I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 133.

The pirates and others on the ship died from Carlos' sudden laser laser, but not all of them died, and half of them survived, more than twenty people.

When they heard the order, the twenty people holding knives and guns were busy about to attack, Carlos' eyebrows jumped, an invisible wave instantly impacted the twenty people, and in the next instant, the twenty people fell on the deck one after another as if they were knocked unconscious.

"Captain, is this the Tyrant Color Tyranny?" Rain's Hillel looked at Carlos in surprise.

"That's right, unfortunately, the attainments aren't enough, we can only deal with these minions at the moment."

Carlos was a bit dissatisfied, as there were three other people on the deck besides him and Rain's Hillel, who were not stunned, the power was still too small and needed to continue working on developing.

"I'll leave these three to you, is that alright?"

"Don't worry, Captain."

Carlos nodded his figure and left, there were still a dozen ships here, some of these other fleets had already attacked and he was going to deal with them, there was no need to stay, Rainhier stayed enough to take care of it.

Dark shells smashed into the Stygian Moon, some landed in the water, some tried to land on the ship but were intercepted by Martin and others, O'Neill was manning the main gun and began to fire back, powerful shells landed on the ship, a ship was basically scrapped.

In addition, the Stygian Moon speed wide open, approaching at a very fast speed Don't look at the size, flexibility is also good, above the sea left and right to dodge, crashing into a pirate ship that can not avoid the huge gap between the size of a ship, directly overturned a ship.

The distance draws closer, immediately there are crew members from the Stygian Moon rushed to the nearest pirate ship, the first shot in the free Doris and Martin two, two left and one right to jump on a pirate ship.

The two of them jumped to the right and left of a pirate ship. Wearing a pink outfit, Doris drew her sword red cherry, the figure danced between the cherry blossoms flying, beautiful, but which contains a deadly killing machine, pink sword qi with the cherry and movement, scarlet blood along with screams continue to shoot out!

Martin was much rougher, and with Carlos' side the strength had increased a bit, and the use of the fruit ability was stronger.

Jumping on the pirate ship when the right fist has been shining above the clear aperture, aperture above the white cracks densely covered, a punch on the air, the air exploded, cracks densely covered, the power of the broken fruit extended the air transfer, the attack range a large area.

Flying bullets, small shells, slashing swords frozen in space, then a horrifying scene appeared, even people and things split apart, broken limbs, blood and viscera, fishy gas, a hellish scene surfaced!

Martin's strike crumbled the pirates who weren't in range of the attack, what monsters they were, and they all turned around and ran.

Martin cruelly grinned, took a deep breath, both fists blossomed with cracked apertures, both fists blasted out on the deck of this pirate ship, the power of the broken fruit erupted.

In the center of Martin, the cracks were dense, and the cracks were still expanding, and in the blink of an eye they enveloped the entire pirate ship, the pirate ship was split apart, the lucky pirates fell into the sea, the unfortunate pirates were affected by the main power of the broken fruit and were split apart again, dying a miserable and painful death!

Martin's Shattered Fruit was the top demonic fruit, not meaning in the Superman line, but among all demonic fruits.

Carlos didn't want Martin to be able to use the Shattered Fruit to the extent of Whitebeard, after all, there was only one Whitebeard in the world, and only the Shock Fruit in Whitebeard was the number one fruit in the world that was so terrifyingly powerful.

Carlos hoped that Martin could use the Shattered Fruit to raise his strength to at least a top naval admiral, he would be satisfied if he raised it to a Commodore, and raising it to an Admiral would be a great surprise.

After Martin had crippled the entire pirate ship, Doris had almost decapitated a boatload of pirates, and under the beautiful cherry blossoms, blood blossomed like a blood blossom, sword marks were densely interlaced, what a killing scene!

On the Stygian Moon, except for the less experienced, less skilled, and less powerful ship's doctor, Sholema, who had less combat experience, skill, and strength, and the navigator, Susanna, who stayed behind to fight some scattered pirates on the Stygian Moon, the rest of them had already started to attack in a big way.

Chapter 146 - First Showing of Vladimir's Strength (Middle)

The Elite Bandits, or any other elite group for that matter, once they are strong enough, that's what happens.

A large number of people was of little use, as long as the numbers didn't exceed the overall strength of the elite pirate group, any more would just be the difference in time spent.

There was no need to say more about Carlos, with his strength, against these groups of pirates, killers, and bounty men, simply using physical techniques was slaughter, abuse, and none of them could stop him.

In Carlos's hands, killing seemed to have become an art, and with just one move, between idle steps, they all actually fell to their deaths!

Riley this strapping fat man is also quite striking, itself with Martin, Doris the same itself in the great voyage are a certain reputation of existence, after following Carlos, the strength grew rapidly.

As far as Riley was concerned, after Carlos's instruction and self effort cultivation basic strength, speed, defense were all increased a lot, especially strength, his expansion fruit was enough to increase the increased strength to the extreme.

The expansion of the fruit is the expansion of the skin, flesh, bones and other various parts of the skin, flesh, bones and other parts of the body, there is a strong increase in its own physical qualities.

Only a few dozen times swollen Riley jumped on a ship, as a mountain generally covered the sun, the pirate ship draught deepened abruptly, the pirate ship issued a click unbearable sound, and then bent sturdy legs bounced up, a huge figure soaring, the entire pirate ship was directly pressed into the sea.

