I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 135.

The Straw Hat Bandits had chosen the middle route that started at Whiskey Mountain, and Carlos had chosen that route as well, not that Carlos had to follow the Straw Hat Bandits' route, but there was something on that route that Carlos had planned to get.

Such something was the ringing thunder fruit on the empty island, and whether or not this demonic fruit was obtained by Enylu or not, he had to have it in his hands.

If Enylu didn't eat it, then it was best that he got the Ringing Thunder Fruit and collected it until later when he would give it to someone he trusted with great potential.

If Aynilu ate it, then take Aynilu away, you can be touchy or brutal, it's just a matter of being nice before you go, if soft doesn't work, then come hard.

It was no longer possible for Aene Lu to grow to the point where he was a god in Air Island, this top-notch demonic fruit could no longer be dusted off, it should show itself in the world!

So, Carlos didn't want Ennilu to have already eaten this devil fruit, it was better not to have eaten it, so that it could be used to maximum effect in time.

This was the main reason why Carlos chose this route, without this Devil Fruit, he could actually choose any route.

Come what may, each route had its own adventure, its own excitement, but business was important, and it was not too late to experience the excitement on the other routes later.

Whiskey Peak, the middle of the seven routes, was ostensibly a welcoming town for pirates after more than twenty years, but in reality it was a gathering place for bounty men and a branch of the Baroque Work Agency under Crockdahl.

Now Krokdal enters the Great Voyage without even Carlos, but it is certain that Krokdal has not risen to the top, and there is no Krokdal to be found on the bounty.

At this time, Whiskey Peak was a chaotic town, local forces, pirates, bounty men, killers, gangsters and so on, dragons and snakes, the law and order was very poor, no little skills to survive here only kneeling.

Two days later, Carlos and his group had almost reached Whiskey Mountain, and the outline of the island could be seen from afar.

This island was the first one that Carlos and the others had to go down and take a look, not only because it was the first island that they had encountered on the Great Voyage, but also because Carlos and the others needed to buy a permanent pointer, a record pointer that was sold in the island shop.

Selling pointer is a high-risk and high-reward business on the Great Voyage, and there will never be a shortage of buyers.

Because the Great Voyage is a very special sea, geomagnetic, celestial, ocean currents, air currents are all chaotic, it is difficult to even locate your own position in the sea, let alone find an island.

The only thing you can trust is the record pointer and the permanent pointer.

The record pointer is fine, but the permanent pointer is very expensive, and the rarer the permanent pointer is, the more expensive it is.

In the past, the pioneer pirates had already explored the islands that passed through the seven routes in the first half of the Great Voyage, but the sea was so vast that there weren't just a few islands near the seven routes, just that those islands weren't on the routes.

Whether it was walking or sailing, people would pick the shortest journey.

On the Stygian Moon, a group of people were all standing on the deck, looking at the islands in the distance and looking forward to it.

After being on the ship for so long, everyone was more than eager to set foot on land again.

"Whiskey Peak will be here soon, and when it arrives, we'll all go down for a stroll."

"The Stygian Moon is moored at the dock, the control room is to be completely closed and not opened until we return."

The control room of the Stygian Moon was specially made, alloy defense, ordinary strong people can't really enter, and even if they did, they still need a password to steal the Stygian Moon, so it's quite safe not to leave the people left behind.

"Doris, Kylie, you two go with Suzanne as a companion to purchase the record pointer, the permanent pointer."

"Bring enough Berry, don't care about the money, record pointer you estimate to buy, permanent pointer no matter how many come on one."

"The rest of you are free to go, bring a signal gun, signal if there is danger, and return to the Stygian Moon at dusk."

"Remember?" Carlos pressed his hands against the side of the ship, looking at the Whiskey Mountains, and commanded without delay.

"Aye, Captain!" The nine people behind them spoke in unison.

"That's right, this place is mixed with fish and dragons, don't be polite if you are offended, just hit back and fight to the death so as not to leave trouble."

"But don't deliberately bully me, it's a disgrace to me, and there's a penalty for doing that."

"Yes, Captain."

There were quite a few ships around the whiskey mountain peak, but none of them were as huge as the Stygian Moon, as if it was a small mountain, the rest of the ships were basically the difference between an adult and a five or six year old child in front of the Stygian Moon, very noticeable.

