I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 154.

Riley didn't even pick up on what Tori and Brockie were saying and changed the subject, "I'm going to challenge you to a warrior's honor, a physical fight to the death!"

Riley's brain was still a lot more flexible than the two giants who had been dueling for hundreds of years, before he was too lazy to waste energy explaining what was going on and just change the subject, or what he had to pick up as a warrior.

"A warrior's honor?"

"Do you understand what it means to be a warrior's glory?" Tori scowled.

"That's right, just like you guys, you know what the glory of a warrior is at a glance." Brockie was similarly disdainful, while the glory of a warrior wasn't only understood by them Elbaff's warriors, Elbaff's warriors definitely knew it best!

"Cut the crap, just say if you dare to respond to the battle, granny, not crisp at all, like a pussy."

Riley said this, provoking the general was successful, but it also made Doris, Kelly, and Susanna's faces sink, wondering how to find Riley's trouble

"Heh heh heh" the two giants laughed back in anger and this time Brockie was the first to say, "You're so arrogant, it's hard to believe you want one to beat us both at the same time?"

"Not only arrogant, but also foolish, thinking that having the Devil Fruit ability to become as tall as us is a match for us?" Tori sneered.

"I'm not a match for two at the same time, so I'll fight you today, and then I'll fight you next time." Riley pointed first at Tori and then at Brockie.

"And some self-awareness, well, I'll fight you, now, and show you that not everyone can be called a warrior!"

Tori looked a little better and threw aside his greatsword and shield with a flick of his hands.

"Let's wait until you rest for a while, so I don't have to say I'm taking advantage of the situation and winning dishonorably." Riley was confident, he was quite confident in his own strength.

"No, a true warrior, no matter what situation he faces, never backs down when it's time for him to fight, even if it kills him."

"It's just a matter of expending some energy, so come on, fight!" Green Ghost Dongli did not hesitate to reject the word, the huge fist of his right hand clenched tightly and blasted a punch directly towards Riley's chest, ancient and unpretentious with only a faint wind sound, the power restrained within.

For the control of physical strength, the giant clan, especially the warriors of Elbaff, manipulated it quite delicately.

Riley didn't dodge either, clenching his own fist and smashing it as well, the strong wind curled and the sound was quite massive, but in reality the power was overflowing and wasted.


A simple punch against a dull sound rang out, a strong wind spread in all directions, and the battle between the two officially began.

Brockie was busy retreating to the side, axe at his side, sitting on the ground, watching the battle carefully.

The ornamental nature of the battle between the two wasn't as high as an ordinary battle, but it was extremely easy to draw hot blood, fist to fist, close to the flesh!

At first the two were fighting back and forth, you give me a punch, I give you a kick, but after a few minutes Riley was at a disadvantage, even though Dongli had expended a lot of energy, Riley's fighting skills, fighting experience were lacking, his endurance was also less, and his strength was also less.

Boom, boom, boom dull sounds of punches and kicks kept sounding, after Riley fell into the disadvantage, it would take two or three punches and kicks before he could counter a punch and kick.

The giant's strength was no joke, the punches were going to collapse the small mountain, and the punches and kicks were blasting Riley's face and body, leaving Riley bruised and blood streaming out of his nose and mouth.

Riley was feeling a little ashamed and a little lost that he couldn't beat the other guy, but the good news was that Riley wasn't unprepared.

He'd been mentally prepared for that request to Carlos, the mental preparation to get beaten, the mental preparation to learn while he could, the mental preparation to steal a master, and the mental preparation to be defeated repeatedly.

Giants usually wouldn't turn down a challenge anyway, especially these two dueling centuries-old existences, so take your time to learn, and with someone to hold him down, he wouldn't have to worry about his life.

After half an hour, Riley couldn't hold on to be knocked down and was trying to get up, Carlos gave Martin a wink, and Martin stepped forward and conceded on Riley's behalf.

Eastley saw no poor pursuit and proudly took back his weapon, he defended his warrior's honor!

Riley's ability to disarm the Devil's Fruit was brought back by Martin, and Sholema was busy taking out his portable medical kit to heal Riley, who was swollen in many places all over his body, especially his head, which was swollen like a pig's head.

But Riley's injuries only looked scary, actually not serious, no internal injuries, all external injuries, the most serious injury is just a slight misalignment of the bones, these injuries can be easily healed.

Dong Li also suffered some injuries on his body, but those were even more minor injuries, Dong Li didn't take them seriously at all, and didn't need medical treatment at all, he could rely on the giant's strong body to heal automatically in a day or two.

It would take Riley about the same amount of time, which of course took a bit of subtle healing by the doctor, the giant bloodline was still very strong.

Two days later, almost better, Riley ran to challenge Brockie again, this time still hammered and battered, but holding out a bit longer under his thumb.

