I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 169.


"Go on down."

At the same time, Naval Headquarters, Field Marshal's Office, Air Marshal stood up from his seat, moved his muscles, and then left the office to go to the Admiral's War Office.

The lieutenant generals in the naval headquarters had their own offices, but the location, the specifications were different, the marshal's office was on the top floor, and the admiral's office was on the second floor.

Hearing that Air personally came, the warlord immediately went forward to greet him, and the two spoke a few words to get to the point.

Air gave a brief account of what Red Dog had reported, and listened to War State's frown.

Warring States, known as a wise general, quickly understood what Khong was saying.

"Marshal, do you want me to go there myself?"

"That's right, you go there yourself, directly on the fastest warship, you don't need to bring too many subordinates."

"Get there as soon as possible, find this group of God's Eye Pirates and just destroy them!" The air was cold, this God's Eye Bandits had already hit the navy twice, and must be destroyed as soon as possible!

"There's no problem exterminating them if we can find them, but this Lucifer Carlos has a special identity, what about the West Coast?" The warring nations were a little worried.

"Hmph, it's our navy's duty to annihilate the pirates, we don't need to worry about that much, there's naturally a world government to deal with the West Sea."

"The situation in the West Sea is also something the world government doesn't want to see, the unified mafia is too bad, the worst that can happen is chaos for a while."

"A group of dragons can't turn over too big a wave!"

"Understood, I'll pack up and leave immediately." The warrior looked solemn.

"Good, go early and return early!"

Chapter 189 - Happy Cooperation

A space vortex floated above the palace of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom Palace, and Carlos' figure appeared, landing on the roof of the palace.

This time, it was only Carlos who had come alone, the other crew members all had more or less different injuries that needed to be treated by Sholema in time.

There wasn't much need for too many people to come either, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom didn't have any strong people for Carlos to look at, and the medical power was strong enough to save lives, but not very good at fighting.

Carlos walked a few steps, jumped down from over the palace and landed on the ground, walking straight into the palace, his Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny had noticed that the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, Valpo's oldest son was in the palace, walking around anxiously, as if he was worried about the battle situation.

Carlos didn't hide himself and was spotted by the guards guarding the palace's main hall as soon as he appeared.

"What people, how dare you trespass into the palace hall, stop!"

"If you don't stop, don't blame us."

Carlos wore a faint smile on his face, deaf to the words of warning.

"Attack!" The captain in charge of guarding the palace hall immediately gave the order, a total of twenty people with spears and swords were about to attack.


Suddenly, a tyrannical overlord Qi swept past, everyone's body stagnated, their eyes white, poof, poof one after another kept falling to the ground, the captain of the palace palace's guards were no exception, and also fell to the ground from the impact.

The movement outside the palace alarmed the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom even walked out to see, Carlos just walked into the palace at this time, to be honest, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's palace was built well, simple and ordinary contains luxury and majesty.

"You", the king of the Magnetic Drum pointed at Carlos and could not speak, he seemed to have recognized Carlos.

After all, it was someone to deal with, Carlos's appearance was of course clear, similar to what he looked like on the bounty.

The current king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom looked good, wearing a magnificent royal robe, quite a kingly figure, and I don't know how he had given birth to the kind of oddball like Valpo, who didn't look or act like a king.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." Carlos gave a curt greeting.

"You won?" The Magnetic Drum King quickly put away his surprise and forced calm.

This king, although his personal strength was not good in Carlos' opinion, was still a qualified king, and at least behaved well and smartly when his life was threatened.

"Yes, I won." Carlos shrugged with a smirk.

"The Navy's a bunch of losers!" The King of Magnetic Drum cursed, then looked calmly at Carlos, "What do you want when you come to me?"

"Smart, no wonder the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's reputation as a medical powerhouse has grown stronger under your governance!"

"But I'm going to hold a grudge for the Navy, the Navy isn't useless, it's just that I'm too strong, my God's Eye Bandits are too strong, and any bandits in the first half of the Great Voyage should have been wiped out by now."

"Since you're so direct, I won't beat around the bush."

"I'll state my terms, it's up to you to accept or not."

"Except for my life, the Magnetic Drum Kingdom can't exterminate foreign countries, so any other condition can be considered."

"Good, courageous."

"First, given your joint naval attack on the God's Eye Bandits, you don't want that medicine supply back."

"Very reasonable." The King of Magnetic Drum's face remained unchanged.

"Second, although the ship doctors under my command are considered top level in the Western Sea, there is still a big gap between them and the Magnetic Drum Kingdom's medical skills."

"Give him all of your Magnetic Drum Kingdom's medical techniques!"

The muscles on the Magnetic Drum King's face twitched, taking a deep breath and forcibly calming down, "Yes, but I hope those healing arts will not be passed on."

Although this condition was very excessive, but biting his teeth was still acceptable, not to mention that even as a king, he couldn't collect all the various strange and weird medical arts of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom in a short period of time, and even if he did, there was no telling how much time it would take for the other party to learn them.

The most crucial thing was that although the Magnetic Guardian Kingdom medical arts were precious, the most precious thing was having a strong medical research capability, and the interval between the renewal of the medical technology of the Magnetic Drum Island was not very long.

"There's no problem with that, it will only be passed down among my forces, what I've worked so hard to obtain, it's not that easy for others to get." Carlos smiled faintly.

The Magnetic Drum Kingdom was not particularly satisfied with this answer, but the situation was not right, so he could only accept it.

Carlos's meaning he heard, others could also learn if they paid enough.

The Magnetic Drum Kingdom's reputation as a medical power was world famous, even the medical technology that the Magnetic Drum Kingdom had long since eliminated was a remarkable technology in some islands.

"Third, hand over the devil fruit from your royal family's collection."

"But don't fool me with your private collection, it's no use lying under my eyes, I can make you reveal your own embarrassment."

The kaleidoscopic writhe eyes of the four corners of the great windmill spun, and the King of the Magnetic Drum felt as if his mind had been sucked in, his head was basically blank in the middle, only a pair of scarlet cold evil eyes!

After an unknown amount of time, which seemed like an instant or ten thousand years, thoughts slowly returned, and the forehead of the King of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom was covered in a dense cold sweat.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, although the Devil Fruit is precious, it is worthless compared to my life, compared to the safety and security of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom."

"Currently, I have a total of two demons in my collection, both of which are given to Your Excellency."

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