I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 157.

The two men's attacks were even more desperate than Rain's Hiryu and Doris's, directly destroying the entire pirate ship to pieces, most of the pirates died under the two men's attacks, only a very few were lucky enough to escape.

Two pirate ships were easily solved by the serious men, Carlos did not care, it was too normal, it was not normal not to solve it!

However, the enemy there are still four pirate ship each of the dead, were terrified, too brutal, the strength gap is too great, in order to live, the pirates can only endure the pain of leaving the object stared at for a long time!

Chapter 175 - Interception, Choice

The pirates surrounding the merchant ship retreated, but the captain of the merchant ship could not be happy, because a more ferocious and terrifying band of pirates had come, and the terrifying power was too much to raise the thought of confrontation!

Thus, the captain of the merchant ship could only give the order to flee at full speed, and the merchant ship left first with one escort ship, and the remaining two escort ships also scrambled to flee, but due to the direction of their location, the two escort ships could be behind.

In fact, if an escort ship broke back, it was still possible for the merchant ship to escape, but giving the order to break back, most of the people on the escort ship wouldn't comply with it, as it was a complete death sentence!

Carlos was busy ordering the Stygian Moon at full speed to catch up, he did want to see what the merchant ship was loaded with, so he ignored the escort ship and ran straight to the merchant ship.

The merchant ship carrying the cargo was no match for the top ship, the Plutonian Moon, and with the double power, the distance between the two ships was rapidly closing.

Carlos had people shouting, be good and surrender to avoid death, he only wanted the cargo, the four pirate ships that the Stygian sank were their fate!

So by the time the Stygian Moon and the merchant ship were side by side, the merchant ship slowed down after Carlos asked Rain's Hitch to leave a sword warning once, and was soon anchored on the ocean.

As for the other three escort ships, two had already escaped without a trace, and one was already almost gone.

Carlos had no interest in the escort ships either, and escaped as he fled.

It wasn't that the guards on the escort ships weren't brave, they dared to fight an epic battle against eight pirate ships, and the fact that they hadn't been attacked in a short time was enough to understand that they didn't lack courage and their fighting ability was good, they could only blame Carlos' four main crew members for being too strong and casting too big a shadow on the crowd.

The first two pirate ships were fine, although rather crisp, but still normal, the shadow of the latter two ships was too big, two pirate ships were gone in an instant, who could withstand this?

An ordinary escort ship would definitely not be able to stand up to it, so it was no surprise that they escaped in order not to get killed.

Carlos led the people to step onto this merchant ship, and the group of four that had just left a shadow in the hearts of the people, Rain's Hillel, was in charge of controlling the entire ship, there were few people but no one dared to resist!

"Captain, just figured out what cargo the ship is carrying." Sholema ran up to Carlos with a flourish, his face red.

"What kind of cargo is being transported?" Carlos asked with some anticipation.

"The cargo delivered will be several kinds of goods, but the most important one will be pharmaceuticals, a wide variety of them."

"According to the account given by the captain of this merchant ship, the supplies of medicines on this ship are sent to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, which was ordered by the Magnetic Drum Kingdom."

"Oh? Something from the Magnetic Drum Kingdom?" Carlos was delighted with the news, with these things, the God's Eye Bandits would be able to step foot in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom openly and honestly.

As long as the Magnetic Drum Kingdom invited the God's Eye Bandits to enter the country, the navy would not dare to make trouble at will in the world government franchise country, looking for him.

Who would want to sneak into the Magnetic Drum Kingdom if they were able to tour the Kingdom openly and honestly?

And Sholema's access to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's top medical institutions could easily be done.

This merchant ship full of medicine and supplies must be very important to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and with them, it would be much easier to negotiate terms.

What if the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's head iron, didn't agree?

Then swallow the medicine supplies, medicine is a sought-after commodity no matter where it is, precious medicines are worth more than gold in the black market, and then sneak in and use other means to make Xiao Lema learn on the line, anyway, can't take a loss.

While the Magnetic Drum Kingdom hadn't been scourged by Valpo yet, the Magnetic Protection Kingdom's medical level was at the top of the world, so it was natural to let Sholema learn well.

Why did Carlos insist on letting Sholema go to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom to learn the medical arts?

Because the level of healing in this kingdom is so high, to what extent?

