I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 204.

Carlos looked indifferent, unmoved, "Bastard? People like you will most likely be captured and sold into slavery in the Qinghai Sea, and those high up nobles are happy to collect rare species."

"With no strength at all, who has the courage to be so arrogant with you?"

"Looking for death!"


The two men's necks were instantly snapped and they instantly died violently, Carlos didn't care if they were found by casually dumping their bodies without a care in the world

So what if you find out? Pissed him off, he just extinguished Bika for Ennilu!

Turning around, Carlos continued his search as if nothing had happened.

After a few minutes, Carlos reached a pond, the outside of which was covered with turquoise water plants, and there were fish and various aquatic plants in the pond.

The owner of the pond seemed to be very rare in this pond, the whole pond was covered with all kinds of plants, only a few parts of the pond water could be seen.

Was this something that Bika already had or did she get it from Apadoa?

With doubts Carlos carefully observed all around him, found that a thousand meters around are mud, rather than air island technology made of clouds, see Carlos has some guesses, this land may be a small piece of wreckage separated from the Apadoya, a lot of fun ah!

So, Carlos searched with great enthusiasm, the land vegetation was still quite lush in this kilometer radius, and the primary purpose was this pond.

Although it was highly unlikely, because this pond was owned by a master, and the vegetation in it was lush, without human intervention, it couldn't be that lush, and anything that was there should have been discovered long ago.

As expected, no just in case, Carlos took a look at the entire pond and did not find any traces of the sounding thunder fruit, leaving the pond Carlos went to search elsewhere, specifically looking for those places where the bushes were lush.

A few minutes passed, Carlos was suddenly startled, under the white vision he found a small pit in the bushes under a large tree, in the pit lay a strange fruit covered with strange patterns, these patterns seem to be like the thunder pierced the sky, and the changes are unpredictable.

The entire devil fruit was black in color, about the size of an ordinary durian, but it was incomparably round, and the black skin was irregularly distributed with lightning patterns, giving people a sense of unfathomable heavenly power!

The moment he saw the devil fruit, Carlos understood that this was the ringing thunder fruit he was looking for, and his heart got a little excited, his body turned into a shadow and rushed to the tree, picking apart the bushes and holding the ringing thunder fruit.

Hahaha his luck was good, his efforts were not in vain!

It's good, it's good, it's good!

Chapter 229 - Bika's Destiny

Carlos held the ringing thunder fruit for a while, suddenly his eyebrows raised, his eyes transformed into a kaleidoscope of divine power, and took the ringing thunder fruit into the space of divine power, turning to look into the distance, only to see more than ten pikas with swords and guns pouring in.

"Tsk, interesting, is this the discovery of a corpse, a clue, and coming to apprehend me as a murderer?"

Carlos said to himself, in a cheerful mood, he took out a cigarette and lit it, waiting for the other side to come, now that he was in a good mood, let's teach these Bika people how to behave.

Half a minute later, a total of fifteen heavily armed Bikars wearing special uniforms had surrounded Carlos.

A tall, middle-aged man with deep eyes and a hawkish nose took a step forward and coldly questioned, "Outsider, you're the one who murdered Gurkirik, right?"

"That's right, I'm the one who lets them pick on me when I'm in a bad mood." Carlos trailed off, his cigarette moving from left to right, the indifferent tone, the hobbled look making everyone angry.

"Hmph, outsider, you have committed a capital offense on Bikar Island, prepare to be judged in the harshest way possible!" The middle-aged man spoke harshly.

"And that's only if you have the ability to judge, right?"

Carlos' eyelids lifted, his figure turned, a pair of scarlet eyes swept the eyes of everyone in the surrounding circle except the middle-aged man, the powerful pupil power instantly hypnotized everyone, and with a thought, everyone turned their spears, all weapons pointed at the middle-aged man.

"This you" the middle-aged man looked horrified, what kind of demon law is this?

"Well, don't make too much of a fuss, you're in luck, I'm in a good mood and I don't mean to kill you."

"But idle is idle, and it's bad to hear that you Bikar Island discriminates against people without wings!"

"How dare you discriminate against others even in a small place like your Bikka Island, you really don't know the meaning of the word and are asking for destruction!"

"Now you immediately go and gather all the Bika people, wings or no wings, I'm in a good mood today and plan to educate you and change your stinky habits!"

"I'll give you up to an hour to get here, and if you don't rally completely in an hour, I'll let them kill each other!"

Carlos' mind moved, and the direction of the others' weapons changed again, you point at me, I'll point at you, and if you really want to do it, we're all done together.

"Don't, I'll do it immediately." Despite his incomparable rage, the middle-aged man still had to do it, the difference in strength was so great that incompetent rage was useless.

"Well go on then, wait till I buy you a late dinner?"

"Yes, yes."

The middle-aged man turned around and ran off to do his work, summoning the entire island he couldn't do, he could only report to the higher-ups, and only by their Bika clan chief.

The reason for such a decision was not only to try to teach a teacher a lesson, but also to be in a cheerful mood and give a little help to Enylu and others like him who were also wingless.

What's the use of having wings? Can you fly?

In fact, Carlos didn't realize that for this situation on Picard Island, he was a bit angry inside, and wouldn't discriminating against people without wings be discriminating against him as well?

A little Picard Island has a hammer qualification ah, Carlos made up his mind, taught today and still repeatedly, then he will let the rain of Xi to stay.

Slaughtering the island is something Carlos can do, but definitely not in the same mood and enjoying it as much as Rain No Hiryu!

It didn't take an hour, more than forty minutes later, a large group of people holding all kinds of weapons, both military and civilian, came pouring in, a rough look at the number of about three thousand people, under the leadership of an old man with white hair and a healthy stride like flying, running like a rainbow.

"Yo-ho? You're the only one called Shano, bah, you're the only one called the Bikers, huh?"

"I can't compete with the number of people, but I can't compete with who's more social, who's stronger, who's more unscrupulous, and you can't see my taillights when you step on the gas!"

Carlos cursed as he walked away, the triangular sickle kaleidoscope transformed into a hexagonal plum kaleidoscope, and the purple, a darker shade of Suzunoh oppressive than the blue!

The first thing you need to know is how to get the best out of your body, and how to get the best out of your body.


Carlos stood with his hands clasped around the brow of the control room, the heart year, the purple energy in his right hand gathered, a shining purple taijutsu emerged, a blade swung down, fell in front of the crowd that had been shocked to the point of not being able to help themselves, the blade passed, the ground like tofu was easily split, leaving a hideous ravine of more than two hundred meters!

The taijutsu is a weapon that all of Soso Noh can condense into, and belongs to Soso Noh's form of weaponry, not an exclusive weapon, but there are those that use the taijutsu as an exclusive weapon, and are much more powerful than the normal energy condensed.

"What's the ground, gentlemen, for a rebellion?"

"Did you want to be properly educated for not listening and had to be beaten up to convince you?"

"Let me make it clear to you first, I'm going to strike hard, and if you don't listen, this big sword will cut you down!"

Hearing this, the first to come to his senses, the Bika chief secretly cried out, where did this super strong man come from, how did he let Bika Island get into a mess!

This is bad. If we don't do this right, we'll lose Picard!

"Please appease your anger, this lord, please appease your anger, we have learned the error of our ways."

"Everyone, hurry up and drop your weapons on the ground!" The Bikar chief yelled with all his might, blushing and tugging at his voice, which was fine and could be heard in the quiet environment where everyone was shocked.

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