I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 202.

"Lead us to your temple, no, king's temple, you may call yourself king, not god." Carlos put down Ganfol and the boss said rudely.

Ganfore's mouth twitched, this was so not treating himself as an outsider, but there was no way, one had to bow under the roof!

Chapter 226 - Bika

At the very top of Angel Island, Ganfur's temple welcomed a group of uninvited guests and turtledove to take over the nest.

Ganfol had no choice, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and the other side was unreasonable, so he could only obey, hoping to serve the other side comfortably and leave early.

While the feast was being prepared, Carlos demanded that Ganfol make good on his demand, a complete map of all the surrounding empty islands including Enylu's hometown of Bika.

As a gesture of goodwill, Ganfol also gave Carlos an incomplete map of Apadoa, which was part of the map that their air islanders had explored.

Apadoa had some dangers, but most importantly its sacredness, the Air Islanders regarded it as the Island of the Gods and did not dare to offend, so four hundred years had passed and only a portion of it had been explored, all by the strongest of the Gods and Soldiers.

For Ganfol's gesture, Carlos was quite satisfied, whether this map could be used or not, the other side of this intention is praiseworthy, not in vain he has been restrained, did not kill, but also ready to defuse the future extinction of the disaster for him, up the road!

After receiving the two maps, Ganfur sent up the specialties of the Air Island, mainly various specialties of shells, except for the lost ones, which were now difficult to find, all kinds of shells with strange abilities, everyone in the God's Eye Bandits had them, and even Hawkeye Mihok followed suit.

Everyone accepted the specialties, and before they had time to study them, the banquet officially began, with all sorts of unique and delicious dishes coming up one by one, and the unique wine of Air Island also coming up one by one.

But although Ganfuor, air island people are very obedient, but the vigilance, Carlos but not a little less, before eating let ship doctor Xiao Lema, chef Kelly two together to check the dishes, wine is no problem.

Until confirmed that there is no problem, the crowd only started, the old look of the world let Ganfuor heart, he really hesitated whether to play some tricks, see God's eyes pirate group of cautious can not help but to be happy, fortunately restrained, otherwise Angel Island will be bloodshed, he will be Angel Island sinners!

The banquet went very smoothly, the guests were happy, at least the bandits were really happy, nothing happened, just Kelly asked for some unique spices, some recipes, brewing methods, after everyone left the island, can also enjoy the island's food, wine.

The banquet ended, and the God's Eye Bandits were treated as the most distinguished guests living in the temple, and left tomorrow to witness the ceremony of Ganfur going to the God's Ship and going on board.

Nightfall, on the empty island, the moon looked especially big, especially round, especially bright, Carlos walked on the quiet and peaceful Angel Island streets.

It was not easy to come to the air island once, the people naturally will not be good enough to stay in the palace, shortly after the banquet, in the Angel Island strolled around, to see the Angel Island style, folklore.

Gan Fuer enthusiastically sent a guide, but unfortunately the bandits God's eyes of the crowd did not appreciate, the guide is a guide, but there is also a sense of surveillance, God's eyes of the bandits do not want to go anywhere to be followed, arms twisted but not thighs, God's eyes of the bandits do not want to have no way, but the Angel Island patrol soldiers secretly increased a lot.

The reason to send so many soldiers, or Gan Fuer heart for the people, if the ordinary people and God's eyes of the bandits clash, they so timely treatment, to protect the people, can have a loss, lose their lives can not have.

Not to mention other people, just say that Carlos strolled around, strolled around more and more remote, out of the ordinary, looking sneaky.

In fact, Carlos really has something to do alone, about the matter of the ringing thunder fruit, Carlos does not want the crew to know for the time being, the captain not only needs great strength, enough intelligence, but also needs a hint of mystery, to be better imperial.

Carlos disappeared after his figure stepped into the remote street, and according to the location on the map, he headed straight to Aneeru's hometown of Bika, from the map the distance between the two is not too far, at most four minutes should be able to get there.

Four minutes later, the sky of Bika, the space vortex emerged, Carlos's figure spanned out, and the instant after coming out the kaleidoscope writing eyes disappeared into reincarnation, repulsion directly canceled gravity, Carlos's figure directly suspended in mid-air.

Carlos's position was about two hundred meters from the ground, looking down from the sky, Enylu's hometown of Bika wasn't too big, at most half the size of Angel Island, and with his reincarnation eyesight, Carlos could also see the edge of Bika Island in the night.

This is also an empty island, the composition of the island is similar to Angel Island, but the humans living here is a little more complicated, some humans have wings, some humans do not have wings, the economy and security culture and other aspects are not as good as Angel Island.

Carlos slowly descended from the sky and landed on the edge of Bika Island, seeing and hearing the color of dominance emitted out with full force, the reincarnation eyes disappeared, the white eyes appeared and opened, insight, observation, and detection ability had basically reached its own extreme.

Aneeru had not had a good childhood, one could even say a bad one, and it was all caused by Aneeru's lack of wings and lack of reliance!

Bika is on the edge of the map, the ethos is more closed and conservative, and has always despised and looked down upon those without wings, Angel Island has no problems with this.

Bika is like a small village in the middle of nowhere, and Angel Island is like a big city, with different customs and poor inclusiveness, which caused the tragedy of Aneeru and the destruction of Bika.

