I'm a pirate

I'm the Big Boss of Pirates Chapter 178.

The taste of demon fruit was indescribable, the kind that even Luffy couldn't stand!

"I understand, Captain."

"Just eat it here."

Sholema nodded, reached out his hand and picked up the fungus fruit, and decisively bit into it, his face instantly ugly, his expression extremely complex, as if it was glowing with green light

"Swallow it with your eyes closed, and never vomit it out." Carlos saw that Xiao Lema had the tendency to vomit out, and immediately snapped in a deep voice.

When Xiao Lema heard Carlos' voice, he even covered his mouth with both hands, his eyes closed, and swallowed it with a grunt as if it was as hard as eating shit.

"Hooooo" Sholema gasped, the taste was really unforgettable to him, "Captain, how did you eat this stuff in the first place?"

"Uh" Carlos smiled in celebration as he remembered what happened at first, "My demon fruit is special, it's small, like the size of a grape or a cherry, so you don't have to taste it, you can just swallow it."

"Huh?" Sholima was stunned and randomly grinned, "Captain, you're no one's lucky, are you?"

"Haha it's not bad."

"Well, you should hurry back to your room and study your abilities."

"Remember, this devil fruit has to be developed in conjunction with healing, and no matter how busy you are with research in the future, you have to take some time every day to exercise your physique, physical strength is the nourishment to stimulate your abilities."

"Only when these two points are combined can this devil fruit bloom in your hands!" Carlos looked solemn as he urged.

"Don't worry, Captain."

"I'll leave first."


Carlos had placed no small expectations on Sholayma, the bacterial fruit could only be used to its fullest in the hands of someone who was proficient in the art of healing.

In the future, if Sho Lema researched any bacterial, viral infectious diseases to the hostile forces of the God's Eye Bandits, it would be a group warfare weapon!

An enemy with poorer medical care might be completely wiped out by a contagious disease.

Two words, broad fear!

Chapter 199 - Desert Gunfight

Carlos and the others stayed in the hotel for two days, until Rain's Hillel called to inform them that they were leaving.

Since they had come to the Kingdom of Alabastan, they couldn't stay in just one city all the time, at least Alba, the capital of the Kingdom of Alabastan, was still going to be there.

After leaving the hotel, the group purchased camels, moving crabs, brought enough drinking water and food with them, and entered the desert to set out on their journey to Albana.

The desert was undoubtedly a dangerous place, and the natural environment alone was enough to cause great trouble for humans.

However, for Carlos and the others, as long as they didn't encounter a super sandstorm, it wasn't a big trouble, and the Divine Might Space was a good place to hide and store.

The reason why the super sandstorm was a big trouble was mainly because then they wouldn't have their mounts, and it wouldn't be cool to shake a ham walking.

The people rode camels, moving crabs, early into the desert, the desert is hot, the rush is usually in the morning and part of the night, during the day the average person can't afford it.

Carlos and others are naturally able to withstand the sun, after all, the body quality is good, and supplies are also sufficient, but the crowd has no urgent business, naturally will not rush to suffer, so only in the absence of the sun or the sun is not too hot.

Carlos could actually use Kamui or other methods, such as psychic flying creatures across the desert, but it would be a little too boring to use this method anytime, and would miss too much of the scenery on the road.

So since there was no urgency, the crowd of the Shin Megami Tensei Bandits unanimously agreed to cross the desert in the traditional way.

There were a lot of vicious creatures in the desert, but the bandits attacked rashly with the mighty force of Shin Megami Tensei, and they only came to sacrifice their teeth.

Kylie and Sholema are both interested in the strange creatures of the desert, one considering their food value and the other their medicinal value.

With great strength as a backing, so this road, which is dangerous in the eyes of ordinary people and extremely accident-prone without a guide, is nothing more than that in the eyes of Carlos and the others, and is perfectly manageable.

It's not that Carlos and the others couldn't take it anymore, they all have mounts how could they not take it, it's that the camels and moving crabs were already at their limits and couldn't handle it anymore.

Carlos saw the situation and ordered a rest in passing, Olsen to the camel, moving crab to replenish water, food, Kelly to prepare the crowd's food, Doris, Susanna to fight, the rest of the people or build a camp, or set traps.

Later is to sleep here, should have the warning traps still have to have, otherwise the gutter shipwreck that would be too tragic.

When the traps, camps, and mounts are taken care of, Kylie has also made a meal for everyone, the conditions are limited, not as exquisite as usual, but no less delicious, and those who have not eaten enough can still roast meat to eat by the fire.

Tonight's night sky is rather gloomy, bright moon, shining stars are missing, endless desert, a sizeable sand dunes under the burning bright fire, more than a fire, shining around the camp a bright, dispel the darkness, dispel the cold.

The people of the God's Eye Bandits each sat in front of the fire, not far from each other, and after the food Kelly had cooked was eaten, they all roasted and ate together.

The full eat less, not full eat more, plus all kinds of wine, drinks, everyone talk about the sky, joke, is really lively and pleasant, intoxicating!

Bang, bang, bang.

A quarter of an hour later, suddenly gunshots rang out, not too far away, not too close, and only four of the God's Eye Bandits heard them over the sound of talk and laughter.

"Hush" Carlos put his right index finger to his mouth and made a motion to silence, everyone even stopped talking and laughing, this time the sound of the gunshots became even more obvious, everyone heard it.

Everyone looked at each other, and they could see the curiosity and excitement in everyone's hearts, and it seemed that something interesting was happening in the middle of the night.

Carlos got up and climbed the dune, the gunfire was coming from across the street from where they were camped, and the rest of the crew followed, one by one, standing on the dune looking into the darkness beyond.

Bang, bang, bang.

Only in the darkness, a flash of light continued to light up, less in the front, from time to time a bright light flashed up, more in the back, the flash of bright light about more than 20.

The darkness could not blind Carlos' eyes, and Carlos could easily see through the darkness what was happening about 3,000 meters away from their position.

In short, it was a group of people chasing one person!

In Carlos's eyes, both the pursuer and the hunted wore similar clothing, a similar style of clothing to the soldiers of the Kingdom of Alabastan that Carlos occasionally saw in Rapeseed City, but the group of people in front of them were much more advanced.

Plus, these people were heavily armed, guns were quite rare, and in the navy it was only the naval headquarters, the New World's navy was able to equip them in large numbers, the Great Voyage's navy wasn't fully equipped, and the Four Seas was even less so.

There was also the fact that all of these people's marksmanship was fine, especially the one who was being chased, that person was not only a chip higher than the one behind, the action of dodging bullets was also regular, standard and swift.

All these reasons combined together, Carlos had a good reason to suspect that the group of people should all belong to the Alabastan Kingdom's army, and it was a very elite kind of army.

It was a very interesting sight, Carlos decided.

In the blink of an eye, the one being chased had fled behind a small dune, and harshly and fiercely began a counter-attack, hundreds of meters away, almost instantly three shots mixed with the gunfire of the pursuer, three bullets pierced the skulls of the three pursuers with unparalleled precision, gunshots to the head!

The sudden violent death of three people seemed to scare the pursuers a lot, the pursuers each ordinary bunker, did not find cover, busy lying on the desert.

"Everyone, are you interested in having some fun?" Carlos's mouth quirked up a little, and there was some excitement in his heart that a gunfight was a man's romance, too!

The crew looked at Carlos with confusion and anticipation at the news.

Carlos's eyes shifted, the scarlet kaleidoscope seemed like a demon in the night, and a spatial vortex emerged, from which a striped weapon emerged.

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