I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 208.

"Captain, what are you guys doing staying in there so long?" Kylie had been with Carlos the longest, so she wouldn't hide any doubts and just asked straight out.

"Well someone explain it to Kelly and the others."

Carlos didn't intend to hide it from Kylie and the others, just to keep them out of it.

After saying that Carlos figure flashed and rushed to the back of the python, the rest of them reacted quickly to catch up, poor Luis, his current strength was the worst among all of them, and before he could react, he was the only one standing in front of Kylie and the others.

Kylie, Doris, Suzanne's three eyes can only look at Louis, the Louis look red face down, half a day can not hold a sentence!

"Say something, Louis, why are you blushing?" Suzanne is a little baffled.

Louis was surrounded by three beautiful women, fragrance straight to the nose, not long ago also carved the book, at the moment too shameful, the brain is basically in a dead state!

"Come up first and take your time on the way."

Carlos yowled, stopping for now, and all four of them jumped the python towards the next ruin.

On the way, after repeated questions from the three Kelly girls, Louis finally fiddled with the truth of the matter, and the three girls blushed at the news, and pooh-poohed and pooh-poohed, and gave all the men a good look, especially their captain, Carlos, who was the focus of attention.

Each of the next ruins with treasures were drawn according to the same pattern, a set of processes down, the more they drew, the higher the level of the crowd, as well as the feeling that the place was too small to draw, not very enjoyable.

Until they came to the largest ruins on the island, which hid the history square, the crowd drew enough, even the history square's surroundings were all filled with flowers.

This last place could be called the pinnacle of everyone's current skills, the simple depiction has already let the crowd is not satisfied, Carlos and others also painted the mural painting, the realistic degree of increased, the temptation also increased.

After that, they took pictures of the monument on top of the history orthodox stone tablet, and then topped up a copy, before the God's Eye Bandits left.

The people did not go far, but in the relics of the ground camp, ready to stay on the island for a while.

It was not easy to come to an empty island once, always need to stay a few more days before leaving, these days free to do whatever they want, but if they want to go far, they have to travel together.

What made Carlos laugh a little bit was that Olsen, O'Neill both of them had not had enough of their addiction to carving the mural of the book, and began to carve on the edge of the living ruins as well, with great interest and pleasure.

Everyone had a good few days to relax on the island, a few days later, escorted out of the island by the Anaconda, re-boarded the Stygian Moon on the White Sea, ready to return to the Qinghai Sea.

The purpose of this trip to the empty island has basically been achieved, empty island has nothing to stop, for the God's eye pirate group is too comfortable.

As for how to leave the Island, this does not need to worry about the bandits, Ganfuor will arrange everything, he would like to see the bandits leave the Island.

After leaving Appaardo, Carlos informed Ganfuor, asking them to prepare the things necessary to leave the island, and also asked Ganfuor to personally lead the God's Eye Bandits to see them off.

Although the request was a bit unreasonable, but the arm can't defy the thigh, for the God's Eye Bandits, this group of plague gods, as long as they can leave quickly, anything will do!

Arriving at Angel Island again, Carlos sent someone to check that leaving the air island was going to be a landing from that high up, which would have serious consequences if Ganfur let someone mess with it.

Whether Ganfur had the idea or not, whether he had the guts or not, he as the captain had to put an end to the possibility of that happening, falling from that high, without a godly space, without a monster-like body like Kaido, he was dead.

If he really had to fall from 10,000 meters, he would be able to save the crew, and the Stygian Moon would definitely be thrown to pieces, sucking the crew into the Kamui space, in and out, and his pupil power would have to be partially consumed.

In the past full pupil power he wanted to suck the Stygian Moon into the ship is bad enough, slow and long lasting, after consuming pupil power it is absolutely impossible.

What? Absorb the people and the ship?

It wasn't like it was a sleeve, it was a gamble, and if it wasn't absorbed completely before it fell, it would be the end of the ship along with the people, the Stygian Moon was too big.

After everything was ready and confirmed that there were no problems, the God's Eye Bandits embarked on their way out of the empty island, escorted by Gan Fuer as well as the shinobi team.

Chapter 234 - CP9 Delivering the Letter

The journey went smoothly, the God's Eye Bandits left the empty island without incident and returned to the blue sea above, still feeling blue sea friendly from the white sea to the blue sea, and smelling the slightly fishy sea breeze again.

