I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 179.

The crowd took a closer look through the faint firelight from the dunes, and it turned out to be ten well-made long guns.

These long rifles were all top-notch long guns, second only to professional sniper rifles, with good range, power, and accuracy.

Carlos, on the other hand, was using the sniper Blood Night that he hadn't used in a long time, his strength today was not what it once was when he needed to use his gun power to achieve his goal.

Everyone was no stranger to guns, at least not uncommonly, but some of the crew were still first to play, having worked in their fields before, having seen guns and never shot them, such as Suzanne and Sholema.

"Everyone take cover on the dunes and shoot, remember to be careful and duck properly low when you fire, don't let the bullets lift the canopy and gutter the boat."

Carlos's words were a reminder of the weaker members of the crew, those who hadn't learned to arm color domination or whose own physiques weren't strong enough to withstand bullets.

Carlos was immune to ordinary guns, ordinary strong men sending out bullets long ago, so that the bullets could not even lift the sky, that is, Jesus Boo, Beckman level of strong men using guns, he would only have some scruples.

"Understood, Captain."

"Sneak attack? So excited!"

"Interesting, tsk, tsk!"

The crowd was talking in seven different voices, all of them a little excited.

"Captain, who are we beating up?"



The crowd looked at Carlos in amazement, is this without a target?

Chapter 200 - Louise

"We're pirates. We can beat up whoever we want."

"Don't lock them down with their abilities and dominance, it's up to them to decide which ones survive."

"Just keep yourself safe, it doesn't matter if you can hit someone or not, consider this an after dinner game." Carlos smirked.

"Yes, Captain!"

"Lie down and shoot free!"

Carlos lay on top of the dunes, did not use the ability to see and hear the color hegemony emitted over a radius of a hundred meters, this is not an attack, but a defense, lest the crew who would not be hegemonic unlucky enough to hang up.

Aimed at the side with more bright lights, find a bright light where, Carlos decisively pulled the trigger, a bullet cut through the night sky, very good luck, hit a soldier's arm.

Carlos fired, and the rest of the crew followed suit, one by one they lay down on the dune and pulled the trigger, and a bullet flew out.

Mostly they flew towards the crowded area, which was easier to hit because there were more people and more than a little sympathetic to this bullying of the few by the many, but not without bullets flying towards the pursued.

The sudden gunfire almost gave two parties whole confused, the reaction of some people busy adjusting cover, this time the shelter not only to defend the front, but also to defend the side; no reaction, good luck to avoid a robbery, bad luck will be hit, the bad luck to be randomly shot to death.

The next step is a three-way scuffle, a bullet that cuts through the night sky and shoots onto the desert, stirring up a shower of sand.

Better than gunplay in the absence of using abilities and domination, the other two parties were better, they had night vision, they could see clearly with just a hint of light, and with superb gunplay, the firepower was once suppressed.

But a hundred meters in a radius of 100 meters were covered by the God's Eye Bandits in the will see and hear color Hegemony, the trajectory of the bullets were clearly visible, and with mutual reminders, it was very difficult to hit the crew of the God's Eye Bandits.

The fierce exchange of fire lasted half an hour, everyone had a good shot, until one side retreated and one side fled.

With no more opponents, the God's Eye Bandits naturally couldn't play, and put their guns away, returning to the campfire to prepare to finish off the unfinished roast and rest and sleep afterwards.

Half an hour later, with a raised eyebrow, Carlos gave a quiet sign, and the camp quieted down, looking to the back of the camp, where a shadow was slowly approaching the camp from below the dunes, stumbling and staggering.

The crowd followed Carlos's gaze and saw the shadow

"Interesting, the nerve."

"Which one of you went and brought him here?"

Carlos's eyes flashed with admiration, the darkness could not hinder Carlos's gaze, and at once he recognized the shadow as the one being hunted

A thousand miles of yellow sand, a thousand miles of solitude, heavily wounded, the audacity to circle around to people you don't know and who even just attacked each other, the courage to risk death and live!

"Captain, I'll go." Olsen stood up with a silly smile.

Carlos nodded, and Olsen turned and strode toward The Shadow, bringing the other man back up by the collar in one hand like a hawk catching a chicken.

It was only when The Shadow entered the range of the firelight that he was visible to anyone other than Carlos, looking to be about sixteen or seventeen years old, about one and a half meters tall, with a slightly slim build and angular features that gave him a stern, not-so-good look.

The face was rather dirty, wearing an unknown Alabastan uniform, which was also dirty and somewhat torn; there was a gunshot wound on the upper right chest, under the left chest, and on each of the left thighs, which was simply wrapped, and scarlet blood had seeped out of the white gauze.

There was also a broken backpack and a gun on his back, with black boots on his feet, at this time this person had cracked lips and a pale face, but his eyes were bright and very sharp, showing the strong and tough spiritual will of the other party!

"My name is Louis, thank you all for your help, can I have some water?"

"My water bottle was accidentally shot through by a lead bullet."

"Please be assured that I mean no harm, and that I will leave immediately after taking the water."

"Also, thank you all for your previous actions, otherwise it would have taken me a lot longer to get rid of my pursuers." The young man named Louis squeezed out a hint of a smile on his pale face, his voice was like a golden stone, but the weakness was obvious.

Interesting people, they didn't just take action against the pursuers before, this young man didn't take a few shots either, maybe one of the three gunshot wounds had their contribution, but now they didn't say a word about it!

"Olsen, get him a jug of water." Carlos commanded.

Olsen nodded, unclasped his hand and placed it on the ground, turning and running to pull the water.

The motion of landing on the ground pulled on the wound, causing the young man named Luis to furrow his brow and more blood to seep through the gauze.

"Thank you, thank you." The young man stretched his eyebrows and squeezed out a smile, thanking him, the rest of the God's Eye Bandits didn't say anything, silently measuring.

Soon, Olsen brought a jug of water and handed it to Louis, Louis took the jug, even though he was so thirsty and in desperate need of hydration, he did not drink it in a hurry, and after constantly expressing his gratitude, he took his leave and prepared to leave.

Louis left with a strong will, walking very fast, firstly, because the many years of training between life and death made him very sensitive to danger, staying in this camp, he felt like a lamb that had fallen into the wolves.

Second, he was anxious to find a camp to drink, eat, and replenish his energy as well as perform surgery on himself to remove the lead bullets from his body.

Just as Luis was about to step out of the campfire's envelope and into the darkness, Carlos spoke again.

"Little brother is hurt badly, we have professional doctors here, the night temperature in this desert is extremely low and dangerous, you don't have much chance of surviving alone, do you want to join us?"

"Stay at least one night, it's okay to leave at dawn."

Carlos opened his mouth to extend an invitation, he was quite impressed with Luis, alone in the desert facing the chase, living alone to endure the loneliness, facing the unknown had a kind of courage to risk death and gamble with his life.

Louis doesn't know who he's going to face, but once he meets an unsavoury man, in that physical state, ironically finished, not too old, but a real man!

"Would this be too much trouble for you all?" Louis turned at the news, somewhat hesitantly.

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