I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 136.

The bear's move could have penetrated steel, and Frankie went out of his way to look down on the bear and was instantly spiked.

If not for the bear's lack of killing intent, deliberately deflated, this move was actually enough to instantly kill Frankie.

Frankie's transformed steel body still couldn't withstand it, not to mention these physique flesh and blood bodies in general.

Each of them were branded with bear-shaped marks on their chests, their chests collapsed, their bones and internal organs were directly shattered by the shockwave, and one by one they lay dead on the ground, bleeding to death with seven orifices, dying in a miserable state.

After taking care of these long-range firearms and sneaking up on those who were of some use to the bear, the rest of them were a naked slaughter.

The bear didn't show any mercy at this time, the tyrant didn't come for nothing, especially since these people were still hitting on him.

Therefore, the bear hit particularly ruthlessly, the figure flickered between, the Taoist bear paws dial clear wave, Taoist bear paws shock wave split the head of the sky blast out, each hit bounty people, body back, oral blood, face hideous cry, fall to the ground when the bones, organs and organs broken, seven orifices bleeding to death, the old miserable.

But this is also the fate of most bounty people, whether it is bounty people or pirates, killers, these people engaged in dangerous industries rarely have a happy ending.

You kill me, I kill you, miserable is miserable, but not pitiful, on their own choice of the road, what results have to accept, the world can not regret.

The street lying across the corpse, blood like red plum bloom in the blue stone street, up and down the onlookers many people, but any one dare to make a sound, let alone a shot.

The tall body of the Bartholomew Bear turned and was about to leave, when Carlos made a sound.

He was interested in the bear, and even if he couldn't gain the bear's trust, it was good to get to know him, and he was eager to fight him.

Since the opening of the Kaleidoscope Writing Eye, Carlos had been building up his stamina and pupil strength so that he could open even more powerful eyes, needless to say daily exercise definitely had to be persistent, but fighting strong people was also essential, and fighting was always a good way to increase strength.

"Wait a minute, don't leave in a hurry." Carlos stood out with a cigarette in his mouth, those bounty people's strength was too common to forbid bear fighting, so a cigarette hadn't even finished yet.

Carlos this out all eyes hit on Carlos, or surprised, or mocking, or expecting

The bear figure was startled, turned to look at Carlos, the gloves that had been put on were once again taken off, the figure disappeared in a flash, and the next moment came in front of Carlos, slapping at Carlos's skylight, with a decisive, vicious, violent hand!

Carlos was speechless, it also turned out to be only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname, this tyrant now, treating me as an enemy?

Carlos thought a lot, but the action was not slow, his legs moved, his figure disappeared, the bear slapped this slap in the air, the compressed air cannon blasted into the street, the green stone exploded and splattered everywhere, a deep bear paw mark floated on the ground!

The bear saw his attack come up empty for a slight moment, then quickly turned around and slapped his palm behind him, colliding with Carlos's right foot.

The kick felt very peculiar to Carlos, his power felt as if it had been dumped onto cotton, or more accurately more like in a black hole, it was absorbed cleanly and then the power bounced out unabated, causing Carlos to fly backwards.

However, Carlos had already understood the power of the Fleshball Fruit, so he prepared his heart and adjusted his body in mid-air, landing on the street in a dashing and decent manner.

The Fleshball Fruit was too perverted, it could bounce off anything, and if you wanted to defeat the bear, the attack had to avoid the bear's hands, it had to make the bear unable to defend itself or defend itself.

Carlos was still very confident in his own strength, the bear was strong but his overall strength was mostly inferior to him.

Carlos understood that the bear misunderstood his intentions, but Carlos wasn't going to explain, at least not for now, that was how to have a good fight, and if he really wanted to get to know the bear and then fight again, it would be a tangent, and the bear wouldn't even go all out.

Chapter 150 - Crossing Paths.

"Interesting, go on!" Carlos laughed lightly, his eyes transforming into triangular scythe kaleidoscope writhe eyes, and his body flashed at full speed, similar to the effect of a bear moving with his fruit ability as if it were shifting along.

The normal eye could no longer capture this level of extreme speed.

The Bartholomew Bear had put away his books, perhaps they were full of place names, after all the bear was so fond of having people travel, and both paws were out.

Pushing the pressure cannon!

The Tyrant Bear's two paws quickly slapped the air, the phantom was heavy, a transparent bear paw shockwave covered the top and bottom, and the space to dodge became very narrow.