The moment the Moon appeared, it didn't know how many eyes were attracted, secretly weighing and speculating, Carlos and others are not interested in what others think, what they think, as long as they don't commit any crime in their hands, think whatever you want!

The Stygian Moon dropped anchor and moored at the dock, and everyone jumped right off the ship, dispersing under the weight of many eyes, either intentional or unintentional, to do what they wanted to do.

Everyone had everyone's privacy, and there was no need for everyone to still be together when they got off the ship, private spaces were still necessary unless there was something to be done.

Carlos was dressed fairly simply when he got off the ship, a red-striped shirt with a black background, a sky blue tie, a pair of black trousers, and a pair of leather shoes.

Dressed simply, but with Carlos's perfect body, he was still quite stylish and handsome, and still had a big brotherly air about him.

Of course, Carlos dressed simply is compared to ordinary pirates, some pirates but dressed quite trendy, walking in the forefront of the pirate world fashion.

The streets of the town in the Whiskey Mountain today, although all kinds of shops are complete, but the most suitable for pirates to gather taverns, each street has two or three, a large number of, in broad daylight there are also many customers, it is haunted.

Carlos took out a cigarette case from his breast pocket, took out a cigarette as white as snow, popped it, lit it and continued on without any delay, taking stock of the town.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and a figure flew straight out of a large tavern twenty or so in front of him, hitting the street and cutting far away

Chapter 149 - Tyrant Bear

Carlos's eyebrows raised, stopped standing in place and looked towards the entrance of the tavern, only to see a tall figure of nearly seven meters slowly walk out, he was wearing a bear's head cap, wearing a black and white clothing with a meat pad pattern, wearing white spotted pants underneath, holding an exquisite book, looking at the style quite like the style of religious books.

This person is the original Bartholomew Bear, one of the Seven Seas, nicknamed the Tyrant's Bear.

It is said that the bear used to be the king of Sorbet Kingdom, but now is a domineering and cruel pirate, starting with a bounty of 70 million Bailey, Carlos anyway in the navy issued a bounty on the figure of the bear.

As for what the bear did to be bounty by the navy, Carlos is not clear.

Actually being bountied by the navy, world government didn't necessarily mean doing something harmful, working against the navy, world government, doing something detrimental to the navy, world government, or even a potential threat would be bountied.

Just like Little Robin, where has Little Robin done anything harmful to the world, except for being able to interpret history positive and a potential threat, a bounty has also been offered that is less than a lot of bounty for a harmless pirate.

In the original, we see that the bear has joined the revolutionary army and become a Shichibukai, voluntarily reformed for unknown reasons, attacking Luffy's gang in what appears to be a violent manner, but is actually completely playful, deflated, helpful, and actually a very gentle and great man.

But now the bear has mostly not yet joined the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army is now established or not are not yet known, after all, the sea round calendar 1500 years, he has not yet seen the dragon's bounty, the dragon has not yet received the title of the world's most vicious criminals.

The bear's nickname was Tyrant, his temper before meeting the dragon could be imagined, and his strength was definitely strong, otherwise he wouldn't have become one of the Seven Wookiee in the future.

Carlos didn't expect to meet him here, and his interest came to a head as he walked to the street to become stronger and leaned against the wall, ready to see what the show was going to be about!

As the bear walked out of the tavern onto the street, a large pile of mediums rushed out of the tavern, about twenty people, holding various weapons to surround the bear.

On the street, the one that was blown out by the bear who looked dressed unusually, like a leader, was already lying on the street rolling his eyes, unable to get up.

"These people don't dress, dress, and temperament are not quite like pirates ah, but rather more like bounty men, hitting on the bear?" Carlos, with his cigarette in his mouth, leaned against the wall, clasped his hands in his lap, and talked somewhat to himself with a hangdog's voice.

In the middle of the conversation, the two sides had dried up.

The bounty men with swords rushed up, the men with guns and cannons attacked from a distance, and the bullets and shells all avoided the men who rushed towards the bear, cooperating well, these people were like a team, not fighting alone or improvised people.

The only drawback was that it could only be launched through the flesh cushions in both hands.

Only the bear figure instantly disappeared in a flash, descended to shoot, open rocket launcher in front of the group of people, double palm quickly shot out four, four bear palm-shaped shock wave will be twelve or thirteen people all into the attack range, a bear palm shock wave through a person's chest.

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