I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 141.

"No, I should be the one who misremembered, you should be called Wimp Krokdar, hahaha" Carlos scoffed loudly after dodging the desert blade.

Klokdar didn't respond, but the frequency of attacks increased, all kinds of sand attacks attacked Carlos, but couldn't do anything to Carlos, wasted energy.

"I say, don't waste your energy, there's a difference in strength between you and me, it's normal to get beaten up by me."

"Your men are all dead, why are you still holding out?"

"You can't escape, hurry out and surrender."

"I'm not going to kill you, you're a wimp but you still have strength, you should have some future in the future."

"As long as you agree to my terms, we won't hinder you from leaving."

Carlos dodged and shattered attacks while harassing Krokdar with words.

Although Klock didn't say anything, from the frequency and intensity of the attacks, Klockdal should have been exasperated.

Nowadays, Krokdar wasn't that deep in the city yet, he was not long out to sea, springing to life, and suffering from headbutts and verbal squeezes, it was inevitable that he would be exasperated

"Ugh, why are you such a stubborn boy." Carlos was old-fashioned, not thinking about the fact that he was a bit younger than Krokdar.

"It's not like I'm trying to take you under my wing or pull you aboard."

"I just want to establish a partnership with you, and if I have something to do with you in the future, just give me your full cooperation."

"That's a generous offer, isn't it? Although I dominate the partnership, it is a partnership after all, and you are not one of my men."

"It's not good to be too high-minded, kid, but I'm very lenient when you go through a social beating to know how powerful it is."

"Beat you up and all your loser henchmen lost their lives, our grudge is wiped clean."

"If you don't listen to me, just keep on doing it, when you run out of energy and can't use your abilities, I'm afraid you'll just suffocate to death underground."

"If that's the case you Krokdar will make a big name for yourself, to be the first ability to die from your own abilities in all time is a slap in the face and a belly laugh."

Carlos was displaying his mouthpiece, chattering and harassing Krokdar as if magic sound was pouring into Krokdar's ears, and with the ease with which he dodged various attacks, it simply made Krokdar despair!

Carlos's mouth-breathing attack, the magic sound was still working, causing a gradual change in Klokdar's deadly mindset, which seemed unnecessary

But although the heart was a little shaken, but to be strong Crockdal did not want to immediately submit to fall into the hands of Carlos, so he stopped attacking and chose to flee, but to escape is not so simple, surrounded by people on all sides.

Krokdar fighting so long physical strength consumed a lot, and wounded, unable to sand the un-sanded dirt rocks, just popped out of the head and was blocked back!

After a few more attempts, he still didn't succeed, instead he was slashed in the direction of breaking Rain's Hilleu guard and took a bear slap in the direction of breaking Bear's guard, it was a good thing he was alert to the limit, elementalized fast enough, and Rain's Hilleu and Bear didn't want him dead after listening to Carlos's chatter, otherwise Krokdar wouldn't have been able to go back underground.

Krokdar sighed a bit underground, feeling what little energy was left and with Carlos' mouthpiece in his ear, he had to leave the underground and lie on the ground, choosing his last path.

Carlos saw Krokdar appear and ran up to Krokdar with a smile on his face, tsk tsk, what a tragedy, his face was bruised and purple, his handsome and firm face was gone, his clothes were tattered and torn like a beggar, his body was also purple and bruised, and there was a blood oozing sword mark and a cute bear paw mark.

"What are you looking at? Come kill or be killed!" Krokdal lay on the ground, vaguely, still very tough, but in reality is not so tough, and then with the same toughness as before will not come up.

It's not that Klokdar is greedy and afraid of death, as the Seven Wonders of the Sea, Klokdar will not be greedy and afraid of death, it's just that Carlos's mouthpiece worked, there is no need to die, can live no one wants to die, except for non-normal people.

