I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 171.

"Please don't worry Captain, I will definitely study this information and work hard to improve my medical skills, so that I can integrate it and train a large number of excellent doctors for the Captain in the future." Xiao Lema couldn't hold back his excitement, in fact, there was no need to hold back, stood up and assured, his heart filled with a sense of belonging to the God's Eye Bandits, the captain was really too good to him.

"Well, take it back and study it, I don't know much about these." Carlos nodded with a wry smile.


After saying that, Sholema picked up the information, couldn't wait, and left at a healthy pace.

For the next two days, Sholema also preserved what he said, and counted it as a waste of sleep to conduct research, staying in the newly built small medical lab all day.

There wasn't really any equipment for most of the experiments yet, and the lab materials weren't even available, and those things hadn't been gotten yet.

But this matter is not difficult for Carlos, and does not need to use Stacy's energy inside the world government, some ordinary equipment can be purchased to the range passing through, precious through the black market.

The Black League but the global black market important customers, in fact, the Black League is a member of the black market, engage in some medical experimental equipment is not difficult.

Carlos and others drifted in the ocean for two days, the general warfare also lightly arrived at the magnetic drum island.

Although the navy had received some information from the palace of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, they searched every corner of the Magnetic Drum Island afterwards, but there was no sign of the God's Eye Bandits, and they were destined to travel in vain.

Chapter 191 - Alabastan.

Magnetic Drum Island dock, a few warships are slowly sailing away from Magnetic Drum Island, the middle of a warship's office in the company, the war country looks ugly, ran a long way, the result is a trip for nothing, it is depressing, not happy!

Standing by the side, Sakaski the Red Dog didn't look much better either, this mission failure was a big blow to him!

He's never failed a mission before.

"Whew," after a long time, the warrior's mind finally calmed down, "This God's Eye pirate group is really too difficult to deal with, we must find a chance to destroy them completely in the future."

"I will propose to Air Marshal to add their bounty, and the Naval Intelligence Department should also divide some of their energy out to keep an eye on this pirate group."

"It's an eventful time now, the sea pirates are coming out all the time, and we can only give up for now."

"War Admiral, please rest assured that if you let the God's Eye Sea Pirates be arrogant for a little while longer, sooner or later they will be wiped out!" Red Dog gritted his teeth, his mind thoroughly holding a grudge against the God's Eye Pirates, especially Carlos.

"Well come on, first go back to the headquarters and rest for two days, there are still more arrogant pirates, you can't be idle."

"No need to rest, just tell me what tasks you have, destroy the pirates, I Sakaski is obliged to do so!" Red Dog looked solemn, on the one hand this was indeed what he had in mind, on the other hand he was on fire and needed to find some hot chicken at sea to quench the fire!

Before he knew it another day had passed, and the two God's Eye Pirates had done their business, as always, without much happening except for the destruction of an unknown band of pirates.

Carlos lay back in his own personal recliner when it was time to relax, he didn't usually like to stay in the house in his spare time, with a copy of today's earliest newspaper in his hand.

The paper had news about the God's Eye Bandits, in short, the Navy announced the increase in the bounty for crimes committed by the God's Eye Bandits.

Carlos's bounty had suddenly soared from 100 million to 400 million, a huge increase, and you could tell the navy was a little annoyed.

This period of the Navy's bounty is not as watery as more than twenty years later, of course, the water is still bound to be there.

God's eye pirate group's bounty is basically a symbol of strength, although it is not very accurate, after all, God's eye pirate group was established, the sea time is not long.

The God's Eye Bandits didn't do those rape, pillage, murder and arson things to civilians, unlike many pirates, the bounty bounced around wildly because of these things.

The rest of the crew also had their own different increases, Rain Hillel rose to 350 million, Martin was also 350 million, this was because both of their opponents were admirals, in the middle of the strength of all admirals.

Doris bounty of three hundred million Bailey, said Doris although less than the rain of Hillel, Martin, but the fame is greater, more well-known after all, is a beautiful pirate, or a beautiful sword, and from the appearance of extremely contrasting.

