I'm a pirate

I'm the Big Boss of Pirates Chapter 191.

"Warrior, you bastard got it wrong, didn't you? I'm still on sabbatical, assignments and all."

"Don't give me that shit!"

"Listen to me get down to business, you should not gloss over our relationship, this matter is very important, it is most appropriate for you to handle it."

"If I were to send the navy to deal with it, it's still a matter of opinion whether we can make it in time or not, even if we do, we may not be able to do it, and if we do, it will definitely be a heavy loss!" The phone bug showed the warrior's face was very serious and his voice was very solemn.

Karp put away his playful color and said squarely, "What is it?"

"You know about the God's Eye Bandits, don't you?"

"The God's Eye Bandits? The band of pirates that made Polusarino, Sakaski, eat his heart out?"

"Yes, it's this band of pirates, and now they're in the town of Magic Valley on Gaya Island, not far from you."

"You go there yourself and deal with this pirate group."

"In particular, the captain of the God's Eye Pirate Group, Lucifer Carlos must not be spared, this man controls the Mafia Alliance of the Western Sea and has now made quite a name for himself among the pirates."

"Young and not too young, strong and powerful, it really is not good for the navy or the world government to let it grow, he must be killed!"

"Where are the others?"

"You see what happens to the others, the main one being Lucifer Carlos!"

"I understand, I'll change course immediately."

"Okay, Cap, please!"

"Ahahahaha when you come back, you just treat me to dinner."

"You really want to make it, I'll not only treat you to dinner, your half year's donut expenses, I'll wrap it up."

"Eh you're so generous, it seems this thing is not easy to do ah."

"Easy then where would I alarm you the key is that this pirate group is haunted, last time it disappeared without a word, and searched the entire Magnetic Drum Island, and didn't find it."

"I'm sure I wouldn't worry if we were fighting head-on, just in case the kid slipped and slithered away."

"I'll try to pay attention."

"Well, without further ado, I'll have to fight my way back to the last doughnut record after I've given my orders."

With that, Cap hung up the phone without hesitation and bellowed to the cabin behind him, "Turn immediately, change of target, destination Gaya Island Magic Valley Town, full speed ahead."

The voice was majestic and drilled into the cabin, and soon the warship's direction shifted a bit, heading towards the direction where the town of Magic Valley on Gaya Island was located, and Cap was immersed in breaking donut records again.

On Gaya Island, Carlos was relaxing in a tavern, smoking a cigar, sipping wine, and listening to music, unaware that a big problem was rapidly crashing in.

The tavern that Carlos is looking for is more advanced, consumption is also higher, the pirates to be stronger, those pirates who make the tavern a mess and noisy are not qualified to come, if you come, you must follow the rules.

After tasting all of the special wines in the tavern, Carlos left.

A few minutes later, there was a sudden boom, a house in the town of Magic Valley suddenly burst into flames and black smoke, Carlos turned to look, a smile on his face, his separated pupil power disappeared.

That meant that a team of members of Naval Intelligence was finished.

With one look and no more, Carlos set off to go have some fun, and what fun?

For men, it never gets old for fun, girl!

Of course it wouldn't be so boring with pupils, not challenging at all, and not with true, genuine love, that's too much trouble, easy to get yourself into.

The best way to do this is to use the Bailey, to hook up with women who are more money-worshipping, the object is not a special area, that's the ticket, not challenging at all, Carlos refers to a good family, whether or not they have a boyfriend, married or not is not very important to Carlos.

The important thing is that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to be beaten, which can also be described as Jiang Tai Gong fishing.

A man's rotten nature, dragging a good woman down with him and persuading her to be good.

One morning, Carlos really hooked up with two women, a teenage girl, a young woman not too old, both women posture body are good.

The three of them huffed and puffed together for a while, and when it was over, Carlos scattered large amounts of money, of which the young girl had to be taken care of more, after all, it was the first time.

The two women happily put away the berries, a look like a fortune, each take what they need, no loss!

Chapter 214 - Kulikai

A morning passed quickly, the God's Eye Bandits assembled again, and Hawkeye Mihok didn't leave as he wanted to continue looking for the crew to cut up with the God's Eye Bandits.

Carlos didn't say much after everyone had assembled, everyone deserved privacy and he wouldn't pry into the crew's privacy, as long as they returned safely.

"Let's go and find someone on the other side of Gaya Island."

Carlos said and lifted his foot and left, the rest of the crew followed suit and left the town of Magic Valley under the awe of many pirates.

The crowd left the town of Magic Valley and picked up speed, heading towards the Ape Mountain United Army's compound on the opposite side of Magic Valley Town, taking an hour to reach the shore opposite Magic Valley Town.

Carlos and the others didn't hide their intentions, so they were quickly spotted by the Ape Mountain United Army, and one by one, they rushed out to stop Carlos and the others.

"Stop, who are you guys?" A tall, burly, gorilla-like looking human jumped out and yelled at the top of his lungs.

Carlos stopped and so did the rest of them.

"I'm here for Kulikai." Carlos spoke softly.

"What do you want with our captain?" The gorilla-like man's hostility abated somewhat when he heard that Carlos was here to see someone.

"I need to consult with him about the Air Island and the Gold Country." Carlos didn't hold back and stated his purpose straightforwardly.

"You believe Air Island and the Golden Country that's true?" The gorilla-like man's eyes lit up and the urn of hostility dissipated, waving his men to put away their weapons.

"Naturally, why else would I come to Kulikai?" Carlos rolled his eyes in a bad way.

"Hahaha that's right, wait a minute, the captain will be right out."

Carlos nodded, it was best to work together peacefully and he didn't want to use force.

The conversation between the two of them surprised Carlos' men as well as Hawkeye Mihok, the legend of the Empty Island as well as the Golden Country was widely spread in the world, but the world generally believed that it was false, but I didn't expect Carlos to come here this time for this purpose

The crew members were whispering, discussing the truth or falsity of the Empty Island and the Gold Country, but Hawkeye Mihok remained silent, looking thoughtful.

No matter what the outcome of the speculation was, Carlos did not join the discussion.

A minute later, young Kulikai arrived with a group of people, and when he saw the appearance of Carlos and others, his pupils shrank, he did not have the kind of coarse nerves of his men, and had recognized the history of Carlos and others in the instant they met, and his heart was incomparably heavy.

But by the time his men told him the purpose of Carlos and the others coming here, Kulikai's heart relaxed quite a bit, it was good that they weren't directly looking for trouble.

"Hello Captain Carlos, I am the new leader of the United Ape Mountain Army, Kulikai." The naked, muscular, chestnut-headed Kulikai stepped forward with a solemn face.

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