If Aneeru was born in Angel Island, even if he didn't have wings, he would be better off with many people, there are a small number of people in Angel Island who don't have wings, and the residents of Angel Island have seen many green sea people who don't have wings, so they don't look down on and despise people who don't have wings.

With Aene Lu's condition, it should be unlikely for Aene Lu to obtain the Thunderbolt Fruit only after leaving Bika Island, with no support and being despised and looked down upon, Aene Lu should do his best if he wanted to live.

Carlos guessed that Aneeru should be the one to get the Thunder Fruit on the island of Picard, probably not too far from his place, and the fruit must be hidden in order not to be discovered.

So Carlos thought that he should first find Aneeru, and start searching the whole island of Bika with Aneeru as the center, in order to have a better chance of getting the Thunder Fruit!

Of course, it's all conjecture, and Carlos is prepared for nothing to come of it.

If Picard Island didn't have it, Carlos preferred that the fruit of the Sounding Thunder was hidden in Apadoa, once the island of Gaya.

Of all the empty islands, Apadia was the most mysterious and unknown, and it was not surprising that such a large island had the Devil Fruit hidden inside.

Except for Bika, Apadoa, the likelihood of other empty islands having ringing thunder fruit is very small.

Seeing and hearing the color domination coupled with the ability to see with white eyes, in about half a quarter of an hour, Carlos found the trail of Enylu, located northwest of Bika, in a dangerous house that looked like it was about to collapse.

Nowadays, Aneeru is still young, looking about eight or nine years old, skinny and bony, sitting by the fire in tattered clothes, stirring with a wooden spoon, the light of the fire reflected the expressionless face and the deep stubbornness in his eyes.

Chapter 227 - Bison Ennui Road

When he found Ennilu, Carlos made his way over to where Ennilu was, and within breaths Carlos was in front of the dangerous house where Ennilu lived, pushing open the broken door with an unpleasant creaking sound, and Carlos walked in.

Aneeru, who was cooking dinner, heard the movement at the door, thought it was the group of children who often bullied her to trouble him, the fierce color on his face flashed away, and then indifferently picked up a piece of wooden stick not far beside him and stood up, and looked at the shabby and dirty yard.

Soon a tall figure appeared in the courtyard, Aneeru thought it was the parents of some child to teach him a little panic, but quickly calmed down, in the hands of the stick gripped more tightly.

This kind of scene was not uncommon for Aneeru, but it was just a different location, when he was bullied badly, he would always fight back and injure some of his peers, and soon the big ones would come to avenge their children and take out their anger.

However, today was different, the tall figure in the courtyard did not come in first, but stood in the courtyard, with the help of the fire light Aneeru raised his eyesight to look up, against a pair of scarlet eyes, before he could see what the eyes looked like, then he knew nothing, and fell softly to the ground.

Having stunned Enylu, Carlos then walked into the house, holding a demon fruit in his hand, one of the two demon fruits he got in the Magnetic Protection Kingdom, the germ fruit had been eaten by Sholema, the remaining demon fruit was a bull fruit, bison form!

Although this devil fruit is far less powerful than the ringing thunder fruit, but for the current Aneeru also has a great benefit, the animal fruit's strong recovery, the ability to resist hitting can make Aneeru more easily to live.

The Rattlesnake Fruit is too invincible in the empty island without the sea building stone, without the armed color domination, this kind of unrestrained power is probably also one of the reasons why Aynilu became cruel later, invincibility is too easy to inflate people.

Carlos placed the bison fruit beside Aene Lu, and hesitantly took out a pen and paper from the Divine Might Space to write down the function of the fruit, the cultivation method of seeing and hearing the color domination, and also spent a brief map to the Angel Island.

When Aneeru mastered the power of the bison fruit and the power of the Seeing Color Hegemony, he would have enough capital whether he stayed in Bika or went to Angel Island.

However, Carlos thinks there is a high probability that Enylu will leave Bikka and go to Angel Island, Bikka is his sad place, and a more tolerant and open angel should make Enylu's life happier.

Carlos did not leave behind the Armed Color Hegemony training method, because the power of the bison fruit, coupled with the Seeing Color Hegemony, the Armed Color Hegemony would also make Aneeru invincible to the Air Island.

The limit of invincibility in the not-so-big place of Hollow Island wasn't that high, like the original Aneeru who mastered the power of the Sounding Thunder Fruit that was way beyond the limit.

Without the armed color hegemony protection, Aneeru will always have a weakness, and can be cured for doing things that are too much.

After drawing the map and writing about the practice of seeing and hearing color hegemony, Carlos simply left him some encouragement on the back of the paper.

The gist of it is: life is more than just the immediate past, but also a better tomorrow, and so on, after mastering the power he left behind to teach his bullies a lesson, suggested that he go to Angel Island, and told about the openness and tolerance of Angel Island, encouraging him to forget the past and meet the future with a new attitude of a better life.

Ahem, to put it bluntly, it's all about filling Enylu's chicken soup and wishing him a better life.

In fact, if Enylu were younger, Carlos would have had the idea of disciplining Enylu, but Enylu looked eight or nine years old, and his mind, while not completely set, had definitely grown crooked.

He didn't bother to spend time correcting Aneeru's thoughts, not really correcting them, but rather transforming Aneeru into a similar trio to him.

It wasn't like the loud thunder fruit had to be Aneeru to be at its maximum power, wouldn't it be better to find someone loyal to him to eat it?

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