I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 139.

As for the power to which the three women themselves belong? He Krokdar doesn't care yet, since he obtained the fruit of Sasha, he's had a smooth ride and is unbeatable, afraid of a ball?

He's the man who's going to defeat Whitebeard and become the next Pirate King!

Just do it and be done with it!

The town would not have been very big, and after receiving Carlos' notice, the crew came, but they could not let anything happen to the female crew, the female crew was originally a precious lump in the pirate group, even if they had no intention of what happened, they could also be eye catching and pleasing to the eye on the voyage.

It's not good to always hang out with a bunch of stinky men, it's easy to bend them over time.

The first to arrive was Rain no Hiryu, as Carlos had first informed him, and he was closest to the place, and Rain no Hiryu bit the most impatient!

What can't Hidetoshi Rain wait for?

Of course I can't wait to kill!

Rain no Hillel arrived after observing the battlefield and found that Doris was still holding on, the figure moved, and then killed the nearly 100 pirates who were hiding with Susanna, Kylie.

Rain's Hee stay full of excitement from the back of the sneak attack, thunderstorm out of the box, the horror of killing intent over the last few pirates, making the four body stiff, then a snowy cold blade wiped their throats, scarlet blood spray, blood mist, clean and bloody!

Chapter 153 - Sand Crocodile's Holdout (Medium)


The first few pirates to be attacked by Rain's Silhouette didn't even scream and hiccuped, after Rain's Silhouette had killed nearly ten pirates, the screams continued to ring out before the pirates recruited by Krokdal realized that there was someone behind them to attack.

Immediately some of the pirates turn over, get swords and other cold weapons rushed to the rain, there are pirates with guns to pull the trigger, a projectile shot to the rain.

Rain no Hieu is not afraid, subtle and sharp swordsmanship cast open, only to see the air in a flash of knives diagonally down, flying a projectile was cut in half to fall.

Footsteps changed, Rain's Hilliu's speed suddenly soared, the pirates who had originally rushed over to Rain's Hilliu hadn't yet rushed in front of Rain's Hilliu, and then Rain's Hilliu's blade lit up again, and even the swords and people were sliced open, and the screams rang out again, and several pirates either had their chests cut open, or their stomachs cut open, or their throats cut open, or their arms cut off, a miserable batch!

One by one in great pain, lying on the ground howling, cut down okay, not much cry of pain, those missing arms and legs, blood flowing, intestines flowing out, that's too painful.

The real world than anime depth beautification of the picture can be too cruel, pirate that is the real high-risk industry, with the knife to lick the blood to describe is not too much.

After the arrival of the rain to stay, Martin, Riley, Xiao Lema have arrived, Martin directly to help Doris to go, Martin and Xiao Lema is to help Kelly and others.

Within a minute or two of the three of them arriving, Carlos also arrived with his men.

Riley at the moment has become the most beautiful that cub on the battlefield, the huge size is quite striking, the huge legs, every move of the hand caused quite a big shock, the killing power is amazing.

Carlos didn't send the two crew members beside him to fight anymore, they were already completely enough to deal with the situation, but measured the young Klokdar, and I must say that the youngest of the year Klokdar did have a kind of big brother style.

But now Krokdar can't be so easy, his face is very ugly, before one-on-one, he steadily suppressed Doris, but once Martin, a broken fruit ability, entered the battle, the advantage was gone.

If it wasn't for the fact that Sandy Fruit was a natural ability, capable of elementalizing, and Martin and Doris hadn't yet developed Armed Color Tyranny, then Krokdar's situation would have been quite worrying.

What upset Klokdar the most was the group of useless pirates that he recruited and joined him, a large group of people couldn't handle two pussies and were also slaughtered indiscriminately by the other party's support, it was simply not on the same level, the difference was too great.

Krokdal is not going to admit that he is sour, although he has always been confident, only believe in their own strength, but his own group of men is also too humiliating his face, do what not, eat what is not left.

What a shame!

Carlos looked for a while, and found that due to the elementalization, the two of them together could not take down Krokdar, but instead Krokdar was getting smoother and smoother, and the one-to-two downfall was gradually wrestled back by him.

