I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 205.

All of them, as if awakening from a dream, were busy throwing their weapons on the ground, clanking and clanging, and that was a good one!

"Old man, that's pretty upbeat." Carlos exclaimed.

"My lord is flattered." The Bika chief smiled widely.

"Don't be playful with me, everyone be serious, stand up straight, stand up straight, I have something to say."

Carlos suddenly shouted coldly, in a life and death crisis, under the pressure of Carlos' powerful strength, everyone, including the Bika Clan Chief, in a stir, converting any unnecessary expressions, with serious faces, stood straight.

"I've observed your virtues, and I guess talking nicely won't work, so I can only come hard."

"I'll only tell you two things."

"The first point is that Bika is too small, and all the empty islands combined are too small, and I'm from the Green Sea, and all the places in the empty islands combined are not as big as one sea."

"Just a bunch of you winged ones if you reached the Green Sea that would be the favorite of the slave catchers, your proud wings would become a source of disaster, there would be countless people desperate for profit."

"The vast majority of you will become slaves, instead humans without wings won't be able to attract calamity easily."

"So, what are you proud of?"

"Having a pair of wings and still not being able to fly, it's simply a disgrace to the winged clan!"

"I don't have wings either, but I hold the life and death of all of you and this island in my hands at the moment, and if I meant it that way, today would be the day of Bika's destruction!"

"I want you to change in the future and get along as equals!"

"Secondly, if you continue to discriminate against those without wings, which means you are discriminating against me, I will send the strongest people under my command to directly slaughter Bika."

"All of you will have to die, and after you die, you will be sold to some research facility in the Green Sea, who are very interested in the bodies of special races."

Carlos' words frightened the crowd, the people of Qinghai were too fierce and evil to be slaves and kill and study corpses

"With that said, no more nonsense with you, how exactly your fate is in your own hands"

After saying that, Carlos' heartbeat, the wings behind Susano Noh spread out and soared into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye, like piloting a large mech, no, better than piloting a mech!

Chapter 230 - Appajardo

Faking a fight, immediately slipped away, and when it disappeared in front of everyone's eyes Carlos immediately disarmed the full body of Sousa Noh, too draining pupil power, no one will not need to pretend anymore.

The first thing that you need to do is to take a look at the newest version of this article.

It is worth mentioning that the women of the island have good eyes, walking in the street there are a lot of bold girls to take the initiative to pick up, as a guide and so on.

It's also a good idea to take a look at some of the girls on the island, as they are all still young girls, and it's not easy to do if you don't recognize them.

It was only when he came into contact with some young and beautiful women that Carlos was not polite and picked the most beautiful one with the best figure to accompany him, and spent a wonderful evening together.

All are adults, Carlos will not have that psychological burden, what to do is never ambiguous, I have to say that the women of the air island is really a different flavor, not only more wings, more like spring water, the gentle, give people great enjoyment!

One night passed, and the next day waved their sleeves without taking a cloud with them, and under the seemingly reluctant but cheering gaze of Ganfur and the others, the God's Eye Bandits left Angel Island and went to Appajardo.

This was the last stop for the God's Eyes Bandits on the Air Island, and after going to Apayado, the God's Eyes Bandits would leave the Air Island.

Air Island was nice, but it was too peaceful and stress-free for the God's Eye Bandits, and it really wasn't a place to stay for long, unless you were preparing to retire.

The Stygian Moon was riding the wind and waves on the white sea of clouds, heading quickly towards Appajardo, ready to start a treasure hunt!

Although they did not have a treasure map, to find the gold in Appajardo, to find the stone tablet that recorded the history positive besides relying on luck, was to test Carlos's eyesight.

The treasure hunt was not a serious trip, but the crowd was still quite excited, not because of the gold excitement, but because of the process of treasure hunting and exploring the unknown.

Although gold is valuable, but God's eye pirate group is not money, gold sold is only Bailey, backed by one side of the sea level power, money is never lacking, not to say how rich, at least never need to worry about money.

The history is to be found is also held indifferent, let nature take its course attitude, can find the best, by the way, recorded down, can not find the so-called truth, anyway, Carlos is not much interest, he is not D one of the family.