Back on the ocean, Suzanne re-established the location of the Stygian Moon, and found that the Stygian Moon was in the sea between Gaya Island and Long Circle Long Island, it would be simple, their next stop would have been Long Circle Long Island, take out the permanent pointer of Long Circle Long Island and just follow the directions.

The Stygian Moon was riding the waves of the ocean, but Carlos had a rare moment when he didn't stay on deck, and instead returned to his yard, sitting on a rattan chair with a small pebble fish pond in front of him, stocked with some brightly colored freshwater fish, the surrounding area covered with flowers and plants, and the air was fresh and clean, completely free of the faint smell of the sea on the deck.

Carlos was holding a glass of red wine in his left hand and a rattlesnake fruit in his right, frowning slightly in thought.

Thinking about what? It was actually still a matter of Paine's six ways.

He had wanted to pick the right materials himself during the voyage, but the people he had encountered after awakening the Reincarnation Eye were too far from what he had expected, and no one was fully up to par.

Thinking about it this way, Carlos still felt that the materials for the Paine Six Paths needed to be picked in Propulsion City, a place with enough strong people!

Maybe it was time to find a time to advance the city and pick some strong people.

Making Paine Six Paths was a technical job, but it only required six corpses to make it, but a Paine made from an ordinary corpse wouldn't be able to exert much strength even if it was made perfectly.

If you want to make a Penn Six Paths, then you need to make six strong people, and Carlos wants to make a Penn with the strength of at least six admirals.

Then the selection of materials is very delicate, in order for Payne to have at least the strength of a Lieutenant General of the Navy, first of all the materials should be strong enough physically, so that they can carry more of the Six Paths and exert more of their strength in life.

And Carlos still had ambitions, he wanted the material to be strong enough for Paine to retain its demonic fruit abilities if they were demonic fruit abilities after making Paine.

When people died, except for the more specific demonic fruits, such as the Yellow Springs fruit, they would basically leave the body and find a new fruit to inhabit and enter the next host's body.

In order to keep the demonic fruit ability from escaping, something needed to be done, and for that Carlos already had a solution.

Five days later, the Stygian Moon finally arrived at the Long Island of the Ring.

Every year, there would be one day of high tide, and the island would return to its original shape within a few hours on that day. The nomads on the island would seize the opportunity to migrate to the next island every three years, and the animals and people on the island would be influenced by the unique magnetic field and grow very slender.

The world is very different from one island to the next due to the limitations of transportation and the ever-changing magnetic field, and it is possible for neighboring islands to develop natural differences.

The hallmark of Long Island is its slender stature, and on Long Island only those with slender stature are the locals, the rest are outsiders who have come from various sources.

Arriving at Long Island, all the rowing boats avoided wherever the Stygian Moon arrived, and no one dared to provoke the huge size and the eye-catching pirate flag.

The bandits have been in the first half of the Great Voyage and have become quite famous after destroying some pirate groups in the process.

Aboard the Stygian Moon, Hawkeye Mihok walked towards Carlos and spoke softly, "I've had a wonderful time, thanks for the hospitality, I'm leaving to continue challenging the mighty around, goodbye."

"Farewell." Carlos didn't hold back, reaching out his hand to shake with Hawkeye Mihok and smiling slightly.

A true man on the ocean didn't need to twist and turn to act, happy to gather and happy to part, there was always a chance to meet again in the future if he was strong enough.

Hawkeye Mihok nodded with a dangerous nod on his face, then greeted the other crew members, and after all of them greeted, jumped off from the Stygian Moon in the amazement of the onlookers, and quickly disappeared.

After seeing Hawkeye Mihoho leave, Carlos also took people off the Stygian Moon, no one dared to walk alongside them on the dock, and left the dock unhurriedly as if walking the catwalk under the gaze of the crowd.

Sailing, as long as there was no one chasing after them, no one would stay at sea, and it was normal for them to stay on an island for a while.

Although they are so swaggering, it is expected to have been detected by the Navy, but the God's eye pirate group is not afraid of the Navy looking for trouble, strength is not enough to send food, and so on to mobilize strong people to come, it is expected that they have already left.

The people strolled apart, strolled until noon everyone reunited, in a boundless, emerald green grasslands eating roasted whole sheep, the kind of sheep with a particularly slender figure.

The people around the long a circle sitting together, the center is four roast whole sheep grill, placed in front of the wine drinks, meat aroma, wine aroma, talk between the atmosphere is very good.

Just at this moment, a young man wearing a black suit, with a seemingly indifferent face, not caring at all, but actually with flashing eyes and a nervous heart, came striding towards Carlos and the others.

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