I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 173.

Carlos turned his head to look at the person behind him, his pupils constricting slightly under his orange sunglasses, a little surprised that he hadn't expected to run into each other here, although the other man was indeed a gambler and it wasn't surprising that he appeared in any casino

The visitor had a square head, short black hair, a light beard around his mouth, closed eyes, a crossed scar from his forehead to the bottom of his eyes, a tall figure, wearing a lavender yukata, a black belt around his waist, a purple cloak, holding a straight wooden cane, and a smiling face.

The man was the new Admiral of over twenty years thick, Fujitiger Ichimaru, and Fujitiger was his admiral title.

This admiral was the one that Carlos had the most favorable impression of out of all the currently appearing admirals, including the comparable admiral in the navy, and his justice collection of the characteristics of Ayanami and Red Dog was for benevolent justice, a character that was easy to draw favorable impressions from.

The moment he saw Fuji Tiger's smile, Carlos understood the other party's purpose, and although Fuji Tiger loved gambling, he loved to gamble justly, that is, basically by luck.

Otherwise, with Fujiku's terrifying Seeing and Hearing color tyranny, how could he lose in the district of gambling, Fujiku's Seeing and Hearing color tyranny might be comparable to few people in this world!

In terms of the range of the Seeing and Hearing color hegemony is probably number one, the ground is too far away from where the meteorite is flying, even if the meteorite entering this world is still far away.

If you want to pull down the meteorite in the sky, is it just a matter of releasing gravity? The Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony has to lock onto the meteorite to do it, the meteorite is so fast, it can't be done without calculating the timing of releasing gravity, it's a technical feat!

Carlos played gambling unless he was playing with one of his own, then he wanted to win, and seeing how exaggeratedly Carlos won, he definitely wanted to be reminded of that.

Both because he was not used to seeing himself this way, but also so that no one would die, Carlos's strength was definitely able to see something even if Fuhu couldn't fully detect it.

"Good." Carlos got up and left, the table full of chips, but now the surrounding gamblers, the gamblers quit.

They were winning cool with the wind and a blind boy pulled away the god of gambling, the god of wealth, what was this?

Naturally, they wouldn't be embarrassed with Carlos, so they all attacked at Fuji Hu Yi Xiao, spewing out all sorts of obscenities, each of them transforming into a big spray, spraying people like machine guns, creating a rather powerful pressure.

What was Fujiku Ichimaru?

This is a real strong man with a strong heart, but also a ruthless man, unwilling to see too much filth in the human world on self-destruction of the eyes, this level of attack, in the vine tiger a smile, is just a breeze floating surface.

Smiling lightly, enduring the abuse, not moving, breaking a feeling of spoiling, as long as they don't do anything, Fujiku Ichimaru won't be bothered with these people.

"Alright, guys, you guys have fun, I'll be back soon." Carlos pressed his hands together.

The God of Gambling, the God of Fortune still worked when it came to talking, and soon everyone stopped clowning around and shut up.

This was normal, because of course they were going to jump to their feet when Fuji Tiger touched their interests with a smile.

They walked out of the crowd, and within a few steps, four casino personnel in suits and collars arrived, gambling on Carlos and Fuhu Ichimaru's way out.

"This distinguished guest, our manager is here to see you." A leading young man with silver rimmed glasses, looking refined.

"Come on, don't bother me, I'm just having a little fun."

"I don't care about that money either, you casinos can take it back yourselves."

Carlos was a bit impatient, he was wondering if he could possibly pull him on board now that he had seen the strong man, Fuji Tiger Ichimaru, where did he care about that fun at the casino.

After saying Carlos was going to leave, the leading youth was a little confused, was it so easy to spit out what he had eaten? That's tens of millions of dollars.

When the two walked out of the casino entrance, the lead youth spoke again, "Please wait."

"Well? What else?" Carlos turned his head in a very unhappy manner, his brows furrowed, his tone cold as ice.

The leading youth felt cold all over, as if he had met a tiger as a child and was being stared at by a fierce tiger kind of feeling, and suddenly said the rest of his words back, he was actually recruiting on behalf of the manager, on behalf of the casino.

"No all right."

"Huh?" Carlos grumbled and walked out of the casino and onto the street with a smile on his face with Fuhu.

"Your Excellency, how do I address you?" Carlos's face softened and he smiled.

Fujitiger was a bit confused now, he hadn't even opened his mouth yet, so how come things were basically resolved?

"My name is One Smile."

"It's me who misunderstood your Excellency, so you were just having fun, I told you how a strong man like your Excellency could play tricks to get money in this kind of casino."

"Sorry." Fujitiger apologized atmospherically.

"No offense, I'm Lucifer Carlos, nice to meet Mr. Ichiro-san."

"That name sounds familiar."

"Well count on it, I've been a pirate for almost a year now."

"I remember, you're the captain of the God's Eye Pirates who recently gained notoriety and offered a bounty of 400 million."

"That's right, it's me, I wonder if Mr. Ichimei has time to go find a place with me for a bowl of ramen?" Carlos was smiling and somewhat playful.

Hearing the ramen, Fu Fuhu licked his lips, as if he was a bit gluttonous, and nodded his head in agreement.

Of course Fujiku actually wouldn't agree just for a bowl of ramen, the real reason he agreed was because he thought Carlos was interesting and different from ordinary pirates!

Chapter 194 - Dating

Two blocks away from the street of amusement, Carlos and Fujitiger found a ramen restaurant together, they found a relatively secluded table at the stall in front of the ramen restaurant and ordered two bowls of ramen, Fujitiger for miso ramen and Carlos for seafood ramen.

"Mr. Ichika, is this a tour?" The ramen hadn't come up yet, and Carlos asked casually.

"Sort of, walking around and seeing things, you can recognize the world more clearly." Vine Tiger was smiling with his staff knife in his pestle, now Vine Tiger wasn't old, he looked to be in his thirties, over forty.

"His Excellency Carlos is so young and has such a strong strength, making a great name for himself, it's really something."

"It's a pity to be a pirate, the world would be more peaceful if I could become a navy."

"Ichika-san is joking, I come from a difficult background to become a navy, and I don't really suffer from the rules in the navy."

"The navy isn't as righteous as Ichimei-san thinks, and in my opinion there's nothing wrong with becoming a pirate, at least a pirate like me I think."

"Oh? I'd like to hear more about it."

"Mr. One Smile, rather than a band of pirates, my band of pirates is more appropriately called an adventuring group."

"The rape and pillage, murder and arson of ordinary pirates is not something the God's Eye Banditry doesn't care about."

"The God's Eyes Pirate Troupe has enough funds, and we don't bother with civilians as long as they don't intentionally offend."

"It's been about a year since we went out to sea, and my God's Eye Bandits haven't done any of the evil things that ordinary pirates have done, the name of pirates was just imposed on us by the navy."

"The Navy says we're pirates, we are pirates."

"Then why,"

"You're asking why our bounty is so high, aren't you?"

"Oh well talk about bad luck, what an unmitigated disaster, it's very different from what the newspapers reported."

"Those media will do anything for sales, not to mention the official control of the world government, which is much more selective in its coverage."

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