I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 127.

My mind was racing, did he get the hint, would he think I was a woman who didn't love herself, what if he stayed, what if he didn't?

Carlos was stunned at the news, two lifetimes, even if he had little experience in each, but stacked up, he Carlos was an old driver no matter what.

Too subtle for him to hear, making the straight man, or even steel straight man choice, but could he not understand such an obvious hint?

What should I do? He's a woman. He's a widow. He wants to sleep with him.

To be slept with or not to be slept with, that is the question.

To be a beast or not to be a beast, that was also a question.

For a while, Carlos's thoughts were also very complicated.

Wait, no, where did he think of the question of beast or beastly?

What's so beastly about him? Where's the beast?

He doesn't steal, he doesn't cheat, he doesn't cajole, and he doesn't use drugs with strength, and he doesn't have a blood relationship to a husband so dead that his bones might melt.

He himself does not have a wife, not even a girlfriend, there are women, but that is not a definite relationship, he is still a bachelor, ahem, bachelor, no, bachelor aristocrat it!

Other people should be moved by him to return the favor, and then the idea of finding a patron, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him being slept on like this, does there?

What's wrong with it?

Carlos had an answer in his head with thoughts spinning around.

No problem!

Olivia's face was red and she was panicking, and she didn't know if Carlos understood, and if he did how he chose, two strands that went down by association.

"Fine, I'll stay here tonight."

"Well but with all these rooms, which one do I stay in?"

"You're the mistress of the place, so you set it up." Carlos quirked his lips, smiling badly.

Olivia heard Carlos's words and her heart was stone cold, the choice had finally come out, but still panicked, looking up at Carlos, looking at that hooked up mouth, that bad smile, even coming over here was shy, and even lowered her head.

The only man she had ever been with was her husband, Robin's father, but Robin's father had been dead for many years now.

All these years she had been clean, had never found a man, had never lived that kind of life, and this cold was suddenly going to pass, and her heart was shy, expectant, a little excited, and a little scared

With that in mind, Olivia could no longer sit down and got up and bowed her head, "You're the one who owns this place, I'll clean out the master bedroom for you, I'll live next to it."

After saying that, Olivia came to leave, but took a step but did not move again, only to feel the body as if soaring like a cloud, the original Carlos reached out his hand to pull Olivia, so how could Olivia get away?

Carlos pulled Olivia into his arms at once, causing Olivia to sit on his lap.

Since a woman had discarded so many concerns and taken the initiative to speak up, as a man, she naturally could no longer be reserved and needed to take the initiative.

Falling into Carlos's arms Olivia's heart seemed to jump out of her throat, lowering her head, her body slightly trembling suddenly Olivia felt her chin being squeezed, an irresistible force making Olivia lift her face full of blush, eyelashes fluttering, face like a peach blossom, eyes containing autumn water.


A muffled sound, Olivia paused to stare, her mouth was gagged, did not expect Carlos to be so domineering, just lifted his chin and kissed, domineering yet gentle, causing Olivia to grow intoxicated and close her eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but Olivia's lips were swollen, red and panting, and she opened her eyes, not daring to look at Carlos, who was too busy leaning on Olivia's shoulder.

"No need to clean up, I'll be in your bedroom tonight when little Robin is asleep."

"You just get me some male bedding."

"Go ahead." Carlos lightly patted Olivia on the back.

Olivia blushed, not daring to look Carlos in the eye, and got up from Carlos' arms, straightened her rumpled beige dress, especially her breasts, and then left as if running away.

Carlos laughed loudly, making Olivia run even faster, as if there was a rabid dog chasing behind her.

"We, the people, are so happy today,"

"The people are so happy today."

Carlos smiled widely, lit a cigarette, and ran off to get a nice bottle of red wine over, humming a little tune, self-absorbed and happy.

It wasn't long before Olivia was all ready to come back to keep him company.

Carlos pulled a red-faced, or shy Olivia to the arms, play the game, play to lose not only to drink, no need to dry, one bite on the line, but the key is to lose to promise the winner a small request.

This situation, as a man will make what request?

All men should be more or less aware of this.

Men's inferiority, pulling good women into the water and persuading smoky women to be good.

Carlos didn't do that, but those little demands were really bullying, though very amusing.

Chapter 139 - Countdown to Sail

The next morning, Carlos woke up early as usual, it was a habit that had been formed over the years, getting up early to exercise all the time had basically formed a biological clock.

Today, though, instead of waking up, washing up, and exercising as soon as he woke up, Carlos was going to warm up a little more and work out.

Olivia slept with her eyes closed, her long hair spilling over the pillow, her arms wrapped around Carlos's waist, snuggled close to Carlos's bosom.

It had been a wonderful night last night, and when little Robin fell asleep, Carlos slipped into Olivia's room and hugged the infinitely shy Olivia and went to the bathroom to shower with her.

But Olivia was over it and was already a mother, so the shyness was only the beginning, and then she became more and more liberal.

Losing some small demands, coupled with the fact that Olivia was very docile and obedient in front of Carlos, brought Carlos great enjoyment, a total of nearly three hours of tossing and turning, Olivia was as weak as a pile of soft mud before giving up, showing off her manhood!

Olivia's physical fitness is better than that of a thousand women, ordinary women, after all, a woman who has sailed around on the sea, can use a gun, and a little bit of fighting, but compared to Carlos's physical fitness is still worlds apart, can't bear the grace

It was a good thing that Carlos had great control over his body and was able to roughly control the time, otherwise Olivia wouldn't be able to withstand it for too long, even if she came over.

After one night's nourishment, Olivia was radiant as she lay there, with a sense of coquettishness that made Carlos look at her with a thumping heart.

With Carlos now in the West Sea's power, women will not be lacking, the night song is certainly not to, but also considered a long experience, and Olivia's pleasure with the feeling can be ranked in the top three.

The early morning sun was strong, Carlos felt his stupidity, it is also good to do a morning exercise well, the eyes turned, there is an idea.

The bottom half of the bedding trembled and fluctuated so much that it was hard to know what Carlos was doing under the covers, as if he was adjusting something

"Mmmmmm" a squeal, Olivia opened her eyes in confusion, she felt the difference in her body as well as the smiling Carlos looking at her, shyly grabbed Carlos by the neck, her voice suddenly became very greasy.

"Nasty, what are you doing this early in the morning"

"Hey what do you think?"

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