I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 206.

Carlos nodded, without another word, and continued to walk forward, Kylie's face calm and easy to put the gun back in the holster, but the joy in her eyes can not hide, obviously Carlos's praise to Kylie is quite useful.

Chapter 231 - The Leading Party

The history of Appaardo's existence is too long, in the sky and without too much intervention by external factors, the island's creatures grow freely, things are quite strong, so the island's creatures are quite strong.

However, these creatures are strong and limited, are not to the point where Carlos can take a shot, usually Kelly can handle it, the size is relatively large, with a gun is not good to kill the creatures, usually Doris to take a shot, a knife down, can not resist.

Carlos's main task was to detect threats, open white eyes to look around for a route, without a map, you have to see what happens.

The four of them walked around for two hours, deciding to take a break for a while, sitting under a huge tree, drinking some water, while Kelly dealt with some edible air island creatures to fight tooth and nail.

Suddenly, Carlos stood up, and the idle Susanna saw him and spoke up, "Captain, is something wrong?"

"There's a super boa constrictor approaching, you guys go ahead and prepare your food, I'll do it this time."

"The size of this python is quite suitable to be my psychic beast."

Carlos said his body moved and disappeared, in the blink of an eye, he came to a tree 500 meters away, a giant python that was a hundred meters long and ten meters wide was rampaging through the forest, swimming unrestrainedly, its body covered with patterns, its breath cold and ferocious.

The python seemed to feel Carlos' gaze, and its cold pupils looked towards Carlos, who smiled provocatively and hooked his finger.

It would take a lot of effort for such a huge python to fight Carlos head on, and the natural born hunter, not knowing how many years he had lived, had a lot of battle experience, so it would be hard to kill him unless he exploded in an instant.

But the creatures with low spiritual intelligence and weak souls were really not very resistant to Carlos' pupil technique, and it would be easy to take care of it by starting with the soul spirit aspect.

Carlos's eyebrows raised, his eyes turned into purple reincarnation eyes, and the circles of mysterious lines instantly attracted the full attention of the great python, falling deeper and deeper, becoming more and more inescapable, and soon the cold vertical pupils turned into a pair of huge reincarnation eyes.

After controlling the python temporarily, Carlos used the reincarnation eye animal dao ability to begin to carve psychic artwork on the python's spirit and body, took a few minutes to finish, and gave the order to let the python go to play by itself, don't disturb them.

Carlos was ready to go back, and suddenly he felt something wrong meditating on what was wrong, Carlos suddenly smacked himself in the head and spat himself out.

"Stupid stupid stupid!"

"How can an outsider have a local understanding of the local, to find the ruins, the gold, the history positive, wouldn't it be best to let the local creatures take it straight there?"

"That boa constrictor doesn't know how many years he's lived by his size, who else in this Appajardo has him ripe?"

After figuring out what's wrong, Carlos folded his hands together and urged the reincarnation of the eye livestock dao ability, a large cloud of white smoke came out, directly to the big python summoned back.

After the big python came out, it was confused and looked around, didn't it leave this place, is in the forest as usual, rampant swimming, how can it come back?

It seems to understand the complex psychology of the Anaconda, Carlos directly to the Anaconda's mind using the pupil power transmission of his own meaning, and then go back to call Doris and others, bring drinks, food, and take a leather train to go treasure hunting.

The three girls were shocked at the first sight of the python, the size is too big, but see it in their captain's docile look excited again, such a big python is the first time to sit it, but also labor-saving convenience, followed the captain is comfortable with ah.

If you follow the others, you can only continue to struggle with your legs to hurry up, after grouping, you must take the initiative to follow the captain's pace!

With the python as a mount, although there is no map, but the total this way to find treasure is even more convenient than a map, how many years of maps, compared to the python this living map?

There's no place in the whole of Appaardo where the python wouldn't dare to go, and on the way there's no obstacle, no snake arrives, no beast retreats, showing off the python's invincibility as a king!

Soon, the python led Carlos and others to a relic, broken walls, murals, unreadable words, broken various utensils, green and blue lichen, emitting the smell of age.

The entire person is a bug in the treasure hunting process, after finding the ruins to know if there is any treasure, do not need to find any secret organs, research what secret language and other fancy things, white eyes in the powerful pupil support, perspective building, earth, there is no treasure at a glance.

