I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 222.

"Alas too bad, I would have wanted to instruct you in my spare time."

"Although I don't practice kendo, I've met many kendo masters, and I'm more experienced in domination."

"Since you don't want to, I don't want to follow that guy, hehe I'm going to find my own place to stay."

After shaking his head and sighing, Carlos's figure moved to leave, Peach Bunny was busy stopping him, what a joke, there was no way that Carlos would be allowed to wander around the naval headquarters with impunity, it really had to be done that way

It's not just the person down there who wants to eat the hanging drop, she also wants to eat it, if something bad happens again, that will have a big impact, maybe the world government will be blamed for them.

"Alright, I promise you, I'll take care of arranging your food and shelter at the naval headquarters, but I hope Mr. Carlos doesn't get into any trouble and quietly waits to get his things."

"I'll communicate later and report back to Air Marshal." Peach Bunny was very helpless.

"That's more like it's just as well to send a man to greet, the most important thing is a cold face."

"It's just as well that he's not eye candy, who is he showing his face to here, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself and shoot him to death!"

"You go ahead and make the arrangements, and I'll only get off the warship when it's taken care of."

Ten minutes later, everything was taken care of, Carlos followed Peach Hare down to the warship, wearing a naval cape, and followed Peach Hare all the way to the residential area behind the naval headquarters, the town where Carlos had first met Peach Hare.

There were special areas for the navy and their families to live in, with different ranks and positions, and different grades, like the Peach Hare, who lived in a large villa covering an area of acres, and whose property rights were also in the hands of the Peach Hare, the welfare was quite good!

Carlos and peach rabbit walking all the way, that way can pull the wind, after all, peach rabbit can be considered a military flower in the naval forces, unless it is an older generation of strong, it is rare to see peach rabbit alone with a man and walk side by side.

And then look at the various signs of the cloak of justice, the highest may be but the Rear Admiral which is a little bit of envy and jealousy, you just a naval Rear Admiral, why with a naval Lieutenant General, thousands of naval heart of the beauty and strength of the goddess walking together?

Along the way Carlos met an unknown number of envious and jealous eyes, but unfortunately his eyes couldn't kill, or Carlos might not have any ash left.

Carlos was dressed much differently than usual and wore a naval cap, his appearance was somewhat familiar but there was really no navy to think of a pirate.

Because how could a pirate swagger around the navy headquarters? Still following the goddess of their dreams?

So they subconsciously dismissed the possibility, only thinking that Carlos looked like he had seen it somewhere before, but couldn't remember it.

The matter of Carlos negotiating a partnership with the world government was only known to a few navy executives, and most of the navy hadn't even heard of it.

By the way, Peach Bunny's popularity in the Navy was really good, in addition to its own looks, body, strength to bring the image, Peach Bunny's personality is also very likeable, the road met almost all the Navy, regardless of men and women, regardless of rank, regardless of position will greet Carlos.

The peach rabbit also with a gentle smile in response, Carlos smiled, perhaps too good people is not good, he felt the peach rabbit face to smile stiffly

Chapter 249 - Empty, Warring States

Half an hour later, Carlos followed Peach Bunny to where he was living, well, the treatment wasn't bad, a single-family house, a glance over, covering seven or eight acres, the treatment of a lieutenant general.

Although it wasn't enough to push him, but he wasn't in the Navy after all, he would live with it.

He Carlos was not an unseen person, his residence in the West Sea was bigger than here anyway, exquisite here, luxurious here.

Peach Bunny's place wasn't too far from where he was staying, two villas away.

After dropping Carlos off at his residence, Peach Bunny gave him a tour and left, the villa was quite well equipped, both infrastructure and human facilities, all sorts of things were done, if you were lazy.

After spending some time in the villa, Carlos ignored Peach Bunny's advice to change his clothes and ran off to wave outside the villa.

The area was all occupied by the Admiralty, but most of the villas were currently without owners at home, and the Navy was busy right now, each with their own tasks.

Carlos strolled outside for a while without encountering any other admirals, feeling a little bored, Carlos went to the villa where Peach Hare lived and rang the doorbell.

Carlos plans to visit the Peach Bunny's house to see what's so different about the big beauty's home

Peach rabbit saw Carlos standing in front of his house, a black face, it turned out that the other party would not obediently listen to his words, she turned around, the other party strolled around, and even strolled outside her house.

