I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 221.

Marin Vado, Naval Headquarters, in front of the Gate of Justice, a warship is sailing to the Gate of Justice, preparing to enter the inland sea and anchor in the Naval Headquarters.

Carlos was standing on the front deck of the warship, wearing a red-striped suit with a black background and a naval justice cape, followed by some naval officers and soldiers, he looked rather like a senior naval officer.

This cloak of justice on Carlos was earned, followed by these supporters behind him was also earned, there was no other way, Berry had lost everything, so this was the only way to pay off the debt.

Just accompany Carlos to play this companions sparrow river and sunshine slang South imitates the oldest and oldest Joe back that ostrich locusts make Cong pardon Ò

"Whoever that is, go inform Lt. General Gion that the Gate of Justice is approaching, and tell her to communicate in time." Carlos looked serious, the Justice cape fluttering, and it looked like that.

"Yes, Admiral Carlos!" A naval captain, his face reddened, incomparably ashamed of saluting.

Alas this big man wants to play with him, just play with him, serve him well and let him leave this warship in a happy mood.

Alas actor!

The cloak of justice behind Carlos was won from the hands of a major general, the major general as long as Carlos took it seriously, can not resist his pupil power ah, should bet or lose.

Although it was the Rear Admiral's cloak, but Carlos himself gave himself a promotion.

At this time the navy admiral to stay in his room, speechless to see people ah, although he more than a navy cloak, need to be changed, the navy is not so poor.

It wasn't long before the peach rabbit came out, and the tea dolphin was recovering from his injuries, so he didn't follow.

"Admiral Gion!" Carlos came to attention and saluted.

Peach Hare's indifferent face couldn't hold back, originally the justice cape was hot on Carlos, not that it wasn't handsome, but the identity was too awkward, it was a blasphemy to the navy!

Now you're still saluting, saluting is fine, you're still saluting backwards, it's really infuriating, disgusting people are really good at it!

Well yes, Carlos being disgusting has always worked!

Actually Carlos didn't mean to be disgusting, mainly because he wasn't used to it, it really wasn't intentionally disgusting.

Carlos had actually always dreamed of being a soldier when he was a kid, not this world of course, but that world, which for some reason didn't take it as such, and this world neatly turned into a mafia.

Where can I go with this?

Now wearing a naval uniform and coming to the naval headquarters, it was really a dream come true in a sense.

"Admiral Gion, don't look at me like that, I'm not going to lie to you, in the West Sea, when I was a kid, I had dreams of becoming a soldier, but fate made me become a mafioso and a pirate."

"Today is a dream come true, and that's one of the reasons why I accepted the invitation from the world government." Carlos opened his mouth and didn't miss a beat.


Hearing Carlos' words, Peach Bunny half-heartedly believed them, but didn't bother talking to Carlos, he just wanted to send Carlos away as soon as possible.

These days, Carlos had refreshed her perception of strong people, especially strong pirates, and it was too much fun to mess up her warship, but it didn't seem to be much of a drawback compared to other strong pirates

Most of the strong pirates he'd seen and heard of were harsh, arrogant, murderous people who did as they pleased, and from that point of view Carlos was quite easy-going, mild, and could play along with the bottom-feeders.

Cough too much, let's just send this troublesome guy away!

Chapter 248 - Naval Headquarters

Towering and majestic gate of justice slowly open, huge warships in the gate of justice is particularly small.

The warship slowly passed into the gate of justice, to the naval headquarters of the inner sea, no, should be called the inner lake is more appropriate, but the lake is just seawater, the area is not small, the inner lake is very calm, except for some warships cut through the lake surface, with waves.

Carlos stood in front of the warship, looking around at the naval headquarters, hey, such a swinging naval headquarters is really quite a novel experience, there are naval recruits in the distance in the square sweating like rain training, hot, quite atmosphere.

When the warship of the peach rabbit moored at the dock, a naval admiral who had been contacted beforehand came to greet Carlos on the order of the naval marshal air, and did not Carlos to arrange a good follow-up life matters until he left the naval headquarters.

The Navy Rear Admiral is an old secretary who has been with Air for many years, and can also be called Air's secretary officer.

Carlos was upset when he saw the people who came to greet him on the spot, no senior management to greet him in his expectations, the former enemy suddenly turned into an ally, it was really a short period of time to accept badly.

If the higher-ups don't come, they won't come, you at least send more people ah, send a person although he is a Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, in the Navy status is not low, but this is looking down on who?

Is he Carlos to be dispatched by a major general?

He's a self-proclaimed Admiral Carlos, and the Navy really doesn't have a clue!

So Carlos didn't have the slightest intention of getting off the warship and staying up there, looking down on who? Or do you want to give me a hard time?

"Mr. Carlos, what are you?" Peach Hare saw Carlos full of upset look, heart apprehensive, she felt the situation is not good ah.

"The Navy is really outrageous, just send a district Rear Admiral to perfume me, you tell him to get back, I don't need him to follow" Carlos face serious, voice did not lower, make the pier to meet his empty secretary officer heard.

This is very annoying, in the secretary's opinion, the marshal can send him to greet you, it is already very good for you, right?

"That's not good, is it? He's gone, Mr. Carlos. You don't know your way around."

"What's not so good? Am I going to get lost?"

Who's worried about whether you'll get lost, with your strength and status, if you're not followed by anyone, who's going to feel at ease wandering recklessly around the naval headquarters?

The Air Marshal also underestimated this guy first. How can a Major General follow him? Wasn't the same Rear Admiral on her warship being played for fools?

We need to send more people!

"Naturally Mr. Carlos won't get lost, but you don't know your way around here, you always need someone you know to show you around."

"Well Well that makes sense, indeed you need someone you know to lead you better." Carlos opened his mouth with a little contemplation.

Peach rabbit smiled at the words, the newly arrived teal dolphin on the deck heard felt a little strange and had a bad feeling, as expected

"In the Navy, the one I'm most familiar with at the moment, and the one most qualified to bring me familiarity, is you, His Excellency Gion, so I'll be counting on you from now on."

"Ah grin?"


"I mean, I'll be under your wing at Navy Headquarters from now on, and it's better to follow you with a beautiful woman than to follow that brown guy, right?"

"Other than that at least it's eye candy, let the guy down there leave or don't blame me for being too hard on him, he's a real eyesore!"

"I object!"

Carlos suddenly heard someone singing against him, his eyebrows furrowed, followed the voice and found that it was that simpleton of a teal dolphin, and rolled his eyes, "Objection overruled, BB in front of me again, I'll make you moon reading world day trip again!"

Tea Dolphin's heart thudded, and he closed his eyes in fright.

Tea Dolphin had unknowingly developed a slight fear of Carlos, it couldn't be helped, the moon reading world had been tortured for a day and a night, all sorts of perverted tortures kept appearing and pushing the envelope, and Tea Dolphin thought Carlos was mentally ill!

"No, no, I didn't get that assignment." When Peach Bunny reacted, she shook her head, shaking it fast, like a rattle.

Are you kidding me, it was hard to get rid of you, how would I send it to you?

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