The final outbreak of the power of the legs made the overburdened pirate ship rupture, almost disintegrated, the ship filled with seawater, cracks in the seawater continues to permeate, it will not be long before the entire pirate ship will sink to the bottom of the sea!

Olsen and O'Neill also did very well after leaving the Stygian Moon.

Olsen transformed into a crazy, fierce, red-eyed mad bull, rampaging through the pirate ship, spreading madness, hurting if he scratched, dying if he touched, dying beyond death if he bumped, his whole body with ruptured internal organs and broken bones, like a pile of soft mud.

Swords are not good for cutting Olsen, horns, hooves, tails, whatever you hit will be finished, and Olsen's speed is not slow, and very crazy, those who dare to have the courage to go on will die miserably, and the remaining pirates will lose their courage very badly.

Guns and cannons are useful to Olsen, Olsen's cowhide and muscles are still unable to completely defend against thermal weapons, but the number of guns and cannons is limited, and it is still not clear if they can hit, if they do, they will just break open the cowhide and get stuck by the muscles.

Can not enter into the fragile internal organs, these external wounds by virtue of the strong recovery of the animal devil fruit, Olsen is not much of a threat, in terms of recovery, O'Neill is not Olsen's opponent.

O'Neill's Demonic Fruit was a cat fruit lion form, although the recovery power was not as strong as the thick cowhide bang, but the attack power, attack means were more powerful and more flexible.

In addition to the regular beast attack means, claws, sharp teeth, tail, O'Neill developed the lion's strong roar quite well.

O'Neill also did not use the human-beast form, but the pure beast form, in a pirate ship crazy killing, killing efficiency is much faster than Olsen, the lion is originally the top eater of nature, fighting skills are inherently stronger than the cattle.

Only O'Neill turned into a lion body length of three meters, about one and a half meters high, neck golden mane fluttering with the action, jumping and moving between the claws, teeth, tail are into a killing tool.

Especially O'Neill brewing for some time enough, from the mouth of the lion roared out of the majestic lion roar, not only shocking, but also the air rippled out of the substantial sound waves sweeping the pirates body, a body shaking, fierce face, the seven orifices bleeding.

At this time, O'Neill then shot that is a naked slaughter, dizzy pirates want to dodge the body can not react, can only be slaughtered.

With this hand lion roar, Olsen is not O'Neill's ultimate opponent, even if the difference in strength between the two is not too great, no special means, flesh and blood is unable to block the sonic invasion.

The most impressive thing was still the first to follow Carlos, Kylie's strength, compared to once Kylie's strength had increased really a lot.

The most important thing was that Kelly was the only one besides Carlos, Rain's Hillel, who had mastered the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny.

This woman was a bit dramatic following Carlos, but she was reserved and well behaved after following him, and she was the first one that Carlos imparted the Hegemony to.

Kylie is more gifted at seeing and hearing color dominance than armed color dominance.

The scenes where Kylie fights aren't as crushing, but the spectacle isn't bad.

Kylie wears a battle-appropriate white power suit with bullets all over her waist, ramp, and is armed with a double gun and pointy-toed shoes.

Depending on her interests, Kylie fights primarily with her two guns, supplemented by kicking techniques in the physical arts, Kylie's kicking techniques are a simplified version of Carlos's creation of the Twelve Path Tan Legs, the Wind Lightning Legs.

The Wind Lightning Legs for the physique, skills, and even the internal force in the body are more dry requirements, although there is no internal force in Carlos' body, but there is a special armed color tyranny with the nature of internal force.

I saw Kelly holding two very delicate, one gold and one silver large-caliber pistol, see and hear the color hegemony emitted, slender and powerful long legs moving quickly, flexible to dodge the many pirates of the sword chopping, shooting rain!

The fair and slender index finger from time to time buckled, a specially made, powerful, not inferior to the ordinary sniper rifle bullets burst out, the bullet accurate incomparable shot such as the heart, throat, forehead and other vital parts, blood waving, never a shot deadly!

The pirates but could not hit Kelly, the bullets finished, pistol lightly tossed, dodging attacks between running clouds for good bullets, from time to time to show down the clean and vicious kicks, floating and dashing contains a deadly rhythm, like DNF in the female roaming gunner, pleasing to the eye, amazing!

On the sea, all kinds of sounds mingled together seemingly fierce, but a closer look reveals that it might be more accurate to call it a massacre than a battle.

On top of the flagship of the United Fleet, there were still two people left, a dwarf and a gentleman dressed as a man, but both of them were not in a good condition at the moment.

The dwarf's face was gloomy and heavy, holding two daggers bent like snakes, dagger blades from time to time reflecting blue light, a look is coated with poison, there are two crossed sword marks on the chest is oozing blood; gentleman dressed in the hands of a man holding two special cards, expressionless, seemingly stable as an old dog, but actually the chest, back each a sword marks oozing blood, the injury is not shallow.

The two sides didn't fight for long, but it didn't take long for the one-eyed dragon who was good at physical arts among them to die under the opponent's sword, plus a casual glimpse of the scene, where the two still didn't understand that they had kicked off the hard iron plate that couldn't be hard enough!

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