Although Carlos did not remember too clearly, but some of the conversations heard when watching the manga or anime, but for the doctor 20 during the reign of Valpo, broken arms and legs were a small thing, even if the head fell off, they were able to perfectly stitch up and recover.

It is said that the healing techniques of the Kingdom of the Magnetic Drum are not only that, but there were even more strange and magical black healing techniques that were said to have magical effects.

Although those legends didn't know if they were true or not, nor did they know if today's Magnetic Drum Kingdom had the perverted healing techniques of Doctor 20 a decade or two later, but the healing techniques of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom were definitely worth Sholayma's best efforts to learn just that.

"That's right, what does the captain do with the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's stuff?" Sholema's tone was a bit apprehensive, as a doctor, he was as familiar with the great name of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom and did not wish to be hostile to it.

"You go tell the captain of the merchant ship that the ship's medicine and supplies are being temporarily impounded by our God's Eye Bandits."

"Tell him to inform the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom and make the king agree to two conditions for us."

"First, allow our God's Eye Bandits to enter the Magnetic Drum Kingdom openly and guarantee its safety, that is, not to be harassed by the navy."

"Second, allow you to enter the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's top medical institution to study for a period of time and be given the highest treatment, as long as it is what you want to learn, no hiding!"

Sholema was as happy as anything to hear that he could go to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom to further his studies, and was grateful to Carlos, the captain of the ship!

"Captain, what if the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom disagrees?" Sholema agitated for a moment to calm down, a little afflicted.

"Disagree, all this medicine and supplies belong to us, and we'll send you to further training in other ways, we can't lose anyway." Carlos reasoned, as domineering as he could be!

In fact, Carlos was able to do without trading, threatening ways, directly to the magnetic drum kingdom medicine supplies can most likely also achieve the purpose, but Carlos just did not like to hand over the initiative in the hands of others, that's why he would use this method that would attract resentment.

However, Carlos also did not want to please the Magnetic Drum Kingdom at all, what he wanted did not need the gratitude of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, there are many ways, it is not impossible for one person to enemy one country in this world, so Carlos did not want to bow and aggravate himself.

With power, it was natural to stand and talk, dominating some, and also kneeling, that would be too cheap, and the practice was all in vain.

"Understood, Captain, I'll go down immediately."

Xiao Lema left in a flourish, too excited at the thought of being able to learn the healing arts of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom and improve his own healing skills, he couldn't calm down!

Carlos had someone direct the captured merchant crew to carry the medicine and supplies to the warehouse of the Stygian Moon, leaving only some food that could keep them alive, so that the captain of the merchant ship could take his own crew to report and convey Carlos's message.

The Stygian Moon would arrive near the Magnetic Drum Island unhurriedly behind, and for those merchant ship crews Carlos had no intention of killing them, as there was no need to kill them, no threat.

Carlos watched the distant, much faster merchant ships, and was looking forward to the choice of the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, would he accept it or not? Or do you refuse to ignore it? Or is it not enough to just refuse, but also to send out a joint naval force to get the medicine and supplies back?

Either way, Carlos didn't care, not overly hard to choose, Carlos would love to be the third!

Because this way he can salvage more benefits, but also can make the soon to be silent and nameless God's Eye Bandits to regain fame in the sea, the world government to join the country plus the navy, very good one to promote the object, right?

Chapter 176 - The King or Just

Magnetic Drum Island, Magnetic Drum Kingdom, the wind and snow drifted, the temperature was extremely low, the kingdom was as warm as spring, and the king of Magnetic Drum Kingdom was dealing with government affairs in the main hall.

Suddenly the door of the main hall was pushed open, the cold current seized the gap and entered, a tall official walked in with hurried steps and anxiously bowed and reported, "Enlightenment report to His Majesty the King, the medicine and supplies we collected through the major chambers of commerce were robbed by pirates."

His Majesty, who was handling government affairs, turned pale, threw down his pen, and pressed his anger, "What kind of pirates did this?"

"I thought I said it wouldn't be a problem."

"Your Majesty, according to the accounts of the survivors, they were first attacked by eight pirate ships that surrounded the area with pinpoint accuracy, and the merchant ships' shipping routes were most certainly leaked."

"While they were engaged in an epic battle with the incoming pirates, another band of pirates joined the fray."

"This band of pirates only had one pirate ship, and Dao this pirate ship was very huge, nearly ten times larger than an ordinary pirate ship."

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