I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 203.

What's more, Carlos didn't have the intention of giving the Rattling Thunder Fruit to others to eat, the Rattling Thunder Fruit might be called the strongest natural system would have many objections, but calling it the top natural system, the top devil fruit would probably have no objections.

Sounding Thunder Fruit Carlos was going to use it to make Heavenly Paine, in order to be worthy of Sounding Thunder Fruit and the Strongest Paine of the Six Paine, this candidate had to be careful, not sloppy and disgrace the prestige!

By the way, it was really hard to determine this candidate, there were too few strong people worthy of the Sounding Lightning Fruit, Gravity, and Repulsion.

Thinking a bit too much about it, the Ringing Thunder Fruit hasn't even gotten their hands on it yet

Carlos laughed dumbly and turned away, he was going to look for the Thunderbolt Fruit, hopefully he would find it on Bika Island, otherwise he would be in trouble.

It was too difficult to find the Thunder Fruit in an island as densely forested as Apadoa, and much larger than Bika, which had trees, but they were much sparser.

Five minutes after Carlos left, the young Aneeru woke up, Carlos did it very gently, Aneeru woke up very quickly.

Aenilu woke up in a daze to find himself holding a fruit covered in strange patterns in his arms.

With a grunt, his stomach screamed, he hadn't eaten his dinner yet, and the fruit, while a little weird, tickled the cravings in his stomach.

Suddenly, Enylu smelled a faint paste and was so shocked to see the broken iron pot on the flame that he dropped the fruit and scooped water flames to put it out.

"That was close, almost scrapped dinner."

Enylu sat down on his butt, relieved and palpitating with the thought that it was a bit mushy but still filling.


Sitting down, Enylu felt his hand on something behind his back, and grabbed it, finding it to be a blank piece of paper, filled with many words.

These words were all in a generic font, common to the Green Sea and Air Island, not something so historically significant that it would take an archaeologist to parse it, much less an ancient word that only a senior O'Hara scholar could parse.

Enylu, though he could not read much because of the necessities of life, was not a big word, and the flattened down did not know that it was a single word

Ennilu could still recognize about half of the words, and despite his half-understanding, after reading it Ennilu knew exactly what was written on it!

Ennilu perked up, for the first time since he could remember, someone cared about him and gave him help, and Ennilu immediately remembered the figure in the courtyard before he was unconscious, those scarlet eyes!


"Gracious, gracious, where are you?"

He immediately rushed to the courtyard and shouted, and then ran to the door and shouted again, but because he lived in a remote area, he wouldn't disturb the others.

Aneeru shouted for a while, no movement, before returning to the house in frustration, in the end, not old enough, still childlike, sad for a while, the mood is good again.

Aneeru was quite apprehensive to pick up the devil's fruit and put it to his mouth to bite it, Aneeru turned pale and covered his mouth with one hand as if swallowing glass and swallowed the unspeakable pulp.

After that put down the remaining flesh, Aneeru lived so hard, Carlos also did not want to fix him, clearly told him to eat just one bite, otherwise eat all of it, then eating the devil fruit can be a whole criminal law.

After eating the devil fruit, Aneeru carefully put the paper away, later he would have to find a chance to recognize all the words and figure out the ones he couldn't understand.

Gaining such magical power for the first time, Aneeru could clearly feel his whole body changing dramatically, strengthening in all directions.

Currently, he could only conjure up a little bit of bison, but that was all it took for Enniru to have some fun, and dinner was thoroughly cold and hungry before he could eat.

As of today, Thor Enylu disappears and is replaced by Bison Enylu!

Chapter 228 - Fruit of the Rattle

The air islands in the sky are different from those on land, only the part of Gaya that is washed up from the ground is special, the rest of the air islands have simple terrain and only few hidden places.

The terrain on the air island was generally plain, even if there was a drop in the terrain, but the drop was not large, Bika this air island was a typical plain air island, there were bulges but only to the extent of small mounds.

