I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 190

After the gathering, Carlos planned to take his men to Kulikai, the descendants of the great liar Noland, who had been separated by 400 years, and who knew the rising currents in the waters around Gaya Island best.

Riding the rising sea current is a technical job, the energy of the rising sea current must be enough to send the Stygian Moon up to 10,000 meters in the air, almost not, from 10,000 meters in the air fall, the Stygian Moon is considered completely useless.

The Plutonian Moon was expensive and took a long time to build, Carlos didn't have the patience to wait for one more, once the Plutonian Moon was scrapped, he would have to find other ships to replace it, but how could those pirate ships compare to the Plutonian Moon?

As for whether or not Kulikai would cooperate, Carlos wasn't worried, someone who believed in the existence of the air island and wanted to verify its existence would be more than happy to do so, and he would do his best.

If Kulikai winds up and doesn't cooperate, then there's only other means to use, and I'm not afraid that Kulikai won't do his job.

Everyone separated, Carlos with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing orange sunglasses, a dark red trench coat, a black shirt with red stripes on the inside, black pants with red stripes on the inside, his arms not stretched into the trench coat, but draped casually, walking nonchalantly through the streets of the town of Magic Valley.

Although Magic Valley is a town where pirates congregate, basic order is still in place, but it's looser, and it's normal for a disagreement to lead to a big fight here.

Carlos felt a lot of prying eyes, but it didn't matter to Carlos, whether they were out of curiosity or had an ulterior motive, he didn't mind seeing them!

Not all of the pirates in this Magic Valley Town knew Carlos, and had heard of the bandits, not to mention the bandits who had only been famous for a short time.

It is the powerful pirate group of the new world, such as the white bearded pirate group, flying air pirate group and other world famous pirate group is not all pirates know, the old pirates know, the new pirates may not have heard of.

After wandering the streets for a while, Carlos decided that it wasn't much fun, and walked in towards a tavern not too far away that was filled with customers, even though it was still broad daylight and the tavern was far less crowded than it was at night.

Carlos stepped into the tavern attracting everyone's attention, then resumed, asked for a glass of wine, took a window seat, and slowly tasted it.

Shortly after Carlos sat down, a few more men stepped into the tavern, ordered a few drinks, and sat a short distance away from Carlos, observing him darkly.

Those prying eyes were more subtle but still didn't escape Carlos' perception, these men were watching him and based on the guess they would be one of the three.

The first were pirates who wanted to step on them; the second were bounty-hungry bounty-hunters and the like; the third were intelligence agents of the world government or naval intelligence, and it was impossible for the world government, or the navy, not to set up intelligence spies in a place like Magic Valley Town.

As for the one among the three, it's really hard to guess without moving a hand, temperament, behavior is quite like a pirate, but it's not difficult for an intelligence agent to disguise as a pirate, bounty man is not impossible, pirates are sometimes able to make a cameo appearance as a bounty man.

After finishing a glass of wine, Carlos got up and left, as for the check to get the wine before it was paid.

As soon as Carlos left, a few of the men followed, not far or close, and when they followed them and stepped out of the tavern, they found that Carlos was gone.

A few people were a little surprised, but not too panicked, and one who appeared to be the leader said a few words, and the rest scattered to pursue around the tavern, disappearing in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly, a hand was placed on the leader's shoulder, like an iron band that made it impossible to move, and the body involuntarily turned backwards, facing a pair of scarlet eyes, and the mind was in a trance.

"Who are you guys? Why are you following me?"

"I we're members of the Naval Intelligence Force."

"Newbie, right?" Carlos cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes, just got out of work."

"No wonder it was a nestling, the old bird should have bribed everyone else to do it" Carlos said to himself.

"Have you sent back the information about the arrival of the God's Eye Bandits on Gaya?"


"I see, it looks like the navy is coming after me again." Carlos thought to himself, but was less scrupulous, the navy was just coming as fast as it could, it would take some time and it would have to be a powerful man or it would be a delivery of food

Chapter 213 - Karp Attack.

"Find a chance, you go and finish yourselves off."

Carlos's tone was indifferent, after saying that the pupil power in his eyes surged, as if the four cornered windmill turned, a powerful pupil power shot into the other's eyes, the other's expression was first wooden, then he regained his calm.

"Yes, master, I will dispose of us cleanly." The leader's face was incomparably calm, but the words he spoke were chilling.

Carlos waved his hand and the other left, turning back to the tavern, ordering another wine and tasting it slowly.

Marin Vandal, the naval headquarters, the general's office, where the warlord, who had gradually taken over half the power from the marshal's air, was taking care of some business.

"Report!" A resounding voice came from the door.

"Come in, what can I do for you?" Warlord looked up at a young Commodore of the Navy who pushed his way through the door, it was his secretary officer.

"Admiral Wargrave, word has come from the Ministry of Intelligence that the God's Eye Bandits have been spotted in the town of Magic Valley on Gaya Island." The young Commodore who entered saluted and looked serious.

"The God's Eye Bandits?"

War State is a frown at the news, although the first half of the Great Voyage currently has many new stars, some of them are very difficult to deal with, but the most difficult to deal with is this God's Eye Bandit Group, the strength is too strong, into the new world mixed are enough capital.

This pirate group want to annihilate need to send out a lot of naval forces and strong people to be possible, strong people less simply useless, top lieutenant general, the general can play the best effect!

"Check the positions of Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polusalino immediately."

"Yes." After answering, he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, I remember that guy Kapu should have taken a leave of absence to visit his family this time and should be on his way back now, check Kapu's location as well."


A few minutes later, the secretary returned to the War Office and was given permission to come in.

"How's it going?"

"The war generals, it has been clarified."

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, Lieutenant General Polusarino, and Lieutenant General Kuzan are all in the New World on important missions."

"Instead, Lieutenant General Karp has just passed through the island of Sentinel, which is not too far from the location of Gaya, so if you speed up your journey, you can get there in two days at most."

"Alright, I know, you go down, I'll discuss this matter with Karp personally."

"Yes, War Admiral."


The door closed, and the warrior grabbed a phone worm that he kept on his desk and dialed Capp's number.

At the same time, in the waters near Sentinel Island, a huge warship was riding the waves of the ocean, and on the foredeck of the warship, a middle-aged man with a dog-headed hat, a cape of justice, and a rugged, rigid face was sitting in a chair, blowing the sea breeze and eating donuts at a frantic pace!

That man is a naval hero, Cap!

Poru Poru.

The phone bug's voice rang out, and Cap's donut-eating motion faltered, grabbing the phone bug out of his arms to connect, not waiting for the other person to speak, not caring who it was across the street, splitting his head and smashing it over.

"Which fucker called, I'm breaking my one-minute record for donut eating."

"Karp you bastard, don't be a scoundrel, I'm looking for you for serious business this time, get serious!" The warrior was in no way weak, and louder voices came out of the phone bug, making Capp subconsciously take the phone bug farther away.

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