I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 209.

"Stop, who are you?"

Louis joined the God's Eyes pirate group the shortest, the weakest strength, in the face of this situation immediately stood up, take down the back of the sniper rifle aimed at the visitors cold drink.

The others didn't care much about the situation, still eating mutton, drinking wine and chatting.

"Please don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand, I don't mean any harm."

"I am an intelligence officer affiliated with the world government's spy agency CP9, all intelligence officers in the first half of the Great Voyage have the same mission, to deliver a letter to your Captain Carlos on behalf of the world government."

The youth forced himself to be calm, although it could clearly be seen that he was pretending to be calm, but being able to speak fluently with his life at stake, the quality of his heart was already quite good.

"Captain, it's for you." Louis grinned, but the gun in his hand was still aimed at the other man.

"The hailing letter stays, you're free to go." Carlos took a quick gulp of ice wine, exhaled in relief, and waved his hand casually.

"Yes, yes."

The youth, seeing the situation, placed the letter respectfully on the green grass and slowly backed away, then turned around and left.

The mission was accomplished, his little life wasn't lost, he was going up a level, the right bet, fortunately he was quick and courageous, otherwise this chance would have gone to someone else.

Louis took the letter and handed it to Carlos, who took it and didn't rush to read it, but continued to eat his food.

"Captain, the world government even sent you a letter, judging from the attitude of the sender, it shouldn't be anything bad, most likely something good is going to fall on your head Captain."

"The few battles we've had with the Navy haven't been in vain."

Rain no Hiryu had been in the system and knew the world government better, and to have the world government treat them that way meant that they, the Shin Megami Tensei Bandits, were definitely valued by the world government in some way.

It was meant to resolve grudges and even cooperate ah

"Quite a vision, and I think something good is about to fall into my lap."

"But it's hard to know exactly what it means."

In the middle of the conversation Carlos had cleaned his hands, ripped open the envelope with the world government markings and took out the letterhead to watch it carefully, and the other crew members stopped eating and drinking and talking, and one by one looked at Carlos with curiosity

Chapter 235 - Becoming King?

There wasn't much on the letter, Carlos quickly read it and smiled, it was really a good way to tread the path and get a pillow when doze off came.

He was going to make a trip to Propulsion City sometime and take some of the super criminals from Wireless Hell with him.

The world government was interested in inviting him and the forces under his control to join the world government, so claiming those supercriminals would be the right reason to do so without worrying about overly irritating the Navy and the world government.

The world government and the navy probably wouldn't agree to it, but the difficulty of dying would be greatly reduced, and the waste would be useless.

"Captain, what does the world government mean you speak up, why are you just laughing?" Riley saw some urgency in his mind and urged.

"Ohhhh the world government wants to invite me to join the world government." Carlos smirked.

"Huh? The world government invites a band of pirates to join the world government and the five old stars get their heads stuck in a door?" Rain no Hillel was very speechless.

The rest of them were also very speechless and couldn't believe that the five old stars seemed to have really gotten their heads caught in the door.

"Right and wrong."

"The world government means to invite me and the mafia alliance I commanded in the Western Sea to join the world government as a nation."

"The Black Alliance has quite a bit of territory in the Western Sea, though most of it isn't even connected, but it's possible to join the world government as a United States of America."

"I could mix a king for a while later."

"One man can be a minister and a noble, well you can also become a minister."

"The kind recognized by the world government, hahaha surprise no? Surprise no?"

Carlos was in a very happy mood, I never thought I'd be able to change classes and build a kingdom so soon, interesting!

"We become ministers, aristocrats?"

When they heard Carlos' words, except for the person who used to hold a not-so-low position in the official system of the world government, the others were very surprised in unison.

Hey they never thought that they could become minister nobles one day, this is a bit dreamy, it feels like a dream, but this is a good thing.

The world aristocrat was the Celestial Dragons, and the privileges were great, the aristocrats of other world government franchises were not as awesome as the Celestial Dragons, the only world aristocrat, but they still had a lot of privileges.

It might be a bit of an exaggeration to say privileges everywhere, that was the treatment of the Sky Dragons, but it wasn't an exaggeration to have privileges in food, clothing, housing and transportation.

If they really became aristocrats of a world government franchise, the navy couldn't even seek revenge on them, and it was one of the navy's duties to protect them in case of danger.

Carlos, the king of the world government, has even more status and power.

The navy must treat him with courtesy when they see him.

Carlos was not interested in joining the various institutions of the world government, that was purely a lapdog of the world government and the Heavenly Dragons, in the manner of a country was still okay, that was the way of a collaborator.

Although there were quite a few countries that were screwed up because of Heavenly Gold and other reasons, and were manipulated by the world government indiscriminately, but as long as you were strong enough and your power was strong enough, the freedom was still quite large, and if you were upset with one, you wouldn't give a shit about the world government and just go your separate ways.

Carlos had the confidence to do this degree, the mafia alliance if to join the world government in the form of a country, the system of this country then is very special, not at all dependent on the protection of the world government, no one in the West Sea can bully the entire mafia alliance.

Only when everyone calmed down did Carlos speak again, "The letter roughly reveals the idea, if I agree the specific terms still need to slowly escape judgment."

"The negotiation venue is set on the Island of Justice, the time has not been set yet, if you have any objections, you can call there to communicate."

"I am quite interested, long before you were even with me, shortly after I unified the Black Alliance, the world government sent someone to recruit me."

"But the conditions were so bad that I didn't agree, now the world government should have seen my strength and potential clearly, and it's an old story."

"The West Sea is such a fat piece of meat, there's no way the world government wouldn't want to take a bite!"

"The world government is also considered to be under pressure, with pirates popping up all over the place, revolutionary armies appearing again, and a spark that has the potential to start a prairie fire, plus other miscellaneous things, it should only rise up under the anxiety to recruit me."

"Since the captain has already made a decision, I support it, and I think it's interesting."

"I also support the ship's decision."

"Support, support, I might be able to become a general later."


Many of the crew nodded in support, much to Carlos' satisfaction.

"Negotiations are definitely on the cards, and to prevent the world government from being unscrupulous and scheming against us, the negotiation venue has been changed to the Capital of the Seven Waters, not to the Island of Justice."

"As for the time, it's also up to us to decide."

"You'll call me back later Kelly and inform the world government."

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