This kind of situation only he or rain no shirou take action, currently Lucifer family or divine eyes pirate group also just he and rain no shirou mastered the armed color handle things, Kylie down due to Carlos give him a small stove mastered see color tyranny.

The reason for this is that it's not just a matter of time, but also a matter of time.

Rain's Hilleu's killing nature is quite heavy, in addition to his own personality, in the propulsion city that kind of environment by embers also greatly influenced, with him, the killing nature did not increase much, perverted not too serious, slightly perverted.

In this situation, only he personally took action, Carlos himself did want to engage with Klokdar, to hammer this B into submission, he will only be scrupulous later, will not rely on the account.

In other words, Bear and Crockdahl will be the same Seven Wonders in the future, but the treatment is very different ah.

Although certainly have to fight the last game, but the bear after the fight Carlos invited to a banquet, Klokdar well, a banquet is not to think about, not to be beaten, beaten out of the shadow is good.

The difference in treatment in addition to the different reasons for the encounter, but also because Carlos's senses of the two are not the same, although Krokdal is a very charming villain, and washed up later, but compared to the bear to give him a shock is unreachable.

"I'll be right back." Carlos smiled faintly.

The bear nodded, not offering to help, that would be an insult to Carlos.

Having just fought, he had an idea of Carlos' strength, and the man playing with sand was not bad, but he shouldn't be a match for Carlos'

The opponent's physical skills were average, and dealing with a strong person who couldn't hegemony could be compensated with elementalization, just like a scenario in the middle of a battle, but once you encountered a strong person who could hegemony, it was fine to know in advance that there was such energy, but not to know that your life could be lost if you were attacked unexpectedly.

It's true that you can become a master even if you don't know how to dominate, but you can't become the top master, that is, the small group of people at the top of the pyramid.

Carlos shifted and between shifts, he stepped onto the battlefield that was covered by a hundred meters of sand.

"You two go down and rest, you were too hard to handle before you learned to dominate."

"Yes, Captain!"

Martin and Doris put away their lit auras at the news, put away their knives, and retreated in a hurry.

Krokdar's eyes glazed over and his face sized up Carlos, wondering if it was possible that he was so unlucky to meet a would-be dominating expert at the head of the Great Voyage.

Hegemony was something he still understood because of his once secret experiences, it was more common in the New World, and more common in the first half of the Great Voyage, which was the Navy.

But unfortunately he knew of the existence of Hegemony, but he didn't have a specific method to practice it.

Although Klokdar had great ambitions and wanted to become a pirate king, but things were very pragmatic, since he couldn't learn Hegemony to get himself in front of it from other aspects, the main thing was to develop the Devil Fruit ability, and the Sasha Fruit had been developed quite deeply by him.

"Who are you?" Krokdar remained apparently unmoving and remained calm, and even though he was completely down and out, he was still confident in his ability to escape, even if he was completely down and out, he was still quite confident in his own safety.

"Lucifer Carlos, their captain." Carlos smiled slightly, his eyes closed, while suddenly opening, a red laser laser thundered through the void and blasted straight at Krokdal's head.

The red laser light reflected in Krokdal's eyes startled him, and he subconsciously turned on the elementalization, fortunately, the elementalization only required a thought and opened quite fast, otherwise it was mostly finished.

Krokdar's head was blown right off, but it quickly gathered itself and drank and cursed, "How sinister!"

Wow, this guy can kill with his eyes, tsk, very nice Devil Fruit ability.

But in his heart, Klokdar was marveling, even a little envious, this killing with his eyes, that's so decent, quite a plateful!

"Heh heh heh" Carlos chuckled, "Just a little joke, I knew you wouldn't be easily killed by a ray like that."

"Just a little joke!" Crockdahl cursed in his mind, but his face was a picture of gravity!

Chapter 154 - Sand Crocodile's Grievances (Part 2)

Carlos was saddened to feel the weight of Krokdal's condensation

What do you lament? Lamenting his decision to go to Propulsion City to secretly save the Golden Lion, this decision was just too wise.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had learned from the Golden Lion the cultivation method of Seeing and Hearing Color, Armed Color Hegemony, and understood the information of Hegemony, he would have been very difficult to deal with Crockedale even if he had the Devil's Pupil, a powerful and incomparable Devil's Fruit, and the top of his physical technique

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