I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 134.

This kind of hard, incomparably hard iron plate how could appear at the entrance of the great voyage does not say now new world, and then again should appear behind the first half of the great voyage ah.

They are too unlucky, perhaps this is the reason why they always walk by the river, where there is no wet shoes.

What they wanted most was not to kill Rain no Siru, but how to get away from there and get away!

The other party was too powerful, they were three against one and the other party also looked like they were more than capable of handling the situation, let alone the fact that they were still the only two left now.

Chapter 147 - First Showing of Vladimir's Strength (Second)

Rain no Hillel took a deep breath of the cigar that was about to burn out in his mouth, flexed his fingers, a small section of cigar was directly bounced off, and a thick smoke came out of his mouth, his figure moved with a murderous intent towards the two, and the air flashed with a bloody blade.

They scattered, not daring to tie the knot at all, the decapitation that contained great power wasn't something they could fight hard against.

The man in the gentleman's suit moved his hands, and four playing cards broke through the air with a strange arc, no less powerful than bullets, but more difficult to fathom.

Rain no Hilliu figure flicker, and then wielded the thunderstorm will be a special poker to cut off, solve three poker cards, but the last poker Rain no Hilliu is panicked, hastily dodged, the action appeared some flaw.

This flaw is not big, nor is it obvious, but as a veteran killer of the dwarf captured, did not hesitate to figure a movement at full blast rushed up, speed is not slow, a dozen meters away instantly.

He was trying to get away quickly, not wanting to delay, but if not kill the opponent, at least make it injured, otherwise the chances of escape is too small.

The dwarf was also worthy of being a killer, and he struck very viciously, jumping from the side and stabbing two blue daggers that were obviously coated with a strong poison at the waist of Rain's Shiroku.

What a vicious means of attack, this is to ruin the happiness of Rain no Higuiru's life ah, really stabbed in, Rain no Higuiru is not dead also suffered a serious injury.

However, it was clear that Rain no Hiryu was not that easy to resolve, every swordsman had experienced an unknown number of battles to reach the realm of a swordsman, and was experienced in battle, how could such a low-level mistake occur?

The reason for this flaw was just a flaw that was intentionally revealed by using the opponent's mindset.

Rain's Hillel drew a strange arc on the two-footed deck, and with two consecutive points, the figure disappeared in an instant, the entire deck suddenly without a trace.

"Not good."

Both of them raised their eyes to look around without finding any trace of Rain no Hiryu, their hearts thudded and looked up to the sky.

As expected, a shadow had obscured the dwarf killer's figure, and Rain's Hiryu held the thunderstorm in both hands, a blade brighter than the sun, a fancy-free slash.

The dwarf killer has been unable to dodge, and can only pray that he can block this knife, so the two daggers crossed to meet the bright light of the knife.

The dwarf's prayer did not succeed, and the powerful and fierce knife cut off the two daggers, cutting off the dwarf's head to the abdomen with a scarlet line of blood, and the dwarf's body fell upright on the deck.

The last surviving gentleman man's soul was on fire, his hands moved together, and in an instant, he waved out most of the special poker cards in his hand, and dozens of cards were shot at Rain no Hillel, flying in straight lines and curves.

After swinging them, the gentleman man didn't dare to look at the results and turned around.


Rain no Hilleu disdain, he no matter how much he is in the propulsion city is a very good mix of men, this great voyage entrance some weak man's tactics, how can he be able to do anything?

Both hands quickly wielded the thunderstorm, a thunderstorm like burst of sword energy sliced the flying special poker into pieces, and finally aimed a slash at the fleeing gentleman, just as the gentleman man was trying to flee the ship the sword whistled, the bodies separated and the fountain of blood rushed to the sky!

So far, the main leaders of this combined fleet were all dead.

Without stopping to mention the thunderstorm, Rain's Hillel went on a merry hacking spree elsewhere.

On the Stygian Moon, a few pirates also rushed on, but died violently under Susanna's green iron rod and Sholema's thin-winged dagger.