This ruins is not big, hundreds of square meters, Carlos had no hope, but sometimes surprises come unexpectedly, ahem, scares are the same.

In the center of the ruins, three walls collapsed, one wall standing alone under the room, Carlos found a 10-square-meter basement, the floor is filled with a lot of things, looking at the shape should be some gold bricks and some gold products.

Since there is a treasure that can't be let go, the way to take the treasure, Carlos is also quite simple and brutal, looking for organs, looking for channels is impossible, directly violent demolition!

Carlos walks into the room and swings his fist and a few lumps hit the ground, but the strength is mastered and the ground cracks, but doesn't collapse, then his eyes turn into reincarnation eyes and his body gradually levitates, his hands pointing at the ground.

Wanxiang Heavenly Gravity!

Hands together, pale black energy blurred the air, powerful gravity worked on the stone, a stone flew upwards off the ground and was flung aside by Carlos again

Soon the underground chamber where the gold was stored was lifted by Carlos, and the gold underneath the ground saw the light of day again, giving off a dazzling golden light that was intoxicating!

"The chamber is open, so pick out what you want."

Carlos greeted, lowering his body and entering the chamber, Doris and the others quickly jumped in after him.

The underground chamber was not out of Carlos's expectation, there were generally some gold bricks, gold products, what kind of gold wine cups, gold wine flasks, gold wine bottles and the like, but one was beautifully shaped, engraved with various patterns, although made of gold, but very artistic, much more valuable than just gold.

There were also a small number of swords decorated with gold and precious stones, luxurious and expensive.

Shiny things women were more than fond of, and Carlos let them pick, and they were not shy about picking what they must like.

In fact, Carlos was quite generous in terms of money, the bailey on the Stygian Moon was basically brought by Carlos from the Black Alliance, but anyone on the ship who was short of money and wanted to buy anything could go and get it, just report it, and there was no need to return it.

The same goes for these gold, Carlos along with although he also likes it, but absolutely will not be exclusive, everyone will have a share, and the ones you like will just hit away.

The most important thing is to make sure that you have the right tools to do the job.

His crew are all carefully selected and prepared to be carefully cultivated, not money can be measured.

Carlos took a gold brick and tossed it up and down to play with it, looking to Kylie and commanding, "Kylie, call the others over, they have a share of this stuff."

"And with the lead party leading the way, there's no need for them to run around and take chances, we'll all aggregate and move together."

"All right, Captain, I'll let you know right away."

Kelly replied warmly at the word, putting down her delicate gold cup and pulling out the phone bug.

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty-Two - A Prank of Bad Interest

Kylie called one by one, pulled out another flare and shot up into the sky with her pistol, the bright red flag logo exploding in the sky, very visible.

Half an hour later, the other three teams had arrived, and with a definite target in mind, the island of Appajardo had yet to have a presence that could stop them from moving, and converged smoothly.

Carlos sat on a wrecked wall next to the underground chamber, playing with a single golden knife set with rubies, emeralds, and sapphires in his hand, and spoke after watching the people arrive, "Take what you want, and leave it until you find other treasures, you'll pick after you converge."

"Thank you, Captain." The rest of the crew members saw the situation and opened their mouths, after that some of the crew members who were interested in the treasure jumped into the chamber to pick what they were interested in, some of them didn't move, such as Rain's Hillel, who had little interest in the treasure.

Hawkeye Mihok didn't move either, he was a guest, not very nice, and had little interest in treasure.

In terms of enthusiasm for swords, Hawkeye Mihok was much more pure than Rain's Hiryu!

It was only after the crowd had finished selecting that Carlos returned to the underground chamber and sucked all the remaining gold bricks and gold products into the Divine Might space, then led the crowd to jump on the back of the python to the next place where there was a possibility of hidden treasure.

With the help of the python, treasure hunting became particularly efficient, specifically going to various ruins, and while not all the treasure was in the ruins, and not all the ruins had treasure in them, the chances of there being treasure in the ruins were high.

Next, he went to two ruins in succession, the second one had no treasure and the third one had treasure, and after taking the third one away, Carlos had a sudden idea for a prank.

If the Straw Hat Bandits were to come to the Empty Island in the future, what would happen when he saw that the treasure was mostly emptied and what he had left behind?

The mischief couldn't be contained once the idea of a prank had started, and with a twinkle in his eye, Carlos had a concrete idea.

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