I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 223.

"I'm going to warn you about one thing, don't make any trouble at the naval headquarters, just wait quietly for what you want."

"If you act recklessly, the warring nations and I won't ignore the world government and just join forces to suppress you!" Empty eyes glazed over with a sharp gaze and warned in a deep voice.

"That's right, since you've come to Malinfandom, you have to abide by the rules here, this is not your territory, you're not allowed to do anything wrong!" The warrior wore glasses and also looked serious in warning.

"Oh well what I do is up to your navy's hospitality."

"Make me unhappy, I should get angry still, as for suppressing me you can try it sometime!"

"In terms of life-preserving ability, I, Carlos, have never been afraid of anyone" Carlos showed no weakness.

Shit, did I come to see you guys to be trained by you?

Peach Bunny is shocked by Carlos' arrogance, knowing you're very strong, but this is too arrogant, right?

Do you know how strong Air Marshal and War Admiral are?

It's safe to say that together, the two of them could defeat anyone in the world, kill each other or not, but they could certainly defeat anyone!

Chapter 250 - Black Wrist Zephyr

"Good guts, let me try your success!" The Air Marshal was in a rage, as the world's top big man, no one had ever dared to be so arrogant in front of him!

As soon as the words fell, the empty figure disappeared behind the desk, and the marshal's throne was already empty, appearing in front of Carlos as if in an instant, thick and wide palms wrapped around the armed colored dominance that seemed to materialize as if it was cast in steel, grabbing onto Carlos' shoulders.

The move seemed ordinary, seemingly slow but actually as fast as lightning, carrying a heavy, mountainous pressure, as if it wasn't a palm but a mountain like the one Carlos was heading towards!

Carlos' pupils shrank, the triangular scythe kaleidoscope writhe emerged, he had to prove his strength, especially his ability to save his life, it wasn't good to get into a big fight in the marshal's office, it was easy to anger the Navy

A good man doesn't eat immediate loss, this is the naval headquarters after all, making too much noise won't be good for him, so Carlos's way of dealing with this is to only defend himself.

Steel cast like Tarzan's palm pressed against Carlos's shoulder but there was no feeling of force, as if it was pressed through the air, through Carlos's shoulder.

"Well?" Empty eyebrows furrowed, and reached out another hand to grab at Carlos' throat, yet it also penetrated the throat, not touching any strength.

"What a bizarre ability, elementalization doesn't have this effect either" the warrior beside him looked surprised, Peach Hare was filled with shock, how many bizarre and powerful abilities was this guy hiding?

"Air Marshal, don't waste your energy, if I only want to save myself, you won't be able to do anything about it even if you exhaust your stamina." Carlos looked indifferent and bullish.

In reality, of course Carlos didn't say it was that powerful, God's power to save his life was strong, but it couldn't last forever, there was a cooldown time.

If the air kept this attack stance until the Divine Might entered its cooldown then it could touch Carlos' strength and thus potentially injure Carlos.

But that doesn't mean that Carlos can't get close to his face and just ignore the cooldown time and take a high stance that if I just want to save myself, then I'm invincible on earth!

These people don't know what he's got anyway, and there's no way a big man of status and power like Air can keep tickling him like a crazy woman after consecutive missed shots until it cools off, right?

Can you still have a face?

"Hmph, count on you kid." Air stopped with a livid face, glanced at Carlos' eyes and snorted.

"Overpraise, overpraise, frontal combat or Air Marshal is stronger."

"Still have some self-awareness, go ahead, as long as you abide by the rules of my naval headquarters, you are an honored guest of the naval headquarters!"

Throwing in the towel, Carlos gave the air a leg up, and the air spoke much better.

"I'll take my leave then, Gion, yo-yo."

Carlos looked at Air and Warrior and turned away, Peach Bunny was secretly annoyed that the bastard had called her by her first name in front of Air Marshal and Warrior General, what an abomination!

But in front of Air Marshal and War Admiral, she was not too good to express her displeasure, and even less good to argue with Carlos, so she had to say goodbye to Air and War Admiral with an iron face and left.

After they left, Air sighed, "Alas, this kid is too weird and unpredictable, some can't see through, and I don't know if it's good or bad for the world government to work with him"

"There is no need to worry Marshal, for better or worse, it will not be beyond the control of our navy and world government, he can make waves but he cannot steal the day!"

"Let's hope so."

In front of the naval headquarters building, Carlos came out with the peach rabbit, Carlos stretched, felt a white cigarette and lit it, taking a beautiful drag.

"Come on, show me around, and ask me anything you don't understand on the hegemony along the way."

Peach Bunny's eyes lit up, her face looked a lot better, and she nodded her head.

So Peach Hare took Carlos around with her, eye-catching for sure, but the Navy said it didn't matter, the news was no big deal even if it leaked out ahead of time, even if they were happy to see it.

Carlos also didn't mind being seen, but didn't want to be photographed, all sorts of rumors could be had, but not stoned until things really settled down.

So if someone took a picture along the way, Carlos would signal the Peach Bunny Gion to take action, and have the Navy who took the picture delete it, unaware that Carlos would personally take action and beat them up, beating them up and still have no place to talk about it.

The Navy is not as rosy as it seems, there are factions within, and there are also spies, spies of other forces.

Wandering around, before he knew it, Carlos was taken outside of a rather remote training ground.

From a distance, the training ground was full of neatly lined up naval recruit eggs being trained by a naval instructor, and with how good Carlos' eyesight was, he could see everything in the training ground clearly from a distance.

The new recruits of the training ground could not perceive anyone watching them, but the instructor turned his head after Carlos and Peach Bunny appeared to look at their position, gave a slight nod, and then went back to training with a blank expression.

Carlos wouldn't think it was a greeting, looking at the smiling and respectful Peach Hare: "He's the Admiral known as Black Wrist Zephyr, right? Did he teach you too?"

"That's right, he's Zephyr-sensei, I wasn't brought up by Zephyr-sensei, after all, I practiced the Dao of the Sword, but I didn't get much instruction from the other side."

"Zephyr Sensei is the best teacher in the Navy, there is no one in the entire Navy who can teach students as well as him, although he is very strict and even unkind at times" Peach Bunny said softly as she looked at the scene of hard training on the training.

"I've heard of him, in addition to the title of black wrist, he also has the title of not killing generals right, but unfortunately good intentions do not pay off, but his family died in the hands of pirates."

"Surely it's not unreasonable to say that good people don't live long, and a thousand years of misfortune is left behind."

"Don't talk about your crooked arguments, it's still the sins of you pirates who seek so-called freedom, what kind of freedom is freedom if you do nothing evil?"

"Che, don't think that just because you're pretty that you can sully someone's innocence for no reason, where am I not evil?"

"I have boundaries, okay, have you seen the God's Eye Bandits bullying people everywhere?"

The first time I heard Carlos say that she was beautiful, peach rabbit heart quite happy, praise this kind of thing is also to distinguish between people, less than you praise you will think that he is flattering, mostly do not think scattered.

The most important thing to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of the situation.

"I didn't see it in plain sight, so who knows what's going on in the dark?" Peach Bunny hardened her mouth.

"C'mon, women just like to have nothing to do, I'm not going to bother discussing these deep issues with you, long hair and short knowledge"

"No more talking, be good and shut up and be quiet for a while, I'd like to see how Zephyr trains the Navy."

"You want to steal a teacher?"

"Bullshit, can you talk about stealing from a pirate?"

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