I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 156.

This material had to be chosen by the thousands, preferably in line with the nature of the Six Dao of Payne, and again it had to be the corpse of an expert, the stronger the better in life, so that it could hold more of the Six Dao and exert its strength the closer it would be to life!

Of course, Roger's corpse couldn't be touched, the consequences of moving his corpse would be too serious, and Roger had been dead for so long that it had already broken down, it simply wouldn't work, it would have to be a fresh corpse, preferably one that had just died.

If you want the corpse of a strong man, Carlos has an idea, there are many in the lowest wireless hell of the propulsion city, and those who can stay in the wireless hell are at least great figures who are powerful before entering.

But the Infinite Hell is only an alternative, there is really no choice but to choose, because in order to use those people's bodies to make Paine, Carlos also has to let their bodies recover and strength, otherwise a weak and poisoned body to bring what use?

It would be more or less the same if it was a criminal who had just entered Infinite Hell, above Infinite Hell, Carlos wouldn't even consider it, the grade wasn't enough!

"Captain, there's gunfire ahead, some pirates are robbing merchant ships." Olsen, who was the lookout today, shouted, sounding a little excited, after sailing for three days, he had finally seen another ship.

Carlos was concentrating on his thoughts, his mind emptied and a little slower to react to the outside world, all the crew of the ship had been heard out.

The ocean was too vast, even if the Great Voyage was much smaller than the sea, but it was normal to not see another ship for three days.

Returning to his senses, Carlos heard the not-so-obvious sound of gunfire, and looking off to the side, his white eyes had opened, and his sight quickly drew away to spot movement.

Eight pirate ships of various flags were besieging five ships, one was a merchant ship and the other four were escort ships.

The merchant ship was protected in the center, and the four escort ships were distributed in four directions to protect that merchant ship, and the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle above the sea.

"Tsk tsk one merchant ship, four escort ships, is this merchant ship carrying some precious cargo or is there some important person on board?" Carlos tsked at the situation.

Chapter 174 - Pure Bullying.

"Brothers and sisters, there's a lot of excitement ahead, want to get a crowd?" Carlos took out his intercom phone bug and chuckled lightly.

Hearing Carlos' words, one of the crew members who were still in the room walked up to the deck, one by one, with binoculars, and looked over from a distance.

"Gee it's really crowded, I really want a big kill!" Rain's Hillel spoke up gloomily, full of killing intent.

"This excitement must be made, not only can we verify how much we have grown in the past few months, it's also a good opportunity to announce the return of our God's Eye Bandits to the sea!"

"That's right, I agree with Martin."

"Me too."

Carlos nodded at the sound of the phone bug, "Okay, then, get involved."

"Suzanne, Sholema stays on the ship, the rest of you are free to go. Watch your own safety."

"I won't go out of my way to steal your thunder this time, I'll stay on board and back you up with my sniper rifle."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Immediately speed up and charge up, get into range and immediately shell them, close the distance and rush to the other ship, you don't need to be so careful with these pirates, just do it and be done with it."

"Yes, Captain!"

The speed of the Plutonian Moon suddenly accelerated, rushing up towards the battlefield of the sea battle between the two sides, the sea to a certain distance is difficult to hide, and soon the Plutonian Moon's unexpected guest was discovered.

The pirates, who were besieging the merchant ship, were furious. They had wasted so much effort in besieging this fat sheep, and yet someone wanted to take a piece of the pie, or even pick a peach, which was really intolerable.

The pirate ships encircling the merchant ships and escort ships quickly split into two and met the Stygian Moon menacingly.

The main cannon of the Stygian Moon fired from a long distance away, the range of that shot was too far.

Although the firepower was insufficient and the distance was too far to hit, it also startled the pirates on the two pirate ships, and they maneuvered the pirate ships into irregular movements to reduce the probability of being hit.

In other words, the other driver of the pirate ship helmsman really has two brushes, snake skin, walking position that is quite a slut, hard to let the main cannon fired a shell did not hit, a look at the old pirates.

The two sides went towards each other, and soon the distance was drawn in, into the range of the cannons on the two pirate ships, boom for a time cannon fire, a pitch-black shell with a sharp cracking sound smashed into the Styx.

If it was an ordinary naval battle, then the Stygian Moon would be hit by such covering shells, and a three or four rounds would basically be finished, but the personal force in this world was too strong, and shells were really not much of a threat to the strong.

