I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 192.

"Hello Captain Kulikai, I'm here to consult with you about the Empty Island, the Gold Country and the Rising Current."

"I hope you'll arrange a place so we can talk, just any place." Carlos was not polite and was straightforward.

"No problem, what do you say we talk while we walk along the beach?"


The two men left their subordinates here and walked down to the beach, where the incessant tides kept coming in, and Kulikai was the first to speak.

"Does Captain Carlos really believe in the existence of empty islands and golden country?"


Kulikai listened to Carlos' crisp answer and smiled at Carlos' unhesitating appearance, "Even I, a scion of Norland, have half-hearted doubts about the Air Island and the Gold Country, so how can Captain Carlos be sure?"

"Captain Carlos is more to the children and grandchildren of Noland than to me."

"Hahaha" Carlos laughed at the sight of it, "Because once through a special channel, I got the information that the Empty Island does exist, and it's 10,000 meters above where Gaya Island is."

"The world is a big place, there are all kinds of things, just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist"

"What? Captain Carlos had received information from special sources proving that the air island did exist?"

"What special channel, please?" Kulikai was thrilled.

"Since it's a special channel, naturally it can't be said, you just need to know that the Empty Island does exist."

"Since the Empty Island exists, it's highly possible that the Golden Country exists."

Carlos of course couldn't say that he knew this from his previous life when he watched the anime, so he could only hide it from Kulikai.

Kulikai was a little dejected at the news, but quickly pulled himself together again, as long as the Air Island as well as the Golden Country really existed, then he would be able to change the fate of his ancestors as well as himself by righting his name!

"What is it that Captain Hulkaros needs from me since he found me?"

"I need some information on the island of Gugaya."

"But the main thing I'd like to ask Captain Kulikai to help me usual suitable rising sea currents strong enough to push the ship 10,000 meters above the sea!"

When he finished, Carlos took two cigars out of his shirt pocket and handed one to Kulikai and one to himself.

"It's not an easy thing to do on its own, it takes detailed calculations and measurements."

"It even requires a certain amount of luck, the rising currents that can push the ship up to ten thousand meters aren't something that can be encountered anytime."

"It's all right, I'm in no hurry, I'd rather not use the rising currents without sufficient certainty."

"In a moment, I'll have the boat brought over so you can measure and calculate."

"If we do get to the Empty Island, I'll take enough pictures of the Empty Island to get some special products to prove to the world for you that the existence of the Empty Island is real!"

"If I do find the Gold Country, how about you guys getting a share of the wealth I get?"

"What else can I do when Captain Carlos says so?"

"Definitely a promise of gobbledygook, wealth is still secondary, the important thing is to change my fate and restore the reputation of my ancestors!" Kulikai took a deep drag of his cigar.

Carlos nodded in satisfaction, and was quite aware of the situation.

In fact, to Carlos, the wealth contained in the Golden Country was secondary, what he was most interested in was the ringing thunder fruit, followed by the air islanders with wings on their backs, those peculiar seashells.

As the saying goes, if you keep the land and lose the people, all your enemies will be lost; if you keep the people and lose the land, all your enemies will be saved!

This wealth and power is the same to Carlos, if you have power, if you want it you will never lack wealth, and the fruit of the ringing thunder represents power!

As a top natural demonic fruit, the Rattle Thunder Fruit possessed a speed not inferior to that of the Shining Fruit, a powerful attack, destructive power, and the effect of increasing the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny, not to mention a deep level of development.

If it wasn't for the fact that it had already eaten a Demon Fruit, the Rattling Thunder Fruit would definitely be the most gluttonous Demon Fruit that Carlos had ever seen!

They smoked their cigars for a little longer before parting, and Carlos instructed Riley to take two of his men to drive the Stygian Moon to this side of the island.

Kulikai, on the other hand, took his subordinates off to prepare their tools, it would take careful surveying and planning to use the rising currents to get to the empty island.

Seeing Carlos free, the rest of the crew leaned close to Carlos to inquire about the news of the empty island and the gold country, Hawkeye Mihok was also curious to stand aside and listen, but Carlos directly used the phrase "you'll know when you see it" to perfunctory them, making the crew depressed, so they did not chatter to harass Carlos.

Chapter 215 - Knowing

The God's Eye Bandits took up residence on the sea close to the Sarutama Union Army, staying on the Stygian Moon, rising currents were not always available, and suitable rising currents were even rarer, so patience was required.

Staying on Gaya Island wasn't boring, you could go to the town of Magic Valley for fun, wander around in the four mountains, fish in the sea, and spend time in the recreation room on the Stygian Moon, but the most popular thing was to watch the fun.

Watching the hilarity of Hawkeye and Rain no Hiryu and others cutting and fighting, Rain no Hiryu was the most impatient, and couldn't wait to challenge Hawkeye Mihok once he was fully recovered from his injuries.

The two of them found a remote place to fight, and their swords flew, destroying the surrounding area to pieces, and the final battle ended a few hours later with Hawkeye Mihok achieving final victory.

Rain's Hillel was a little less powerful than Hawkeye Mihok, but the difference in strength between the two wasn't too great, and while Rain's Hillel was wounded, Hawkeye Mihok wasn't much better!

Even worse than the injuries suffered during the cut and fight with Carlos, it wasn't that Rain's Hiryu was stronger than Carlos, but rather Rain's Hiryu's fighting style was bloodthirsty and crazy, imbued with killing intent, fighting without defense, often exchanging injuries for injuries.

Both of them were injured and then subsided, no more cutting and fighting with others, waiting for their injuries to get better before they would do anything, Martin, Doris, and Riley had also been itching for a long time.

According to Kulikai's estimation, there should be enough time for Hawkeye Mihok to fight the remaining three main forces, but plans couldn't catch up with them, and here comes Cap.

Arriving at dusk on the third day of the God's Eye Bandits' arrival on Gaya Island, the clouds gathered in the sky and it was likely to rain tonight.

A large warship was moored at the docks outside the town of Magic Valley, and the pirates weren't afraid when Karp didn't show up.

There were many pirate groups gathered in Magic Valley Town, and a mere warship couldn't scare them, instead they were eager to try to destroy this one warship, so their bounty would skyrocket, their reputation would be more prominent, it would be easier to recruit partners or subordinates, and their strength would increase faster.

However, when the figure of Karp appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the pirates who recognized Karp suddenly turned around and ran away, some pirates who didn't care about the important people in the navy, and some youngsters still stood still, unable to understand what the others were running away from.

Karp was returning from a visit to his family, so there weren't too many navies on the warship, just fifty, but it didn't matter if there were subordinates or not, Karp was now at the peak of his life, in his forties, his strength was at the top level of the world, and numbers didn't matter to him at all.

Karp stood on the deck, playing with a dark cannonball in his hand, which went up and down, drawing the attention of a cadre of navies behind him, praying that it wouldn't miss and land on the deck.

"Go, pick up those pirates and send them into the pushing city."

Karp ordered, a cannonball in his hand, and a shadow flashed in mid-air, exploding among the pirates, and suddenly more than a dozen of them were blown away.

Don't look at Karp who was usually quite comical, but when he got down to business, it was quite serious!

"Yes, Lieutenant General Karp!"

There were forty gun-toting navy men behind Cap, who responded in unison to Cap's orders and, led by a Commodore, attacked the pirates around them.

"Lip, where are the brats of the God's Eye Pirates?"

Behind Capp, a young naval captain in a navy justice cloak, the officer in charge of liaison with Naval Intelligence, straightened at the news.

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