There were some trees planted on the island through advanced technology unknown to Carlos, as well as some soil planted through soil obtained from Apadoa, in the hollow island soil was a valuable asset.

The terrain of the island of Bika was not difficult to search, just seeing and hearing the color domination may have a lot of difficulty, but with the help of white eyes, the difficulty was greatly reduced.

Carlos centered on the place where Aneeru lived and searched outside, specifically picking out some of the more hidden places, due to Aneeru suffered rejection, he lived in the island belongs to the most marginal location of the residential area, sparsely populated, ringing thunder fruit if it is really in Bika Island, in these marginal locations most likely.

After searching for half an hour, Carlos searched all the hundreds of meters of land but still could not find any trace of the Thunder Fruit, but this did not discourage Carlos, this way is just like looking for a needle in a haystack, gambling like search, it is normal that you will not succeed for a while.

Anyway, Carlos had already made up his mind, he would not leave until he found the Thunderbolt fruit, and he would leave only when he found it.

Time passed bit by bit, and before you know it, it was already dawn, Carlos was a little depressed and lit a cigarette to relieve his depressed mood.

After taking a few puffs, he took out his phone worm and dialed out, calling Rain no Hikoru, the reason why he called Rain no Hikoru was because Rain no Hikoru usually got up the earliest, the others probably wouldn't get up until a while later.

Boru, Boru...

"Captain, you're up early today." Rain no Hillel said somewhat ridiculously, out of all the crew of the God's Eye Bandits, Carlos getting up was basically the last one, but it wasn't late, it was only around seven o'clock.

"Cut the crap, you tell the others for me to stay on Angel Island for a while longer, and you guys will attend the ceremony of going to the King's ship together for me today."

"Captain, is something wrong?" Rain's Hilleu sniffed squarely.

"It's nothing, I'm not on Angel Island right now, I'm on Bikka Island, searching for a treasure, and I don't have time to go back for the ceremony."

"I won't return until I find that treasure or search all of Bika Island to no avail, until I do, you will stay on Angel Island and wait for me."

"As for what treasure, don't ask, I won't tell if you ask, but you'll find out later."

"Okay, you're the captain, do as you're told."

"Alright, that's it, you guys have fun, stop talking, I'm going to continue my search, I don't believe in this today."

With that said, Carlos hung up the phone bug and continued the search with his cigarette in his mouth, the rest of the search was towards the center of the island, Enylu's place to the edge of the island, Carlos had searched everywhere and found nothing.

As the daylight grew brighter, the silent island of Bicca gradually bustled with activity, eating breakfast, early morning walks, work, Carlos also encountered a few people, but did not care.

Carlos is not concerned, but the Bika people who saw him is on the heart, Bika Island this island is very closed, and other air island exchanges are not much, the sudden appearance of Carlos this distinctive features of the outsider is too conspicuous.

No wings, and no one knows him, as if the light of the night that attracts the eye, and Carlos looks around, a sneaky look, it is strange not to attract attention!

The cowardly ones didn't care, but there were always the brave ones, and two winged Bikas with wings behind them followed Carlos, one of them shouting, "Who are you boy, and what do you want in Bikas?"

Carlos turned his head at the words and furrowed his brow, "Leave me alone, I'm getting a little bored right now, get as far away as you can!"

"Yoo-hoo, how dare an impure blooded bastard be so arrogant, Kirik, let's teach him a lesson together!"

"Okay, Solider!"

After saying that, they rushed towards Carlos.

"Since you're looking for death, I'll give you a ride!"

Carlos looked cold and dared to curse him, did he really think he wouldn't dare to kill?

Although he saw killing as a means to an end, he didn't mind killing some people to vent his anger once in a while!

Carlos moved, backwards and forwards, getting the two men in front of him in an instant, and with two hands around their throats lifted them in the air, leaving them to flutter about in mid-air, their faces red, looking frightened, their eyes pleading.

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