I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 228.

So with the world government research institutions research this poison although highly poisonous and no cure, this poison due to the essence raised from the sea floor stone, the devil fruit ability are useless, but it is a chronic poison.

It will only die after three days.

For his special request, the reason Carlos gave was that he wanted to ensure maximum freshness of the corpses so that it would be convenient for him to conduct experiments.

As to whether Carlos had any shady purpose, the world government naturally could not ignore it, and the world government's worst fear was that the six people would not die, and it would be a big trouble if they were released by Carlos.

But after some careful thinking, I didn't think it would be beneficial to Carlos to release the six people to stir up the rain, not to mention the fact that the two sides were now in a cooperative relationship, even if Carlos still released the six people for the pirates, there would be no benefit.

What? By saving his life and making six people work for him?

Is a pirate's loyalty that easy to obtain?

Especially since these six were all prisoners of Infinite Hell, again the prisoners 300-400 million bounty was still no problem, one by one they were all evil, lawless and ambitious, to try to restrain them by saving their lives would be naive!

At first, it's fine that they haven't recovered their strength and the toxins haven't been discharged from their bodies, but they'll pretend to follow orders, and when they recover their strength, they'll probably turn against them, and even if they don't, will they be subordinate?

The God's Eye Bandits, while very strong in the Great Voyage and doing okay in the New World, are not up to the task of trying to restrain the wolfish and powerful!

Unless Carlos has the power and prestige of the Golden Lion, Whitebeard, and Roger!

Letting some people out will not only cause trouble for the world government and the navy, but also for ourselves and the world, and we might be the first ones to deal with the savior.

Considering Carlos didn't have the necessary motivation to keep them alive, and then having them strictly enforced, the chosen six must not be able to live, the world government agreed so easily, wastefulness!

Actually Carlos is wasteful too, these people are waste in infinite hell!

After disposing of Barrett and getting everything done, wake up Hannibal and leave Infinity Hell Hell immediately.

Pushing outside the city, six large black leather bags are transported to the warship, and Carlos follows personally, watching them enter the special cells he asked the Naval Science Institute to create.

This mobile cell is exquisitely designed, with sea floor stone mixed with special alloys throughout the body, and a high proportion of sea floor stone in it, as if it were a piece of raw iron after closing the door, and seawater closed around the cell.

Let's put it this way, even if the six people died, the demon fruit abilities among them would not be incapacitated for the time being, because the sea floor stone as well as the seawater barrier did not allow the so-called demons in the demon fruit to have a chance to escape, much less a chance to possess the fruit.

This was the base Carlos had prepared for Paine making, in which Paine would be made without fear of losing the demonic fruit abilities of these materials!

In fact, it is better to make in the divine prestige space, that is the real heaven and earth, no way, no door, but the divine prestige space in many things, fruit is also many.

If you make inside the divine might space, then you have to clean up a bit, it is really troublesome, and under the eyes of the public he is also not good to use the divine might this kind of spatial ability, it is easy to remind people of what

As long as they don't let the navy, the world government see with their own eyes, then even if there are rumors of his spatial ability outside, he can't do anything about it, after all, the identity is different.

The first thing that you need to do is to make a new one, and then you need to make a new one, and then you need to make a new one.

Chapter 256 - The New World

Once all six men were loaded onto the warship, the warship set sail and left the propulsion city down the triangular current to the naval headquarters, and from there to the Shambordy Islands.

Two and a half days later, under the full speed of the warship, it finally arrived at the Shamboddi Islands.

It had been agreed beforehand that the Stygian Moon would anchor at a more remote island in the Shambodie Islands, and after the warship arrived, it would make a connection and the Navy would transport the oversized crates immersed in seawater to the Stygian Moon.

When everything is finished, Carlos said goodbye to the peach rabbit and pheasant, and asked for the phone numbers of the peach rabbit and pheasant, as for the tea dolphin, forget it, there is no need.

In fact, the pheasant's phone number is just to cover up people's ears, the main thing is to get the private phone number of the peach rabbit, uniform woman, think about it is very interesting, there is no take, well when a candidate for the princess.

Stygian Moon sails, not in the Shamboddy Islands, the first half of the great voyage to the most lively island too much stop, no time to see, Carlos things quite a lot is not finished.

