I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 140.

No water, no sea floor stones, no armed color hegemony, dealing with natural abilities that can be elementalized that's a lot of trouble!

There were quite a few strong people under this world who knew how to cultivate Hegemony, but it would be too rare to find a strong person who was willing to teach him and he hadn't yet owed a favor.

Why should anyone else teach you Hegemony for no reason?

Even if there were other sources that paid too much, that was as quick and time-saving as he got from the Golden Lion.

The ground is cracking!

Eroding the cycle!

Krokdar decided to make the first move before making the surroundings more favorable to him.

Krokdal knelt down on one knee and pressed his right hand on the sand, the ability of the sand fruit was activated, invisible waves swept in all directions, the earth under the sand was losing moisture fast, the edge of the desert was also in all affairs, even the stone buildings had to be in dry cracking.

The left hand is also pressed on the earth, the cracked earth, rocks, plants and other affairs are rapidly turning into sand, some heavy buildings are also slowly sinking into the sand, originally only a hundred meters radius of the desert expanded to a radius of five hundred meters.

Carlos eyes turned into triangular scythe kaleidoscope eyes, green-blue energy emerged to block out the power of sanding, did not stop the movement of Krokdar, have to let Krokdar use all his strength to be beaten up again, later his words will be more influential, of course, there must be some other means to assist.

"Hey, kid, what's your name?"

"Had enough of the charade?"

"I'm going to hammer you," Carlos eyebrows raised, directly arrogant and domineering provocation.

Krokdar stood up from the ground, his face sunk, bullying, daring to say that she was playing a trick, and contemptuously said that she was going to hammer him, when he Krokdar who was he?


Krokdar raged, "I'm going to suck all the moisture out of you and turn you into the ugliest dried corpse for collection, and remember, the man who took your life is called Shakrokdar!"

You can't lose by losing. You can't lose by losing!

Krokdar raised his hands upwards, and two spiraling scrolls simultaneously rose from all sides of Carlos, rushing towards Carlos' front, back and skull.

Carlos' pupil power surged with a thought, blue energy exploded, and Soso Noh's bones emerged quickly and grew bigger, blocking the tendrils and directly breaking them.

The moment he broke this move, Soso-noh dissipated, and Carlos's figure rushed towards Krokodal, his terrifying running speed creating a layer of sand waves on top of the sand, like a battleship riding the wind and waves.

Krokdar used the ability of the Sand Fruits to manipulate the sand on the ground to chase after him, sand dunes, sand strength, salon rolls, sand guns, and quicksand caves kept appearing, hindering Carlos's progress.

However, Carlos's strength was beyond Crockdal's expectations, that seemingly normal punch and kick contained great power, collapsing everything in his way, even if the front was dense with quicksand caves, there was no way around, but others directly stepped on the air and rushed over, how could this still be stopped?

The arc-moon dunes!

Soon Carlos was only ten meters away from Krokdar, Krokdar's right hand rapidly changed into a crescent-shaped sand blade to cut Carlos, this cut will not cause trauma, it will only instantly drain the water from the body and turn into a dry corpse, mummy, it is a terrifying move.

Carlos, however, could not be hit by such a simple move, even if he did not use the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny, his eyes also saw all of Krokdar's movements clearly, his body soared up in the air and flipped a heel, his right leg slammed down, the air was compressed into a zap under the powerful force.

Krokdar was busy backing away to avoid the blow, leaving a deep mark on the sand, at this time Carlos landed just in time, his toes tapping the sand, rushing in front of Krokdar in an instant, his five fingers entwined with his own unique armed color domination, five fingers like hooks, scarlet as blood!

Klokdar swung his left arm's scorpion venom needles hard towards Carlos's outstretched arm, his scorpion venom needles were crafted by a skilled craftsman, not only were they incredibly sharp, but they were also coated with poison!

Carlos was already reserved after exploring his claws, ready to deal with Krokdar's move, seeing the change of footsteps, his body moved with his claws, and his claws turned into a graceful arc in the air, clasping on top of the Scorpion Poison Needle.

Celestial Eagle Claw!

A hawk cry could be faintly heard, domineering energy surged, physical strength exploded at the same time in an instant, the carefully forged golden scorpion poison needle was directly snapped by Carlos, and the left hand was brought together into a finger, the same domineering energy wrapped around the finger swiftly and swiftly stabbed at Krokdar's chest.