The powerful fighting power of the crowd killed the pirates of the United Fleet with numbness and chills, and the morale of the pirates without a mainstay quickly collapsed.

Those who escaped in big boats, those who escaped in small boats, those who panicked and jumped into the sea as if they were surrounded.

Carlos had no interest in the small boats, but the big boats had some interest, and everyone had been moving for so long, they couldn't just not charge a little for their hard work, could they?

So, he chased after the big boats that escaped and killed all the pirates on board.

After killing the three ships of pirates, all the pirates understood that getting on the big ship was a dead end, so they fled on small boats, which were lifeboats.

But the lifeboats are limited, even if a lot of dead, but the remaining ships can not load so many people.

In order to live, naturally, no one wants to give up their lives for others? Are you kidding? Are there any pirates who give up their lives for others?

There might be a few, but definitely not here, so the pirates fought each other again for the quota until the numbers dwindled to what the lifeboats could carry.

Carlos didn't want to kill them all, they were all unimportant minions, so why not leave some of them behind to spread his and his crew's name?

Fame and fortune indifferent, Carlos can't do it yet, his mentality hasn't reached that point yet, he's still young and more concerned with building a career and making a name for himself!

Some of the remaining pirates fled as they fled, Carlos didn't want to kill them and had no time to kill them, he was now carrying the captured supplies from the unsinkable ship with his crew, how could he kill the minions?

Fresh water, food, money and treasures, ammunition and other supplies were all moved to the Pluto, and everyone worked together to quickly empty the various wealth.

Made a fortune, although everyone had tired, but also very happy.

The first thing that you need to do is to take a look at the actual product or service.

What gold, silver and treasure, half of them are stored in the ship's vault, and the other half are distributed to the crew, giving contributions to everyone's share.

Although there was definitely a difference in the contributions during the battle, and it wasn't small, but Carlos didn't make the number too disparate.

After everything was moved, Carlos had the ships burned in a single fire before sailing away.

On the Stygian Moon, everyone was a little tired, and instead of rushing to do something, they sat around, had a drink and a bite to eat, talked about what they had just fought, took stock of their experiences, and made up for some shortcomings so they wouldn't have to do it again.

It was only when no one was tired and everyone was almost done discussing that Carlos announced that there would be a celebration party on the deck tonight to celebrate properly.

Although the enemy wasn't strong, it was, after all, their first battle on the great voyage, and there was still value in celebrating.

Everyone went to the small food bank in the galley to pick out their favorite ingredients, the small wine bank, the beverage bank to pick out their favorite drinks, and to tell Kylie about the dishes they wanted to eat the most.

As for things like the essential party grill, they took care of it themselves, grilling whatever they wanted.

As everyone was immersed in preparing for the banquet, time slipped by, day turned to night, the moon and stars, a shining giant ship anchored on the sea, wine, food tube enough.

Although there were only ten people, but the atmosphere was very warm, everyone made jokes, told jokes, performed their talents, told stories they had heard, bragged and so on, all were very happy, enjoying the atmosphere.

Chapter 148 - Whiskey Mountain Peak

Happy, happy night passed, and the Stygian Moon set sail once more, passing through the Twin Gorges and heading for Whiskey Peak Island on one of the most central routes of the great voyage.

While the Twin Gorges was home to Kurokas, Roger the Pirate's ship's doctor, Carlos wasn't too interested, and instead was quite interested in Rab, the whale.

Coincidentally, though, they passed by, probably when Rab went off to hunt for food, and didn't see Rab crashing into the Red Earth Continent.

Kurokas hadn't seen anything either, and after searching around the lighthouse with Carlos's eyesight, Carlos figured it would have run into Rab to build a house inside him.

Not being fortunate enough to see it, Carlos was slightly disappointed, but soon returned to normal.

Upon entering the Great Voyage, there were seven different routes, all of which were essentially independent, there would be a small number of overlapping islands, and the scenery of the adventure would be different on all seven routes.

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