The Stygian Moon sailed directly to the direction where the undersea fisherman's island was located, and when it reached the position, it dived directly into the fisherman's island, entered the New World, and then returned to the West Sea through the New World's windless belt.

The first half of the great voyage was not to return directly to the Western Sea, being able to return directly to the East and South Seas, and to return to the Western Sea would be a large detour, far less close than the route into the New World.

The crew did a good job, the quality of the membrane is good, all kinds of preparations to enter the bottom of the sea 10,000 meters of fishermen's island is also sufficient, Pluto went in the fishermen's island smoothly.

Due to the need to return to the West Sea, to form the United States of Night, to complete the agreement with the world government, God's eye pirate group could not care to enjoy the different scenery of the Fishermen's Island and the land, experience the various characteristics of the Fishermen's Island, God's eye pirate group into the Fishermen's Island without any stopping, directly down the sea current along the entrance to the new world.

Along the way, they encountered some minor troubles, but they were easily solved, and Carlos, who didn't delay in his thoughts, let the crew do it quite ruthlessly.

The equipment containing the materials for the Six Daoist Pern, including the seawater in the giant vat outside, were all stored by Carlos in the Shen Wei Space.

The voyage into the New World was much more dangerous, especially after entering the Windless Belt, and Carlos also had to be on guard.

In order to avoid any accidents, Carlos collected the things into the Divine Might Space so that he wouldn't lose a lot of money, and those materials were one of the things he would rely on for his future comprehensive world.

The sea surface at the entrance of the new world was as calm as a lake, with ripples, a golden crow hanging high, and a cloudless sky, looking like a scene of natural harmony.

Suddenly a sea surface shook, countless bubbles emerged, the largest of which was the size of a fist, and the sea surface seemed to be boiling.


A loud bang, the sea rushed to the sky, a giant ship coating broken out of the sea, like a giant whale out of the water, and then landed heavily on the surface of the sea, rippling a wave chapter spread out in all directions.

That warship flying the divine Eye flag, if not the flagship of the divine Eye Pirate Group's flagship Stygian Moon, what is it?

Although the scenery and customs of Fisherman's Island were not properly experienced, the scenery of the sea floor was still a sight to behold, and sailing under the sea was a rare experience.

Sailing in the sea is not only possible with a coating, but also requires the guidance of a veteran navigator with a lot of seafaring experience, except for the well-known and obvious underwater currents.

With the exception of submarines, submarines were generally small in size, plus they had their own unique power, but they didn't need to navigate with the force of the ocean currents, just like Luo's small submarines.

"Wow, the sky is so high, the water is so hard, the weather in this new world isn't as treacherous as the crew, right?"

Suddenly someone in the crew made such an emotion, Carlos took a look and found that it was that kid Louis.

Louis this kid in addition to the gun skills is their own in figure out cultivation, the rest of the ship's own expert guidance, very harsh and even cruel, coupled with smart medical treatment, adequate nutrition, strength progressed very quickly, but with the eyes of the bandit group's fighting power, there is still a distance from the take.

Louis finished also have crew members to echo, O'Neill, Olsen two simpletons also followed.

Carlos's heart said badly, what is the most taboo thing to do?

Never make a fag!

Carlos just wanted to teach the three of them a lesson, don't underestimate the strange and unpredictable and unpredictable weather of the new world, you know that not all the pirates who died entering the new world died in fights, fights, quite a few of them were annihilated by the terrifying weather of the new world.

The lesson was yet to be learned, and I don't know if it was a coincidence or if it was already about to change, but the weather suddenly changed all at once!

The originally sunny, cloudless, sea wave calm weather suddenly changed, the change in air currents, moisture and whatnot was incomparably violent, in a few breaths the sky darkened, the breeze turned into a gale, and the temperature evenly decreased.

"You three bastards, don't underestimate the weather in the new world, this is retribution, right?" Carlos stared at the trio so hard that they looked numb, knowing that the captain had the most fearsome eyes, that could really kill with his eyes!

"Susanna immediately find a bearing away from this area, Riley to take the helm and cooperate, keep in close communication."

"The rest of you see what's going on and protect yourself and the Stygian Moon, got it?" Carlos gave the order in a calm and quiet voice.

"Yes, Captain!" The crowd was busy responding.

Soon the Stygian Moon began to move, but it hadn't sailed more than a few hundred meters away before the damned weather of the New World showed its power.

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