Carlos took the lead, only to see Carlos sitting on the wolf head main gun in the bow, holding the Blood Night sniper rifle, scarlet eyes through the sniper scope calculating the trajectory of the shells, a faint armed color hegemony emitted from both hands, along the structure of the gun body infiltrated into the gun body, fingers continuously pull the trigger, five winding hegemony bullets broke out of the sky, cut through different trajectories, incomparably accurate hit the shells, five groups of fireballs exploded in the sky, dazzling!

The rest of the shells were easily intercepted by the four of Yu no Hillel, and dozens of dazzling fireworks exploded in mid-air, much more exciting than watching a fireworks show.


Rain's Hillel stepped out from the side of the ship, stepping on the air and running swiftly in mid-air towards one of the pirate ships rushing ahead of them.

The three of Martin currently hadn't learned the skill of Moon Stepping, even if they were fit enough, it would be difficult to learn Moon Stepping without hard training.

But the three of them also had their own ways, only Riley's figure became bigger, Martin and Doris stood on the palm of their hands, Riley threw, the two of them cut a perfect trajectory in mid-air, landing on the other side behind a pirate ship with unerring accuracy, showing Riley's exquisite control of distance, of physical strength.

The beating of the Island of Taikoo had not been in vain!

Of course, Riley was unable to get past, but helping Martin, Doris, was a credit.

Carlos didn't care about his men's actions, he was too busy playing with his Blood Night sniper rifle at the moment, and after covering and wrapping the domination, the bullets became much more powerful.

Bang, bang, bang.

The sound of gunfire continues to ring out, a winding dominance of the bullets hit the two pirate ship, Carlos deliberately did not hit anyone, but hit towards the pirate ship, what mast ah, ship side ah, flag ah, deck ah, cabin ah, anyway, everything hit, but just do not hit people.

The pirates on the pirate ship Carlos handed over to Rain Hillel, Martin, and Doris on the three to solve.

A single bullet fell on the pirate ship as if a small cannonball general, the power of the explosion can not be small, straight to the pirate ship will be blown out of a meter in diameter of more than a hole, the two pirate ship made the gas ugly incomparable not to say that the speed is also greatly reduced.

The two pirate ships' masts and sails were shot down by Carlos with unparalleled precision, and the pirates on board were rounding up Rain's Hillel, Doris, and Martin, who had no time to worry about the masts and sails, and their speed naturally slowed down.

To be precise, it was not the pirates on the two ships that were hunting down and killing Rain's Hillel, Martin, and Doris, but the three who were chasing and killing the fleeing pirates, the ship did not have any experts, it was not the opponent of the three main members of the God's Eyes pirate group, the gap in strength was too big.

Just like the tens of levels of the number came to but ten levels of the novice village, it was a naked massacre, pure bullying!

By the time the Stygian Moon arrives, Riley and the others, who are eager to try their luck, have found that the pirates on board have been killed.

There were still some scraps left, and Riley and the others quickly rushed to the pirate ships to rob them and have a good time, and soon all the pirates on both ships were killed.

After spending some time sweeping the pirates' ships for supplies and wealth, the Styx Moon rampaged up again.

This gave the pirate leaders of the encircling objects a great headache in their skulls, but they had to be in charge and couldn't allow this unsavory third party force to run rampant, so two more ships were pulled out and the pirates on the pirate ships were even more elite and outnumbered.

"Woah" Carlos yawned and spoke up, "Seriously, I want to see what's on that merchant ship being guarded"

Although he could sneak a peek with his white eye perspective, Carlos decided against it, it would be too unexpectant.

"Yes, Captain!" The four main forces of the God's Eye Pirates looked serious.

The other side's pirates were still the same old thing, unable to do anything about the Stygian Moon, and when the two ships entered the attack distance, the four of them did it at the same time.

The two of them aimed at a pirate ship, an azure sword qi and a cherry red sword qi broke through the sea, like a pair of scissors cutting through a pirate ship, instantly cutting the ship into four halves.

Martin and Riley, on the other hand, took aim at another pirate ship, and Martin stood crouched on the side of the ship with a crouched horse stance, his right fist shining with a cracked aura, and blasted out at the pirate ship.

Martin, on the other hand, struck the fruit ability on his right arm, growing larger and longer, his huge arm swatting down as if he were a fly.

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