Doris if she didn't wear a sword and put on a gorgeous dress, most people would think she was a noble lady.

Martin, like Doris, also has 300 million berries, and their opponents are different, but their combined strength is not far off.

O'Neill, Olson a two hundred and eighty million berries and a two hundred and fifty million berries.

Kylie was two hundred million berries, Suzanne one hundred and sixty million berries, and Sholema one hundred and forty million berries, which is considered the lowest of the God's Eye Bandits.

As far as strength is concerned, Kylie, who has excellent marksmanship and skillful physical skills, and is quite talented in seeing and hearing color dominance, is worth 200 million berry, and many navies died under his gun during the battle.

Susanna, Sholema two people's strength is not worth so much bounty, the strength of the two is also about 80 million, at most 100 million.

The reason it was so much was still under the influence of the God's Eye Bandits, or to be precise, Carlos's influence was somewhat inflated.

The God's Eye bandits in the first half of the Great Voyage is considered completely famous, all the crew of the bounty is not less than 100 million, let people awe and at the same time let people jealous, jealous!

Carlos could guess that they might encounter a lot of trouble when they landed later, after all, which world never lacked desperate people, people who couldn't see themselves.

Carlos didn't care about other people's attitudes, whatever jealousy, jealousy, but as long as they bumped into each other and didn't have enough strength, then they deserved to die!

After reading the news about himself, Carlos browsed through the other news, focusing on the New World news.

There was a news item in the newspaper that caught Carlos' attention, the New World Air Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates fought a battle, and both sides suffered a lot of damage.

From the time Carlos rescued the Golden Lion from the propulsion city, a huge change had occurred, the Golden Lion did not lose his legs, the strength did not drop much, the future royal pirate group, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, BIGMOM pirate group, red-haired pirate group want to develop a lot more difficult.

Of course, this also had an effect on Carlos's God's Eye Bandits, but it wasn't much, and Carlos didn't want to become a Fourth Emperor.

He did want to control some territory in the New World, but the area occupied would not be too large, the limelight was going to be out, but too much limelight is fine, let someone else have the limelight like the four kings.

Carlos wanted to be a big man, but not a big man like the four kings, but a similar big man like Dover, but with much more power, much more influence.

He neither wanted to be the dog of the world government, nor the dog of the Four Kings, inextricably linked to the great powers of the world, but maintaining his own independence, influence all over the black and white world!

To achieve this level of power where the big powers all want to recruit him, and which side he joins directly affects the outcome, it requires not only great power and strength, but also learning to be a human being, harder than becoming the Four Kings!

It was just as well to finish reading the newspaper, Carlos had no current thoughts of participating in the changes in the new world, let them have their way.

The next stop was the island of Sentinel, the island where the Kingdom of Alabastan was located, a powerful kingdom that was mostly desert.

The ancestors of the Kingdom of Alabastan, one of the twenty royal families that created the world government, had refused to move to the Holy Land and had been developing in Alabastan.

Alabastan is currently one of the few powerful kingdoms in the world, not yet down to where it has been for over twenty years, with a standing army of 700,000, well trained and equipped, and a mighty nation!

In terms of comprehensive national power, the ten magnetic drum kingdoms combined were far inferior to Alabastan, not a size at all, only the medical aspect couldn't compare.

After a few days of sailing, Alabastan was already far away, and from afar a pale yellow island could be seen situated on the sea, with no end in sight.

Saintine Island was huge, and this holy word actually hinted at the origin of the royal family of the Alabastan Kingdom.

The Alabastan Kingdom's status was a head higher than that of the World Government franchise, and naturally, pirates were forbidden to enter.

Due to the great strength of the Alabastan Kingdom basically no pirates dared to forcefully land, otherwise the armies stationed in the major cities were not vegetarians.

But you have the Zhang Liang technique, I have the wall ladders, openly can not enter, sneak in on the line.

The first thing that you need to do is to take a look at the new product.

Carlos also didn't want to get tough with the official Alabastan over a trivial matter of entering the island, and also took the method of smuggling.

Chapter 192 - Playing the Calf.

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