Carlos' speed did not diminish, under the dual insight perception of Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny and Kaleidoscope Writing Eye, as if he was a swimming dragon and a butterfly, pulling a faint afterimage out of the massive Shockwave Bear Seal to rush in front of the bear, his figure leaping and spinning.

Tyrant's Elbow!

Strength converged, an elbow blast on the broad and thick left shoulder of Bartholomew Bear, brutal and overbearing power erupted like a mountain torrent, the bear's left leg bent, half-kneeling on the street, terrifying power poured out, a crack like a spider's web spread in all directions, the blue stone inch crumbled like a small stone.

Cracking sound sounded, Carlos's heartbeat, green-blue skeleton just wrapped around the whole body, the bear's palm had been slapped on the body, Carlos's figure exploded out and landed in a house on the street, with a bang, the walls shattered, smoke and dust filled the air.

Soon, a blurred figure appeared in the smoke and dust, Carlos walked out of the smoke and dust unharmed, the breeze blew, the smoke and dust fluttered, the tie slightly raised

The people watching the battle around them were simply boiling with blood and excitement, the two were just too strong.

But they didn't know that now Carlos and the bear were still controlling their power in a more sensible way, and when the battle was intense and they couldn't take care of it, the aftermath of the battle would most likely kill them, and sometimes watching it would get them into trouble.

"You're good." The bear moved his left shoulder.

It was the first time the bear had ever spoken to Carlos, his voice calm and gentle and containing warmth, a considerable contrast in style to his style of doing things and his size.

"You're good, too."

This encounter looked like Carlos was in more of a mess, but in reality it was Carlos who had the advantage.

His bullying elbow had traumatized the bear's shoulder quite a bit, and it was usually difficult to use it as freely as it should have been without careful healing before.

The bear had been a king, but what exactly he had gone through was not clear to anyone else.

Not to mention ordinary people, even an ordinary strong man would most likely be finished after taking one strike of his Tyrant's Elbow, but Xiong's strong physique, a faint armed color tyranny and active half kneeling to unload the force caused Xiong to only suffer some minor injuries.

The bear's physique was very powerful, or else the pacifist wouldn't have cloned and transformed the bear as the original, and would definitely have chosen better flesh for the cloning and transformation.

Yin Healing Bullet!

The bear slapped a pale red bear paw print the size of a man's head onto his left shoulder, and it popped out.

So getting back to normal is what usually happens, and the bear's Devil Fruit ability can actually keep the bear in tip-top shape all the time.

Popping the wound out won't affect the bear fighting, but of course, to get back to normal, you still have to heal it afterwards.

The bear's Fleshball Fruit is very well-rounded, which is why it's so strong!

Bear Paw Impact!

The bear clasped his hands together, not even using his ability to waste time slowly like he did when dealing with Straw Hat's group, instantly compressing a large cloud of air into transparent shiny bear paw prints and throwing them towards Carlos at speed.

Carlos's eyebrows jumped, and the kaleidoscope writhe in his right eye moved slightly, shifting his entity into Shin Megami Tensei space and watching with a smile as the transparent shiny bear paw print flew in front of him.

That's right, Carlos is not able to maintain his own entity in the divine Might space all the time, there is a projection of the virtual state outside, this is a time limit, can only maintain five minutes at most, but the bear paw impact also can not maintain five minutes ah.

To say that at this time the bear that is really irritable, he this move although not the whole town is enveloped in, but one sixth of the town is still there, will watch all the people to pull into the crowd.

The air that was compressed to the extreme erupted into giant bear paw prints that still looked somewhat cute, setting off transparent shiny shockwaves that erupted in all directions, the gravel on the street was blown away as if it were dust, the glass of the houses on both sides of the street shattered, the doors shattered, and the walls collapsed, giving people a feeling of the end of the world.

Those who were watching, be they pirates, bounty men, killers, or local business residents or whatever, looked horrified and powerless as they were enveloped by the shockwave, and then their eyes turned white, tumbling to the ground one after another like dominoes.

The good thing was that these people were already far away, and more or less ran a distance, so basically no one died, they were all severely injured to lightly injured to dazed over.

The bear paws shining above the town attracted everyone's attention at once, many people flew straight over, most of them went there with the intention of watching the commotion, the movement was really too attractive.

Only the town's controller looked extremely ugly, it was not good to do without absolute strength in this mixed fish and dragon place, it was even worse to do after such a big event.

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