Carlos laughingly took out two beautiful, energetic telephone insects, squatting down to envelop himself and Krokdar, one photo, one video, angry Krokdar almost died on the spot!

"Document your boy's embarrassment, and if you don't do your best in the future when we work together, I'll send it all over the world, gah gah gah."

Carlos's wicked laugh rang out, deliberately accentuating the words embarrassing, cooperative, and promiscuous, and then controlling the exhausted and quite wounded Krokdar in various humiliating poses.

This shame is not a shame, don't get it wrong.

Krokdal wants to cry, it's so tmd bullying, where is this asshole from, bitch!

I'm a hero!

Chapter 156 - Carlos's Fetish

Poor Krokdal had no strength to resist at all, and could only allow Carlos to pose in humiliating poses, such as Carlos holding a cigarette in his mouth, stepping on Krokdal's chest with his foot, pointing his gun at Krokdal, and laughing with pride.

Behind Carlos' crew came running, with help, and this posed even more, putting Krokdar that was a good humiliation, tossing.

Of course Carlos didn't think it was humiliation, Krokdar thought it was humiliation, Carlos thought it was just him making it, getting hold of some of Krokdar's black material.

Crockdahl was powerless to resist, a face of life, but his heart was furious, and vowed in his heart that if he was still alive after today, he would remember the shame of today, and would get back all the humiliation he had suffered!

He doesn't kill Carlos either, he wants to pose Carlos in even more humiliating poses, take pictures, record it on video, and also imprison Carlos and humiliate him all the time to avenge today's hatred!

The events of today had affected Krokdar quite a bit, so much so that when he became a Seven Wookiee in the future, every time he saw a bear, he was uncomfortable all over.

Because the bear had witnessed his shame and he couldn't kill the bear... Disgusting, disgusting!

After taking enough pictures and taking a long enough likeness, Carlos was satisfied enough to put away the two phone bugs.

"Done, this is over for today, let you live."

"If you want revenge later, come and fight me alone like a man."

"Let's go."

Carlos said with a smile on his face to Klokdar, who was lying on the ground, then turned and left, followed by the bear and Carlos' crew.

Whether or not Klokdar could survive in this state, Carlos couldn't care less, at any rate, he was one of the future Seven Wookiee, so he shouldn't be so useless.

As for Krokdal's future revenge whether it was to come to him for a single fight or to start a war, Carlos was not weak, not to mention holding Krokdal's black material in his hands.

Strong people are proud inside, not arrogance but pride, and unless Carlos pushed too hard, Crockdahl definitely didn't want to see his embarrassment spread all over the world, it was too shameful and humiliating.

With guests and an incident, everyone had no desire to stroll around the town any longer and returned together above the Stygian Moon.

"Bear, how is my ship?" Back on the ship, the others went about their own business, and Carlos personally led the bear on a tour of the Stygian Moon.

"Spectacular, atmospheric, mysterious!" The bear held a book in his right hand in front of his chest and spoke lightly.

Hearing the bear's words, Carlos was quite happy, the bear was like this, although the tone was quiet and gentle, but the emotional fluctuations were not strong.

Next, Carlos continued to take the bear on a tour, the Stygian Moon was big enough that it would take quite a while for all of them to turn around, and when the evening came, the banquet began.

Grilled meat, fruits, wine, snacks and all kinds of hot and aromatic dishes kept coming up, and on the Moon, everyone talked, sang, danced and performed their own talents.

Although not up to the degree of professionals, but this is self-entertainment, as long as everyone is happy.

After eating and drinking, Carlos pulled a bear and the crew to play the traditional game on the Stygian Moon, Stud.

There is a long table in the center of the special chess room, where eleven people sit in order, Carlos the captain and the bear the guest, and the rest of the crew members sit on both sides.

The game continued until most of the night, when everyone dispersed to rest separately.

The next day, after lunch, the bear took his leave of Carlos, who did not stay, nor did he solicit the bear to come aboard.

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