I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 137.

This movement looks like there are strong people fighting, not just any strong people yet, I'm afraid this trip will only clean up the mess.

What compensation?

Can you claim compensation for the pirates? Can I just give you a little?

The smoke and dust cleared, and Carlos materialized, still unharmed, standing in the midst of the ruins, what he was before is still what he is now.

The bear's fleshball fruit was powerful, was his demonic fruit inferior? No, more powerful, this demonic fruit could only bloom with a world-renowned presence in his hands!

The bear's pupils shrank in surprise at the sight, and he looked into Carlos's eyes, "This is your Devil Fruit ability, isn't it, what a strange and powerful ability!"

"Heh heh heh that's right, you're good at it too."

"Again, don't be afraid to get hurt, I'll have my ship's doctor heal you."

"Watch out gob, I'm more serious."

Carlos rushed up towards the bear as soon as he finished speaking, his eyes closed and opened, the triangular scythe pattern changing into a triangular windmill pattern.

"The pattern in the eyes has changed."

This was noticed by the ever-vigilant bear, his heart was in awe, and his vigilance was raised to the highest, the Devil Fruit's abilities were so strange that if he wasn't careful, he would be at a disadvantage, or even guttered!

Carlos rushed in front of the bear, wrapped armed color domination around his hands and fought with the bear, but not hard, but to perform the technique of grappling point in the Heavenly Eagle Claws, will not collide with those fleshy palms at all.

Either swinging away the bear's paws with ingenuity or dodging them directly, with an Insight Color Hegemony stronger than the bear and the powerful insight of the Kaleidoscope Writing Eye, it wasn't difficult to do these things, the bear's paws were immensely powerful, but they were useless if they couldn't be slapped.

Paso Romi Bear's face was filled with gravity, and his eyes contained excitement again, this was the strongest person he had encountered after leaving his own country to travel around, and that powerful strength made his gradually cooling blood boil.

Chapter 151 - The God's Eye Bandit Group

Strength, speed, skill, dominance, and demonic fruit abilities are all so powerful!

Bartholomew Bear could feel a powerful armed colored overlord invading his body from his skin, hindering his movements and destroying the body within.

Above the ruins, their figures were intertwined, engaging in physical combat at a very fast speed, each collision setting off a strong wind that shattered the objects around them.

Suddenly, their eyes met as they always did when they exchanged power, this time unlike before, Carlos used illusions, either Read, and there was no feud, Carlos wasn't even close to using Read, or the normal illusion of using the Writer's Eye, which could only be used by using the Writer's Eye.

This illusion technique Stopwater's Kaleidoscope could be used to its maximum power, followed by the Weasel's Kaleidoscope, which could also be very powerful.

Even with the suddenness of the bear's later self-sacrificing spirit, he was caught off guard and his body's movements came to a halt for half a breath of time.

It wasn't a long time, but it was enough time for Carlos to seize the opportunity and extend his advantage.

Susa Noh!

The pupil's energy surged, and the fiery red energy turned into protective bones, a bony arm of Soso Noh emerged and grasped the bear in his hands.

Half a breath later, the strong-willed and courageous bear was freed from the illusionist's restraint, and his eyes were full of complex colors.

However, reality no longer allowed him to think too much, covered in a large red skeleton hand, the most important hands were directly bound, unable to use his abilities, the situation had reached a very dangerous point.

If he had been able to use his ability, even though the skeleton was powerful and strange, he would have been able to flick it away at will without taking it too seriously, but now it was a terrible situation.

The weakness of the fleshball fruit was here, all of that powerful ability needed both hands to display it, and with both hands tied, the ability was tantamount to nothing.

But the bear didn't give up, his strong body was mobilizing his whole body to break free from the restraints of Susano Nogu's hands, a powerful force kept exploding out, not to mention Susano Nogu's hands were actually somewhat toppled.

But how could Carlos let the bear out when it was so hard to surprise and count the bear out?

Immediately increasing the output of pupil power, the muscles, tendons, skin, and hand guards of Susano Noh's hand emerged at a rapid pace, and the power kept increasing, finally locking the bear firmly in place so that it could not move.

Although the bear also did not give up, but left the ground, the bear in mid-air can not explode too much power, struggle is also useless.

After fighting for some time, Carlos also considered to have some understanding of the bear's current strength, strong is very strong, in the first half of the great voyage few people are its opponent, but there is a lot of room for improvement.

For the bear as a person, Carlos was admired and rather liked, if not for the bear carrying a heavy past that was unknown and worth having the bear sacrifice himself to reach, Carlos would really want to pull him into his power.

Unfortunately, Carlos doesn't like underlings with too heavy a past, and Bear's acceptance of the World Government's reformation is almost impossible except by his own volition.

Bear's top boss, Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, couldn't order Bear to do something he didn't want to do, and Bear definitely belonged at the heart of the Revolutionary Army.

Carlos did not intentionally go against the world government, after all, he wanted to be black and white, a powerful force on his own, everywhere in the world, the revolution such a difficult activity is too great, not his food, difficult to do.

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you're not going to be able to do anything about it, and that you're not going to be able to do anything about it.

It was too tragic for an existence that could speak to any power in the world, as a seventh martial sea, to be reduced to a slave of the parasitic Sky Dragons!

"I won the fight, didn't I, big guy?"

"You're too impulsive, I didn't stop you from leaving, I didn't provoke you, I just saw that you were remarkable and wanted to get to know each other and have a drink together and attacked me."

"It's a good thing I'm good at it, or else I'd die a horrible death."

As he spoke, Carlos placed the Basilomi Bear on the ground and released it with an open hand, and the hand of Susano Noh turned into fiery red energy that quickly dissipated into the world


The Bartholomew Bear looked at Carlos surprised that he had let himself go so easily?

It seemed that the other man was telling the truth, he thought there was some sort of an agenda, he seemed too irritable and impulsive, at least let someone else finish their sentence ah.

So the bear resolutely and sincerely apologized, although he only said three words, but with the bear's temperament, saying three words was already good enough.

After all, the bear hadn't said much from his appearance to complete unconsciousness.

"It's okay, we're not fighting anymore." Carlos waved his hand without a care in the world, he was in a pretty good mood after having fought his hand and winning the battle with his weird tactics.

"Captain, Captain,"

Two of the nearby crewmen arrived to see Carlos speeding over to the ship, and when they arrived, they looked at the two with some curiosity.

"No fighting, get ready, invite him to the ship tonight for a party!"

The two crew members brightened and nodded, standing next to Carlos, good for a party.

"By the way, big man, still don't know your name?"

"My name is Lucifer Carlos, and this is my crewman, Orson, O'Neill." Carlos gracefully introduced, a handsome little tie that fluttered in the wind ah.

Carlos naturally knew the bear's name, but after all, it was the first time we met, so naturally you can't just break someone's name, it's still a small matter where you know it from, and the point is that this very much makes people think that you have ill intentions.

"My name is Bartholomew Bear, you're also pirates, right?"

"And the look of His Excellency Carlos, I feel a little familiar, I think I've seen him somewhere" Sensing Carlos' kindness, the bear relaxed a little, his voice was still gentle and warm.

"I am the godfather of the West Sea Mafia Alliance, now sailing with my crew"

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