After healing it was repetitive challenges that took turns, and now the island of the Sword was a busy place.

Within a day, Dong Li and Brockie will duel, after the duel one of them will fight Riley again, repeatedly defeated Riley is considered to have initially gained the approval of the two, the three of them will sometimes scuffle a bit, and the fight is a lot of fun.

Carlos and the others observed only two fights, and then they went off to explore the Island of the Pacific.

In addition to exploring Taikoo Island Carlos and the others would also do something else that they enjoyed, Carlos's two favorite things were first to use his kaleidoscope writing eye to manipulate various wild animals to go crazy and mess around; the second was to use the abundant wildlife of Taikoo Island to practice the fine manipulation of tyrannical dominance, practicing to the point of shocking himself to the point where he wanted to be stunned.

Carlos and the others are not in a hurry, the Moon is well stocked with supplies and the island is also rich in supplies, so the group quietly stays on the island to practice and explore, regardless of the outside world's trials and tribulations, they are living in style.

But the West Sea, Carlos is not completely put down, and sometimes it is necessary to ask through the telephone bug.

There is a bounty of 100 million berries on the first appearance, the fame is very shocking, very deterrent, the West Sea side is still quite calm.

In the blink of an eye, the God's Eye Bandits stayed in the Island of the Pacific for three or four months, until the beginning of the 1501 calendar year of the sea circle.

These three or four months passed, purely physical combat, Riley, although still not the experienced Dong Li and Brockie's opponent, but able to hold on to each other for a long time.

In fact, Riley wasn't completely no match for Dong Li and Brockie, as long as they didn't fight hard in a head-to-head physical fight, and skillfully used the ability of the Expanding Fruit to take advantage of their speed to take a swimsuit, they had a high chance of winning in the end.

The others had their own rewards after spending so much time in the Island of the Sword, and they hadn't stayed for nothing.

Chapter 172 - Group Diving Training

In the past three or four months, apart from manipulating the creatures of the Swallowland to explore and adventure around, causing the chickens to fly in the Swallow Island, Carlos' other energy was focused on more brutal physical training and the fine control of the Hegemon Color Hegemony.

In particular, the fine manipulation of Tyrant Color gave Carlos a big surprise, Carlos found that although the strength and quantity of his Tyrant Color Tyranny didn't change much, but with the stunning fine manipulation of Tyrant Color Tyranny, his mental strength grew very fast, in other words, his pupil strength increased very fast.

The growth of Tyrant Color Tyranny was not the same as Seeing and Hearing and Armed Color, it was not something that could be made stronger by regular exercise, exercise only deepened the manipulation of the Tyrant Color Tyranny, the important thing to become stronger was to strengthen one's spirit, the stronger the spirit, the stronger the Tyrant Color Tyranny!

Of course, it wasn't for people to daydream, such as you have the Tyrant Color Hegemony, you want to become the king of the world and dominate the world, it's your boldness, big enough, strong enough, but only if you achieve the Tyrant Color Hegemony will be enhanced to the height of the king of the world, just daydreaming is useless.

Even though he had already spent three or four months in the Island of the Pacific, entering the year 1501 of the Sea Circle calendar, Carlos still had no intention of leaving, this place was quite suitable for diving and becoming stronger.

For this matter of sailing, Carlos is not impatient, there is nothing that must be done, sharpening the knife without delay, the stronger the strength to go farther.

Carlos stayed in the Island of the Sword and immersed himself in raising his pupil power to the level of being able to open eyes of this level such as the Reincarnation Eye, the Reincarnation Eye, and the Demon Eye of Direct Death, but wanting to use the Demon Pupil Simulation and evolve similar abilities was not a simple task.

Among the eyes of this level, the Reincarnation Eye was considered the eye that Carlos knew the most about, so Carlos decided to make the Reincarnation Eye his first target, and the rest of the eyes would be slowly, simulated and evolved at a later time.

Carlos was immersed in his training and couldn't help himself, the rest of them had their own things to do, needless to say Riley was trying to defeat Tori and Brockie in a close fight.

Rain no Hiryu is busy finding his own way to perfect his kendo, and the way he chooses to do it is by killing.

Every day, Rain no Hiryu looked for various creatures to test his sword on the island, and the island's creatures were unlucky, especially those with larger populations.

Carlos had warned Rain's Hilleu not to kill off the rare creatures on the Island of the Sword, so Rain's Hilleu picked species that were not easy to kill off.

Martin was likewise busy, mainly with exercising his Armed Color and Seeing Color dominance, and secondarily with developing his Devil Fruit abilities.

Doris, although her attainments in the Dao of the Sword were not as good as those of Yu no Hiru, was also working hard to build up her Hegemony and physique, training hard towards the direction of a great swordsman.

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