I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 155.

O'Neill and Olson are also exercising their dominance, first exercising their armed color dominance, and then their seen color dominance.

The two training methods are very rough, every day they transformed into lions, buffaloes to fight with the island's archaic era of various creatures, very dangerous, the slightest carelessness will be injured, but the progress is also very fast.

Kylie held a double gun primarily to train her marksmanship and armed color dominance, and secondarily to enhance her see and hear color dominance.

Susanna and Sholema were the weakest of the two, and hadn't even reached the physical threshold of exercising their Hegemony.

As navigators, ship doctors were not the main fighting force of the pirate group, so Carlos' requirements for them were never high, being able to have great strength was best, if not, meeting the minimum requirements would be enough.

The two of them mainly focused on their own fields, nautical arts and healing arts.

There were also combat methods in nautical arts that were quite unique and worth learning, so Susanna's energy was mainly focused on that, exercising her physique second to that.

There are a lot of weird and wonderful herbs on the island, which can cure and kill.

Xiao Lema has developed a whitish, near-transparent liquid poison that can kill a sea king in just one vial and is incredibly toxic!

The bandits were very busy, staying on the island of Taikoo, concentrating on improving themselves, indifferent to the outside world.

Three to four months had passed, but no new news had come out about the bandits, and they had been replaced by other news.

The Naval Intelligence Department responsible for monitoring the God's Eye Bandits was also confused, unable to figure out the whereabouts of Carlos and the others, and completely lost track of them, only giving up for now.

The visitors to the Island of the Pacific were not only the God's Eye Pirates, there would be other groups of pirates arriving from time to time, but few were able to leave the Island of the Pacific.

The pirates are mixed, many pirates facing the dangers of the island are not to say waiting for death, but also nine lives, Carlos's bandits eyes are just an exception, all crew members are carefully selected, the strength is not ordinary pirates can imagine.

Another month passed, this day at dusk, the top of the island of the Pacific Ocean, in the distance, red clouds, red light, sitting on the top of the mountain, Carlos suddenly opened his eyes, dark pupils rapidly changing.

One hooked jade writing eye, two hooked jade writing eye, three hooked jade writing eye, kaleidoscope writing eye, kaleidoscope writing eye pattern changed again, into the pattern of the eternal kaleidoscope writing eye in the fire, and finally transformed into the appearance of the reincarnation eye, as if the purple circle pattern of waves bloomed with mysterious and deep light!

The Heavenly Guide!

Carlos stretched out his right hand and pointed it at a man-high, uneven, stubborn rock at the top of the mountain, a special energy was enveloped in his right hand, as if the right hand was surrounded by light black energy, the air around it seemed a little distorted, but then looked as if there was nothing.

A strong gravitational force acted on the stubborn stone, and the man-high stubborn stone was instantly attracted and crashed towards Carlos himself.

The Divine Law of Heaven!

In the stubborn stone into Carlos within three meters, a powerful repulsive force to Carlos as the center of the outbreak, gravitational repulsion interaction, squeeze, that stands at the top of the mountain long-weathered stubborn stone instantly turned into broken stone fall on the top of the mountain!

"Hehehe first time using it is still a little unskilled, after getting familiar with it, if the power is controlled finely, it should be able to crush this stubborn stone into powder" Carlos said happily to himself.

After saying that, Carlos sat down on the top of the mountain again, closed his eyes and began to study the newly opened Reincarnation Eye, the first time he used it, he was still unfamiliar with many parts of it.

A week later, Carlos was thoroughly familiar with the regular abilities of the Reincarnation Eye, and privately searched for many fierce creatures on the Island of Taikoo, leaving the mark of the Reincarnation Eye on these creatures, so that if he wanted to use it in the future, he could summon them psychically through the ability of the Reincarnation Eye Animal Dao.

The creatures on the Island of the Pacific were much stronger than the creatures on ordinary islands, but they were still weaker than the island that Luffy went to under Riley's leadership, and the fierce beasts on that island were even fiercer than the creatures from the ancient times!

The most important thing was that the raptors on that island were not only strong, but also had low intelligence, which was most valuable.

The raptors on that island were Carlos's targets, and the creatures controlled by the island of Swire were used by Carlos to overdo it, to be replaced by more fierce ones later.

Chapter 173 - The Six Paths of Reincarnation

After developing the reincarnation eye, Carlos didn't have the intention to stay much longer, the island had basically been visited, and sailing again was on the agenda.

Two days later, everything was ready, Carlos gathered his crew and set sail on the Moon, officially leaving the island of Taikoo and heading to the next island on his route.

