I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 168.

Give up chasing the navy is not that Carlos has been generous, but Carlos does not want to waste any more time, but he has calculated the navy badly this time.

The navy, whether it was for the sake of face or for the sake of the lining, would definitely have to send strong people to the Magnetic Drum Island, lesser said to be the Lieutenant General, possibly Yellow Ape, Green Pheasant, also may come to the Admiral, maybe even Kappu may come.

It's also a waste of time, a moat, a second time the Navy will definitely not be trapped, so he'll have to quickly get the benefits and slip away!

At this time, is the perfect time, the king of the magnetic drum kingdom side without a large number of guards, nor naval guards, quickly go to blackmail the king of the magnetic drum kingdom some slip away.

If you stay and fight with the navy, you won't get anything out of it, and you'll get into trouble.

The reason to fight this fight Carlos is not yet for the benefit, medicine supplies what Carlos is not going to return.

He also has to knock out some secret healing techniques from the magnetic drum kingdom to take away, and this happened Sholema is not able to advance his training, so he can only take things away to let it study slowly.

By the way, Carlos is also interested in the Devil Fruit, and I wonder if the Devil Fruit that appeared in the original story is now collected by the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's royal family

For Carlos, robbing Berry, robbing gold and silver jewelry, antique paintings and what is too tasteless, what he wants to rob is the devil fruit, is the technology, as for medicine supplies that's just incidental, not counting the main business, it's a part-time job.

Carlos was figuring out how to pay back, and Sarkarsky was figuring out how to pay back to headquarters, it was just too chickenshit and humiliating this time.

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Eight - The Navy's Response

On the east coast of Magnetic Drum, three naval ships were circling the coast of Magnetic Drum Island and quickly heading towards the south of Magnetic Drum Island.

In Red Dog's office, Red Dog sat in a chair with a telephone bug in his palm, looking torn and hesitant, and a little embarrassed.

The first time I saw it, I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at it.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years.

Eventually, Red Dog dialed the phone that led to the office of the Admiralty Marshal.

"Hello, this is the Naval Secretariat."

"This is Sakaski, I have something important to report, please inform Air Marshal immediately."

"Understood, one moment please."

After a few breaths, the thick, deep voice of Admiral Air, who was about to be elevated to the rank of Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies, rang out.

"This is Air, Sakaski, what's the situation?"

"Field Marshal, I have failed your trust, I have failed the navy's training, and I have failed this operation." Red Dog's face was as red as a monkey's butt, and he bit his teeth before saying those words.

"Eh? How can it fail, what's going on?" Air's tone had become a little harsher, with some anger.

"Here's the situation, I think from the beginning our navy has been caught in the other side's scheme."

Red Dog has pretty much run through the story, from the navy entering the waters near Magu Island after a dragnet search with no luck, to stepping on the Magu Island docks and a naval ship being attacked, he rallies the navy to surround Magu Island and search in all directions, to the outbreak of war with the crew of the God's Eye Bandits attacking on all sides...

The key was that the other side brought a large number of fierce beasts, and even dinosaurs, causing their own side's superiority in numbers was basically lost, and the battle was scorched.

Then later Lucifer Carlos shocked most of the navy with his overlord color domination, deliberately leaving the overall force stronger and more ferocious beasts, deliberately attacking the shocked naval officers and men, he had to be held back

The other side, however, diversionarily attacked the east and west, using most likely flight or other abilities to raid both the east and west in a very short period of time, completely defeating both navies and causing the navy's defeat.

Of course, Red Dog hadn't forgotten to mention that he had resolutely asked the communications team to use every means possible to contact the southern navy uninterruptedly, so that they could evacuate in time.

Because of the timely evacuation, the southern navy's losses were still within the normal range of what could be received.

Red Dog chirped, but couldn't hear Air's response, feeling apprehensive and nervous ever since he had risen to prominence in the navy, step by step, Red Dog couldn't remember having this kind of nervousness.

The silence continued for a while, and just when Red Dog thought he was going to suffer, Air Marshal's voice finally sounded again, much to Red Dog's relief, never mind the words, it was better than this suffocating addiction.

"Sakaski, I get it, you're responsible for the failure of this operation, for not spotting the other side's trickery in time."

"But you're not too much to blame, the other party's strength and abilities were unexpected, so your guilt is not with the punishment for now, and will be redeemed."

"This God's Eye Bandit group has too much potential to be left behind, and it would be even worse to let it enter the new world."

"The only one in this headquarters who can squeeze in some time at the moment is Warlord, I will have Warlord come personally to deal with it."

"You immediately send someone to keep an eye on them, if the other party tries to leave, they must be blocked down, understand?"

"Yes, Air Marshal!" Red Dog's heart was happy, and he cut to the chase.

"Alright, get to it immediately."

After saying that, Air hung up the phone, Red Dog was in a much better mood, face was lost, but not all of it, there was still a chance to get it back.

"Someone!" Red Dog whispered.

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, what are your orders?" A naval captain pushed through the door, straightened up, and saluted crisply.

"Orders, number one, immediately notify the southern navy to form up, and once the formation is complete, get on board the warship and find out if the God's Eye Bandits will appear in the south."

"Watch out, Captain Carlos of the God's Eye Bandits is likely to have the ability to fly, and be careful in the sky as well."

"I've requested support from the headquarters, the War Admiral will come personally and instruct them to try not to clash with the God's Eyes Bandits, just follow them from afar for a few days."

"I don't believe they can keep flying, just follow to find their ship, then they won't be able to escape sooner or later!"


"Orders, second, have the communications teams contact the survivors in the other two directions in the same way, and once they're in contact, have them meet at the docks."


"Orders, third, contact the people in the Naval Intelligence Department of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom and have them keep an eye out for the God's Eye Bandits at all times, and report back as soon as they hear anything!"


"But Lieutenant General Sarkarsky, will the God's Eye Bandits remain on Magnetic Drum Island? You've achieved victory and you're not leaving while you can?"

"Hahaha pirates are completely different from our navy, their war is generally for profit."

"The other side must have something they want since they are fighting hard against our navy, otherwise they wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to deal with our navy, they would have escaped long ago and wouldn't fight our navy."

"What this Magnetic Drum Island wants to get, it will mostly fall on the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, let the people from the Naval Intelligence Department, keep an eye on the palace of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom."

"If you want to get something in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, finding the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom is the most appropriate thing to do."

"Hehe, that seems to be the case, Lieutenant General Sakaski is wise."

"I can't talk about being wise yet, otherwise the Navy wouldn't have taken such a big loss."

"Orders, fourth, send a crew to make use of all the ships and cruise around Magnetic Drum Island, the goal is still to find the God's Eye Bandits."

"The usual rules, remember to keep them in check."

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