I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 172.

The Stygian Moon gradually sailed towards the waters of Alabastan, and according to the map, Carlos chose the port city of Alabastan, Canola, as the first stop on his journey to the Kingdom of Alabastan.


Suddenly, the bandits, who were looking out over the deck, heard the peculiar shouting of a group of cows that looked like cows, and when they looked out, they saw the water bubbles boiling on the surface of the sea, and a group of kung fu sea cows emerged from the sea, punching and kicking on the surface of the sea, and issued a challenge to the crowd.

The crowd tsked and looked at the group of kung fu sea cows with interest, but they were not interested in the challenge of the kung fu sea cows.

The God's Eye Bandits are not the Straw Hat Bandits, just look at the rarities.


A tyrannical color tyranny erupted from Carlos to spread 180 degrees forward, shaking a kung fu manatee to stun, and in the blink of an eye the manatee sank into the sea, and the sea was suddenly clear.

The ship has been in a state of flux for a long time, but it has been a long time since it was first launched.

Once on shore, the people had a better understanding of the desolation of the Kingdom of Alabastan, not much vegetation to be seen at a glance, most of it next door, yellow sand, dry air and high temperatures.

It is worth mentioning that although the Kingdom of Alabastan has relatively few oases and most of them are desert gobi, but the country is rich in mineral resources, commerce is developed, and its citizens are generally wealthy, which is the only way to support the 800,000 standing army today.

In terms of the number of armies, the Kingdom of Alabastan's standing army today was something that not many countries in the world could compare to.

A group of ten people, it was not long before they reached the port city of Rapeseed in the Kingdom of Alabastan, a city that was currently second only to the country's capital, Albana, in terms of prosperity in Alabastan, and from afar the streets were crowded with people and commerce was flourishing.

"This time in the Kingdom of Alabastan, let's have a good tour and relax."

"Together if you want to be together, alone if you want to be alone, send flares in time to contact support if you encounter danger."

"Three days, have a good time here for three days, and after three days everyone will contact each other to gather, understand?" Carlos commanded with a glance at his crew.

"Understood, Captain!" The crowd was basically a bit excited, only Rain Hieu, the one whose indifference had become a habit, didn't have an expression on his face.

However, judging by the curve of Rain no Hirou's mouth and the slightly stretched out micro-expression at the corners of his eyes, he was happy inside and was probably thinking about buying some good cigars and good wine.

The man, Hiryu of Rain, had been with Carlos for some time now, and Carlos had found that he had few hobbies other than swordsmanship and killing, and was fond of cigar smoke and drinking.

For money, food and other things are not too important, more spontaneous, as for women, but some respect away from as if women are a flood of beasts to bad his training in general, at least now not very interested.

"Good, then each of you will depart, I'll go first." Carlos smiled, and as soon as his voice fell, his figure disappeared, turning into a black dot in the blink of an eye.

The rest of the crew smiled at each other and left, either alone or in groups with similar interests, and soon the unassuming group of ten blended in with the huge population of the port city.

Carlos wore a blue shirt on top today, buttoned down low to reveal a strong chest, wearing a pair of blue and white striped trousers walking down a busy street, wearing orange sunglasses, smiling, and carrying a travel bag, if you carry a travel bag, you look like a traveling sunshine youth, not a bit of a bounty of 400 million beribboned pirates.

The first thing Carlos came to wander was a food street, the street is smoky, the shops on both sides of the street, the street food stalls, all kinds of aromas intertwined together, it is really very seductive in the tummy glutton.

Not one to begrudge his hosts, Carlos shelled out some berries and made his way down the street to purchase his favorite food, mainly local cuisine.

There was no need to worry about not being able to eat, with his digestive ability, he wouldn't hold up even if he ate the entire food court, it was still good to be a strong man, especially physically strong, at least to be able to eat more.

It took three hours, and Carlos basically sampled all the food in the food court, spending more than 100,000 berries, eating and drinking enough to get out of the food court at a leisurely pace, with the sun setting and the lights on, gargling with a bottle of cold beer.

After a short walk, Carlos made his way to the entertainment street of this port city, ready to have a good time, as for other ordinary streets, slums and such, Carlos would not go there.