Everyone had a good harvest, Riley had fought against Tori and Brockie for four or five months, and his combat strength had increased a lot, and although he still couldn't defeat either of them one-on-one, he was able to gain the upper hand.

I don't know if it's because of the number of battles and the number of beatings, but Riley has awakened the armed color tyranny, which is the biggest harvest in the crew.

In addition to Riley awakened armed color tyranny outside, Martin, Doris also awakened armed color tyranny, Olsen, O'Neill almost, but also almost to the edge of awakening, the body strengthened a lot.

Kylie is still some distance away from awakening the Armed Color Hegemony, but her marksmanship and Witness Color Hegemony have strengthened quite a bit, and Kylie is quite talented at Witness Color Hegemony.

Susanna and Sholema's strength increased quite a bit, especially Sholema, the ship's doctor, quenched poison on his dagger, which is a complex toxin made using the harvest from the Island of the Sword combined with his former knowledge, the toxicity is terrible, and also difficult to remove.

Although Rain's Hilliu had not yet been promoted to Great Swordsman, he had already defined his sword path.

Rain no Hiryu's Sword Dao was terrifying, in short, it was the way of killing by any means necessary, the pursuit of the ultimate in combat, no matter what method was used, as long as it was enough to slay the enemy, frontal fighting, sneak attacks, threats didn't matter!

The Stygian Moon slowly departed from the rivers of the Island of the Sword, Riley stood on the deck and waved goodbye to Tori and Brockie, not fighting, fighting each other for so long, Riley and the two somewhat hit it off.

As for the others who were merely acquaintances with the two giants, they didn't have much of a friendship, and neither did Carlos; using Tori and Blokey to climb relationships with the giants or whatever, Carlos had no interest in climbing relationships with anyone, and the power to make people look at him squarely was much more reliable than climbing relationships!

The Placid Moon left the river without any surprises, without any ripples on the way, and the creatures of the Island of the Swallowed Sea were dealt with very badly this time.

Although their intelligence was limited, they still had the instinct to avoid danger and did not dare to provoke this group of powerful creatures.

It's good to be back on the sea, where everyone feels relaxed and happy, gathering together to chat about nothing.

The island of Taikoo was left behind, and the next battle for the Stygian Moon was the Magnetic Drum Island, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, which was the world's premier medical power and held the world's top medical technology.

The others weren't so good yet, but Sholema, the ship's doctor, was asking every day how much longer it would be before he arrived, looking like he was in a hurry.

Carlos decided to send Xiao Lema to the top medical institution of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom for further training.

Today, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom has not yet fallen to the time when that comic Valpo was in power, and now it is Valpo's father who is in power.

The Magnetic Drum Kingdom is also a member of the World Government franchise, protected by the Navy and the World Government.

This country has strong medical capabilities, but its national, military power is average.

Although this kingdom is not too wealthy, but the pirates love to patronize, not the kind of patronage that grinningly call up to loot, but sneak in to patronize, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's doctors are a sought-after commodity.

Invite one to the ship or rob one to the ship, that's a really big role for a band of pirates.

It was said that the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's doctors were comparable to the top beauty slaves on the black market, but not many people dared to come and grab them, and the pirates didn't dare to barge in.

A weak band of pirates couldn't do anything to defeat the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and a strong band of pirates would attract the navy again.

Carlos also wouldn't openly think of driving a pirate ship into the Magnetic Protection Kingdom's public docks, that would be too arrogant.

Although the strength of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom was not in Carlos' eyes, there was a simpler, more low-key approach, so naturally he couldn't be so arrogant and idle.

Sneaking in silently, doesn't he smell good?

Once you entered the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, it was not a difficult task to get Sholema to advance his training.

Time went forward according to its own trajectory as always, three days later in the deep blue sea, the majestic Stygian Moon was sailing steadily and quickly on the wind and waves, Carlos was lying on the lounge chair wearing sunglasses, wearing a flowery shirt and beach pants sunbathing, but in his heart he was thinking about the Six Dao of Payne.

Carlos felt the need to make the Paine Six Paths according to the method contained in the Reincarnation Eye, although he didn't know if the method that appeared when he opened the Reincarnation Eye was the same as the real Reincarnation Eye in Naruto, but try as he might.

Creating Payne Sixth Avenue, there would also be more people on his ship, and although Payne Sixth Avenue wasn't even considered a person, it at least had a human form.

Of course, these were all secondary reasons, the most important reason was that creating Penn Rokudo would greatly increase the power he held in his hands and increase the strength of the Shin Megami Tensei Bandits!

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