you as well as some of my own training, fighting tips."

"I can't supervise you without you, and it will be up to you to try to protect yourself and your mother in the future." Carlos squared off.

"I understand, big brother, I will study hard to protect my mother and myself." Little Robin nodded seriously.

"That's for the best, it's getting late, and I should leave."

After saying that, Carlos got up to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Olivia blurted out, a little louder and a little redder.

Carlos looked at Olivia with some confusion, making Olivia's face blush even more.

Olvia's skin was not white, but wheat colored, not ugly, giving her a healthy wild and dry beauty, good looks, and a good body.

Olivia blushed because of her skin color and it wasn't usually noticeable, but how sharp-eyed was Carlos?

"Robin go out and play by yourself or rest, I have some important things to say to your big brother alone."


After agreeing, little Robin left with a bounce, leaving only two people in the room, and somehow Carlos always felt that the atmosphere was a little ambiguous

Chapter 138 - Active Olivia.

"Ahem what's so important to say." Carlos, feeling a little awkward, coughed to break the awkwardness and sat back down on the couch.

Olivia sat down as well, opening her mouth but unable to speak, stopping to say something

Little Robin was even if he didn't quite understand the kindness Carlos had shown them, Olivia was an adult, or someone who had seen the world archaeologically everywhere, and knew how much Carlos had done for them.

The world government wasn't so easy to offend, the world government was the most powerful force in the world, and helping them so much was a very big risk.

Although she never understood why Carlos was so good to them and their mother and daughter, although Carlos had said some reasons before, Olivia felt that it wasn't the real reason, but whatever the reason, what Carlos did she saw and was very touched.

There had been times when she'd been bored and considered whether being so nice after saving them was a sign of affection for her, and while he couldn't possibly be a pretty woman in his position, he knew that many people of high status and great power had special fetishes, such as liking other people's wives.

She had also considered whether she would resist or obey when Carlos really wanted her.

But after waiting so long, Carlos did not do so, which made Olivia relieved, and a little lost and uneasy in her heart.

In particular, the uneasiness in her heart grew stronger, to have endured so much kindness and yet to have given nothing, as if it were a dream, as if it were the moon in the mirror, the flower in the water, perhaps shattering in the next moment, coming to a cruel reality!

Olivia was touched and shaken in her heart that Carlos had made so many arrangements for their mother and daughter before he left today, and felt she had to do something about it!

"What's wrong? Go ahead, don't think about weighing anything, just say what's on your mind and I won't blame you." Carlos saw Olivia's hesitation and spoke softly, with a warm, gentle smile on his face.

"You you'll be staying here tonight." Olivia heard Carlos' words, felt Carlos' gentleness, gathered her courage and took off.

After saying that, Olivia lowered her head not daring to look at Carlos again, her wheat-colored face brushed some red, her ears were hot, and her heart was pounding as if it was going to jump out of her throat.

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