All to the door, peach rabbit is also too embarrassed to turn Carlos away from the door, turn away from the door is actually useless, the other party really want to come in, no matter how high the wall is useless.

When I walked into the villa, I found that this villa had a special abundance of all kinds of flowers and plants, and the smell of all kinds of flowers and herbs mixed together to form a very nice smell.

Carlos was taking a look around with great interest, and Peach Bunny had already welcomed him out, saying that he wanted to show him around.

Carlos thought that the coming days were long, the time he spent in the naval headquarters depended on the processing time of the naval science institute for the sea floor stone, according to his estimate at least a few days, maybe even ten days and a half months.

If not today, just another day, still afraid of not being able to enter the peach rabbit's villa to take a look?

Carlos didn't make any excuses, and since Peach Bunny wanted to show him around as well, he really had some places he wanted to see.

So, he immediately made the request that he would go to the naval headquarters to meet the current naval marshal, the future commander-in-chief of the three armies, Air as well as the future naval marshal, War State.

Peach Hare looked at Carlos in surprise at the news, not a little bit of nerve, going directly to meet the two strongest people in the current naval headquarters

Others such as Karp had entered the New World Sitting, and were not in the Naval Headquarters.

Wanting to meet Air and Warrior is not something taboo, Peach Rabbit immediately took out the phone bug to call Air and Warrior, such things need to make an appointment, lest they be blocked from entering the naval building, causing unnecessary conflict.

This time from the rear of Marin Vado to the front, the two did not slow down, each quickly running and jumping, and soon arrived at the naval headquarters, in the case of prior greetings to enter the naval building.

After arriving at the top floor, the peach rabbit knocked on the door, and brought Carlos into the empty office, which was not only empty, but also included the warring states.

Carlos stepped into the room, a sweep of the eyes, sizing up the two people, there is nothing to say, except for the younger, the uniform on the body is a little different, the other is exactly the same as the original appeared.

Empty, nicknamed Steel Bone Empty, the world's top powerhouse, proficient in both physical arts and domination, attainments are both top-notch, his face is longer, his skin is darker, he has a stitched scar under his left eye, a Mohawk head shape, his jaw beard is M-shaped, sitting on the marshal's seat in a big horse, his demeanor is steady as a mountain, giving people a heavy and solid feeling!

Carlos was checking out the two while the two were checking out Carlos, and although we didn't have a lot of dealings, this was actually the first time we had met.

The image of Carlos in the eyes of the two was such an image, a well-proportioned and straight body, a seemingly ordinary body that contained great strength, casually wearing a black background red-striped shirt and trousers, still quite handsome and British, nothing striking on his face, the most striking was the pair of eyes.

Anyone who saw Carlos's appearance would be drawn to Carlos's eyes at first glance, eyes that seemed as flat as water, but like an abyss that wanted to pull one's heart and mind into the abyss, making one lose oneself and not be able to extricate oneself!

In addition to those eyes, the other party's temperament was also special, confident and calm, with a hint of cynicism and dominance in the breeze!

The two sides glanced at each other and got a general impression.

"I've really heard a lot about you, Air Marshal, War Admiral." Carlos was the first to speak up, and after saying that he didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, he sat down on one of the sofas in the office.

Peach rabbit had seen Warrior and Air also followed and sat down, she didn't worry about Carlos talking to Warrior, Air, she always felt that with Carlos' nature both sides would make a move or even a big fight, so she was going to stay as a lubricant and make a roundabout.

In fact, the peach rabbit's worry is superfluous, treating what kind of people with what kind of attitude Carlos knows very well, not to mention other things, the strength of the Warring States and the air is enough for Carlos to treat solemnly.

It wasn't that Carlos was afraid they would make a move, but out of respect for the strong, he wouldn't be fiddling and frivolous, and would show his steady, unassuming side.

People wear masks in life, they play different roles in life, and their attitude towards different people must be different, it's the same that's strange and can go wrong.

"Ohhhh me and the warrior only have heard of you for a long time, but you have made our navy ash-haired ah." Empty eyes, a heavy as a mountain in a deep voice, a heavy as a mountain momentum pressed down on Carlos, not far beside Carlos Peach Hare immediately felt a heavy pressure, as if he had a small mountain on his back.

"Haha I can't help it ah, Air Marshal, the position is different well, I don't make the navy grey, or I'm myself grey." Carlos shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

He felt a bit of pressure for Air's imposing pressure, but it was nothing to affect him with his strength.

"Hmph, you see it quite clearly, different position."

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