He had come to have fun, not to inspect the plight of folk, and the affairs of the Kingdom of Alabastan were naturally left to their own devices.

There are many entertainment options on the street, including casinos, dance halls, music halls, cafes, karaoke rooms, massage and sauna rooms, etc. The quality of the entertainment is quite good, not too bad, but certainly not comparable to the world's largest casino, the future Golden Emperor Tazolo.

The shops on this street were one more profitable than the other, each with some kind of background, but of course the so-called background of these shops was not seen by Carlos of late.

As he walked around, he thought about which shops to entertain himself in, the more he looked around the more upset Carlos became as he found that most of the shops were first time entrants in pairs and very few alone.

After observing for a while, Carlos found that the casinos had the least number of people entering in pairs, and with a turn of his foot, he entered a casino called Congratulation and Fortune, which was a really auspicious name, and the person who named it was a talent, no wonder this casino did the best business.

The entrance to the casino was guarded by a team of men with swords, Carlos walked in without any hindrance, no dog's eye happened.

The casino this kind of place mixed fish and dragons, for dress really not too fancy, unkempt gamblers originally quite a lot, no money can also enter, as long as do not make trouble.

After entering, Carlos found that the casino is quite upscale, no underground casino noisy and messy look, every person dressed quite good, there is a bow tie, wearing a white shirt, black vest waiter with a tray service.

Carlos ran to the chip exchange first and exchanged his chips for ten bucks to the marvelous, ahem, scowling eyes of the exchange agent.

Idly, back then, Chan Dagger Boy could win 37 million dollars with twenty, he Carlos was even hungrier, he could do it with ten, if the smallest chip wasn't just ten, he could do it with one.

Tonight, he will be the God of Gamblers.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the game of dice, and you'll see that the game of dice is not just a game of dice, it's a game of dice.

The guests at the table and the casino's dealer were all shocked by Carlos's slightly revealed momentum, silently watching his every move.

The next thing you know, Carlos elegantly lights up a white cigarette, and with a flick of his fingers, ten dollars of chips fly out and land on the small buy position.



Around the table a sudden applause, thought to buy how big, do something great it, it turned out to be a calf, just ten, wasted expression for nothing, pretending to look like a lot of gamblers feel owed a beating!

If it wasn't for the fact that fighting was banned here, he would have most likely been K'd on the street.

Chapter 193 - Fujitiger Ichimaru

Carlos smiled a little at the sight, not angry, he did have some yawners earlier.

The dice opened, 134, small, and Carlos managed to make ten.

The very first bet, Carlos didn't use any of his abilities, it was purely to try his luck, it didn't matter if he really lost, it wasn't like he really only had ten berries.

The next time you make a bet, Carlos can use his ability, whether it is the Demon Fruit ability or the color of the tyranny of sight, can easily detect the number of dice, is simply unbeatable.

After winning ten games in a row, the person in charge of shaking the dice has some cold sweat on his forehead, and can't help but use the secret mechanism on the table to modify the dice points.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you're in the right place and that you're not in the wrong place.

Carlos didn't continue to press, if he continued to win, the lottery officer probably won't have a good ending, because the casino can't do anything to him, the lottery officer is afraid that he will become a punching bag.

Carlos left the table, and went to other tables, a large group of people followed Carlos this table, that table win to win, and soon attracted the attention of the casino manager.

If they kept winning like this, would the casino still be open?

One person's win is actually nothing yet, the casino can still afford it, the key is to follow the trend of too many, a game goes on, the casino's losses more and more.

In public, the casino even if the heart is very dissatisfied, hate to kill Carlos, the smash hit is not good to do, otherwise others win money, the casino will have to use the means, then the casino can close down.

The best way to deal with this kind of matter is to deal with it privately, private deal with it whether it is inducement or coercion or even direct killings, the consequences for the casino are easier to receive.

Just as Carlos was sitting at the gambling table killing it all, with a great view and a pleasing gambler waiting on his every move, a figure appeared behind Carlos, his low, thick voice and the powerful strength in his body instantly attracting Carlos' attention.

"This little brother, a superb gambler, may I have a word?"

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