It all happened in a flash of lightning, the weapon being snapped hard making Krokdar's mind shocked, and at Carlos' swift, thunderous finger even extended his right fist, fist wrapped in thick, hard sand to meet it.


The armor-breaking effect with the most powerful piercing power ripped right through the sandbagged fist, grabbing the entity that was trying to elementalize Krokdar, causing Krokdar's right fist to poke through the flesh, just a hair's breadth away from hurting the bone, blood gushing out, tick tock tick tock

In a single shot, using most of his energy on fruit development, the average physical ability of Krokdar was injured.

Krokdar's physical skills nowadays were crushing against most ordinary pirates, but against a strong man like Carlos who didn't relax his physical skills at all times, he couldn't keep up.

After a blow, Crookedal had an understanding of the gap between the two physical skills, and wanted to pull away, but Carlos did not give this opportunity, the claws and fingers into fists, fists in a row, like a hurricane towards Crookedal blast, the sky fist is more dense than Luffy's rubber machine gun.

Krokdar was tragic, forcibly swinging his hands to resist no more than a few fists landed on his body, so he immediately used Elementalization, but was caught solid by the Armed Colored Hegemony on Carlos' fist.

Armed Color Hegemony does not nullify the ability's elementalization, but instead grabs the entity from the elementalized energy substance and strikes.

If the ability is elementalized ahead of time and shifts its entity, there is no difference between the Armed Colored Hegemony attack bombarding the previous material energy and a normal attack.

For example, Green Pheasant's Frozen Fruit, he elementalized into ice in advance and shifted his entity to a non-striking position, and no matter how much the previous part was used with Armed Color, it was useless because the entity wasn't even in the previous position anymore.

Krokdar was entangled in Carlos's swift, incessant attacks, and didn't have time to shift his entity, so he was caught accurately by Carlos's armed color domination, and then that was tragic.

Raining fists landed on Krokdal's face hitting Krokdal with severe pain and bruises, Krokdal was so angry, when had he, Krokdal, ever been wronged like this?

It was a childhood that hadn't been subjected to this kind of aggravation even without getting the salsa fruit, and the bully was too victorious, he vowed, don't give him a break or he'd die with this bastard called Carlos!

Chapter 155 - Sand Crocodile's Grievances (End)

A set of Hurricane Fist blows on Krokdal almost knocked Krokdal out.

Krokdal is also a tough guy, endured the pain on his face and body, using the hurricane fist a set of hit to the next attack in a short period of time to force the use of elementalization into the sand, disappeared.

Hoo a gust of wind blew, the sand went to, hundreds of meters on the desert except for Carlos empty, empty.

Carlos Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony emitted, the Kaleidoscope Writing Eye's insight, predictive ability was no less than the Seeing and Hearing Color, but a pair of eyes, unless they were 360 degrees without a dead angle like the Zongjia White Eye, there was still a blind spot in the field of vision, so Carlos would often go with the Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony.

"Yo, that's pretty rigid, thinking about something other than escaping, though you can't actually escape if you want to."

The edge of the desert for hundreds of meters in a radius had been surrounded by Rain's Hillel, Martin, Doris, and Riley with the crew of the God's Eye Bandits, and even Bear had pulled off his gloves to help.

Although the bear and Carlos now just know each other, but at least some friendship, naturally will help Carlos, rather than the unknown Croydal.

The sand beneath Carlos's feet as he spoke was already like a wave, a suction force coming out of the sand cave, trying to drag Carlos underground, once he was in the underground sand layer, Carlos was really a bit passive.

But this level of attraction wasn't able to restrain Carlos yet, and his body exploded with strength, breaking free of the suction and jumping to where the attraction couldn't reach.

Desert Bolt!

The ground shook, and a shimmering golden luster chopped from the ground towards the ground, but although this attack was powerful, it wasn't difficult for Carlos, who had great insight, to hide, it was much easier than Luffy facing Krokdal, and it wasn't too much of a stretch to say that it was a leisurely walk.

To be honest, Carlos felt that he had underestimated Krokdar, he even endured the wounds and seized the fleeting opportunity to use Elementalization to get rid of him, and after getting rid of him, he not only did not run away, but also fought him!

Crockdahl, hard?

Hard enough!

But no matter how hard it was, Carlos was going to crack him, even if he didn't want to waste his strength forcing Krokdal out, he couldn't wear Krokdal out just by consuming him, he had the stamina, time, and patience to take his time playing with Krokdal.

"Your name is Shacklokdar, right?"

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