I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 158.

"There weren't many pirates up there, but every one of them was strong, and in less than half an hour they destroyed the four pirate ships that attacked them, scaring the remaining pirates into fleeing in panic."

"The merchant ships were ordered to separate and retreat, yet the pirate ship bit them dead, and the ship, though large but fast, caught them up."

"Now the ship's medicine and supplies are completely in the other side's hands."

"Damn pirates!" The king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom cursed, although their Magnetic Drum Kingdom was a medical power, their land area was limited and the island's resources were also limited, many of the medicine and supplies had to be imported from outside to make it work.

"Which band of pirates are the ones looting the medicine and supplies?"

"Your Majesty, after investigation, this pirate group should be the God's Eye pirate group that has disappeared for several months, and the captain's bounty for the first time reached 100 million Bailey."

"It is said that this person is called Lucifer Carlos, the co-head of the West Sea Mafia family, and now the sole godfather of the West Sea Mafia!"

"This man, he's tough to deal with."

"This bastard, who doesn't enjoy in the West Sea and comes to the Great Voyage to be some kind of pirate, robbing our magnetic drum of medicine and supplies as soon as he steals them, damn it!" The king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom thundered.

"Your majesty please calm down, the other side did not put an end to the matter, there is still a possibility that we can get back that horse supplies"

"Well? How so? Did the other side make some kind of offer?"

"Your Majesty is wise, the other party has indeed proposed conditions."

"What conditions, if they are not excessive, there is no harm in accepting them." The King of Magnetic Drum frowned.

If it was possible, he didn't want to negotiate any conditions with a pirate, what status he was, what status the Magnetic Drum Kingdom was, negotiating with a pirate was simply an insult to the Magnetic Drum Kingdom!

But that horse medicine supplies were of great value, many medicines were of high value, it took a third of the treasury's bailey to collect them from all over the world, and it couldn't be abandoned until it was absolutely necessary.

"First, the other party will enter the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, from the Kingdom's regular docks, we also need to cover for them and ensure that they are not harassed by the navy within the Kingdom."

Hearing the first condition, the magnetic drum king's brows furrowed even deeper, actually wanting to enter the kingdom openly, and also using the magnetic drum kingdom as a bodyguard, it was simply outrageous, but forcing them to endure was not impossible!

The reporting minister quietly took a look at His Majesty's face and moodily stated the second condition out.

"Secondly, the other side will send their ship doctor into the highest medical research institution of our Magnetic Drum Kingdom to learn medical skills, anything that their ship doctor asks to learn, we cannot hide, and all resources must be open to them"

As soon as he heard the second condition, the King of the Magnetic Drum was a bit unable to endure, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's medical skills were the foundation of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's foothold in the world, ordinary medical skills could still be taught, but some of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's secret medical skills could never be taught.

Seeing His Majesty the King's face muscles twitching, his face twisted, and his eyes as if they were about to breathe fire, the minister who was reporting carefully said, "Your Majesty, actually the second condition, we can do something about it."

"Only show ordinary medical techniques, at most show some irrelevant medical secret techniques, the core things we quietly transfer and hide."

The Magnetic Drum King was somewhat moved by the words, his face changed color, his eyes flickered, obviously caught in a fierce battle of ideas, after a while, the Magnetic Guardian King calmed down, obviously having a decision.

"I've decided not to agree to the other party's conditions, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, as a World Government Affiliate, the world's premier medical power, says that it can't easily give in just because of a piece of medicine supplies, even though that medicine supplies are very valuable!"

"Pirates are greedy, and if we back off this time, it's likely that the other side will get an inch and claim it with insatiable greed, and pirate greed can never be satisfied!"

"Our Magnetic Drum Kingdom's medical technology cannot be taught to a pirate either, it's too petty to hide medical technology."

"If we did that, if we agreed to the pirate's conditions, it would make the other joining countries laugh, and disgrace the world government, the navy, no joining country has ever been so soft on pirates."

"Maybe the world government will chastise us and even revoke our status as a member of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom."

"We should be tough, both for ourselves and for the world government!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Come on, you've made it sound so serious, what else can I say but to go along.

"You are now to immediately contact the navy and explain the situation, so that they can send support immediately."

"Remember to emphasize the need for strong support and don't confuse people, or else the Magnetic Drum Kingdom will complain about the navy and will also make the navy look bad at the World Conference!"

"In addition, on the pirate side, figure out their location, hold them steady for now, and find every reason to hold them back."

"Wait until naval support arrives to join forces with the kingdom's army and eliminate this band of pirates who dare to extort us from the Magnetic Drum Kingdom in one fell swoop!"

"To create a strong deterrent to the other pirates and tell them that our Magnetic Drum Kingdom is not something they can mess with!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The minister listened with a loud, hot-faced voice.

"Go down immediately and do it."


Marin Vandal, Naval Headquarters, the corridor outside the Marshal's office was filled with rapid footsteps and rapid knocks on the door.

"Come in." A low, thick voice from the office came out.

"Report Marshal, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom has sent an urgent telegram requesting help, saying that the God's Eye Bandits that disappeared for months have reappeared, plundering the Magnetic Drum Kingdom of a large amount of medicine and supplies, as well as extorting the Magnetic Drum Kingdom."

"The king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom sent someone to inform our navy, requesting support, and the specific details are for the marshal to see."

The reporting officer spoke very fast but spat very clearly, after walking in and handing the piece over.

The marshal blankly browsed through it and sighed, "The last period of time is not allowed to be peaceful." Slightly whining, the air face became serious and dignified again, restoring the marshal of the navy.

"Immediately inform the War Admiral and the other Lieutenant Generals at Headquarters to go to the small conference room for a meeting."

"Yes, Field Marshal!"

Lightning fast, and soon the small conference room of the naval headquarters was filled with a number of high ranking lieutenant generals and admirals wearing the cloak of naval justice, and the Rear Admiral was not eligible to be seated, as the empty roll call only allowed lieutenant generals and admirals to come.

Marshal Air sat at the head and opened his mouth, "This meeting will be chaired by the warring states in my place."

The crowd was not surprised, it was obvious paving the way, it wasn't the first time everyone had seen it, they were all very cooperative, anyway, this marshal of the war nation was set to be, the top and bottom were very satisfied.

The most important thing was that there was no competition.

Chapter 177 - Carlos's Preparation

In the waters off Magnetic Drum Island, the Stygian Moon was floating leisurely on the surface, and under the deck umbrella, Carlos was leisurely reading a book.

"Captain, something is wrong with the situation." Rain's Hillel walked to Carlos' side, his face somewhat heavy.

"What's wrong?" Carlos smiled slightly.

"The attitude of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom over there is very strange, to agree to disagree, these two or three days of negotiations with us Gu left it, some of the things that were already pleasing, and then backtracked, and repeatedly came out to say."

"Eh? Is there such a thing?"

"That's right, Captain."

"Do you have any specific thoughts on that?"

"I think they're stalling for time, most likely some sort of conspiracy."

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