So instead of saying that this is a thrilling treasure hunt, it's better to say that this is a collective alternative vacation of the God's Eye Bandits, anyway, just with the intention of playing.

Two hours later, the Stygian Moon smoothly arrived at Appajardo, located on the sea of clouds, a glance at the ancient trees, green condensation sea, from time to time resounded all kinds of strange roars, giving people a feeling of barbarism.

The Apadoya was washed up four hundred years ago, and there might be quite a few extinct species from the Qinghai Sea in it, so this was a chance for everyone to see it for themselves.

When the Stygian Moon docked securely, Carlos and his crew disembarked from the ship and stepped onto the land of Apadoa, as Apadoa was large enough, Carlos decided to split into four groups to explore the entire island as soon as possible.

This island still has some dangers, and if it is attacked suddenly, there might be an accident, so Carlos' distribution plan took into account both the color of the tyranny and the strength.

In the group of bandits with eyes of the gods, the ones who have learned the color of Witness Hegemony are himself, Yu no Shiro, Martin, Kylie, plus one Hawkeye Mihok, Doris and Riley focus on the development of armed colors.

In total, there are five people who will see and smell the color tyranny, divided into four teams, Kylie will follow him, Hawkeye Mihok is not necessary for nothing, and after staying on the ship for so long, it is not too much to contribute, right?

The leader has, the distribution of the time Carlos is quite a chicken thief, the use of the captain's power to pretend to be selfish, the three female crew members of Doris, Kelly, Suzanne all row to their own bowl.

It is not that Carlos has any strange idea, but simply think that these female crew members are more eye-catching and fragrant, which is more comfortable than following some stinky men behind, right?

After dividing up his own team, Carlos generously said that the other team's team members choose themselves, a team should have at least two people, one person can't land.

For Carlos's approach, the crowd is very speechless, but the captain is still the captain, the captain's strength is strong can do whatever he wants, whether it is the rain of Hillel, Martin, Hawkeye Mihok are not lustful people, for this distribution scheme is not undeniable.

The three of Martin is quite normal point, for women are still interested in, rain of Hillel and Hawkeye Mihok two people are obsessed with the dao of the sword, although the two different, but for the dao of the sword enthusiasm is the same.

Women? Bah, what is that thing trying to ruin my practice?

So there was still some truth to the martial arts novels that warned women not to fall in love with swordsmen, and the ending was mostly tragic.

The three of them don't open their mouths, and the others who want to be with the beautiful crew don't have the right to open their mouths either, the God's Eye Bandits usually get along more casually, but there is also a hierarchy.

Once the captain opens his mouth, then only obedience will be enforced, right or wrong!

In fact, this kind of doing Carlos also has the meaning of taking more responsibility as the captain of the ship, he has the strongest color domination of all the people, and the pupil skill, taking care of three people is also more than easy, easy and pleasant!

Allocated, the group split into four routes to explore, officially heading deeper into Appajardo, and each of the four teams soon disappeared into the green sea.

Carlos's team, Carlos played the lead to go to the front, followed by Susanna, Kelly, Doris temple behind, two sides of the strong middle weak pattern, four people to look around, joking, seemingly very relaxed, in fact, see color domination has long been emitted.

The ancient tree in Apayadori has experienced an unknown number of years of growth, it is really too big, the body of the people compared to it is inconspicuous, like a drop of water into the sea.

People who are not determined and do not have enough strength to walk among them are prone to produce the feeling that they are so small, and their hearts are prone to panic Carlos accompanied the women to talk and laugh, distracting their attention, and also have this aspect in mind.

"Kylie, at ten o'clock, about two hundred meters up the trunk of a tree, the time to test your marksmanship has arrived." Carlos suddenly spoke out and reminded.

Hearing Carlos' words, Kylie immediately adjusted her Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny release to extend her scouting distance, and at the same time pulled out one of the pistols in her waist holster and pulled the trigger in less than a blink of an eye.


There was a loud gunshot, a powerful lead bullet burst through the air, hitting the spot Carlos had described with unerring accuracy, green blood splattered out, and a two-meter long, slender, flowery, brightly colored mutant lizard fell from the tree.

"Nice shot,"

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