I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 229.

I don't know what kind of principle the weather in the new world is, hailstones mixed with torrential rain falling from the sky, the rain is so dense that in the blink of an eye, an unknown number of miles around is covered with a layer of dense white fog, the ordinary naked eye can't see through a few meters.

Fortunately, navigators are not just relying on the naked eye to determine the weather, all kinds of navigation directions, mainly through the changes in the air, some of these changes can be felt by navigators themselves, some need a variety of professional instruments for accurate measurement.

Having said that it has to be to Nami, Nami is indeed a nautical genius, Straw Hat Pirates is not rich, not a huge financial resources to buy all kinds of accurate measurement equipment, but can make the Straw Hat Pirates in the New World across the board, the credit.

"Captain, I will never underestimate the weather in the New World again." Louis, wearing a helmet and holding a gun to clear the hail falling from the sky shouted, but unfortunately the noise around him was too loud for Carlos to hear.

Carlos also did not have the heart and time to pay attention to Louis, the new world hailstones are also Te Da Niang some, at first okay more normal, the damage does not change Pluto Moon, the back is not good.

Hail gradually changed from the size of the thumb, fist size, bowl size, basin size, bath tub size, until the size of the Thetanian house!

How could this hail hit the Moon? Can't come to a few underworld moon number stream basically scrapped.

So at this time not only Carlos, who has no mind, no time to pay attention to Louis this guy, basically the motherfucker to clean up the hail it.

Pluto is in the region as if the end of the world like, terrifying to force, wind, rain, increasingly large hail, the sea, the sky as if angry general riot up, other than the mountain to say, that house size hail into the sea has been enough to shock people, right?

This new world, where the God's Eye Bandits have just arrived, is a good lesson!

Chapter 257 - Blood Eagle Bandit Group

Susa Noh!

Blue energy surged, transforming into a gigantic half body of Soso Noh, double-sided with four arms, blue energy surged in each arm, transforming into four blue taijutsu, blue blades kept flickering, cutting off and shattering those exaggeratedly large hailstones.

Carlos specialized in clearing those huge hailstones, the other leaks were left to the crew, the four main forces cleaned up the slightly smaller ones, and the rest of them reduced in turn according to their strength, but left the Stygian Moon without any major damage.

Half an hour later, with Susanna's navigation and Riley's helming cooperation, the Stygian Moon passed through that ghostly weather area smoothly and sailed into more normal waters.

Immediately after entering normal waters, Carlos ordered Susanna to find the nearest route to the Windless Belt and head straight for the Windless Belt.

It is not difficult to enter the windless belt, just need to enter the new world and find the direction of the West Sea to drive in that direction, sooner or later can enter the windless belt, but to find the nearest route but need some technical content, this kind of thing has to be professionals.

More than ten minutes later, Suzanne through the already in the Shampodie Islands to buy a large number of nautical charts began to study up, after comparing the convenience, danger, range and other issues, selected a route.

Once everything was taken care of, the people began to rest, the sudden descent of the New World was still a bit tiring, and it was not necessary to do much more than watch the point of the Stygian Moon to keep it from traveling off course.

The group rested for a while, and Kylie went to her private kitchen to cook a meal for everyone, thoroughly fed and watered, before essentially sweeping away the exhaustion of the day.

The Plutonian Moon is so natural there can't be only one kitchen, Kylie's private kitchen is only for the core crew of the God's Eyes Pirates and cooking, the other subordinates on board naturally have other cooking, eating places.

A day later, nearly half a voyage away from the Windless Belt, there hadn't been any major trouble or conflict with other pirates along the way, other than encountering bad weather in the New World, but not today.

On deck, Carlos was lounging in his deck chair as usual, tasting cigars, wine, and snacks, enjoying himself beautifully.

"Captain, we're almost at the first line of the gorge." Suzanne walked up to Carlos and whispered.

"Well? That fast? Inform the others and prepare for battle!" Carlos rose from his recliner and commanded.

"Aye, Captain."

The First Line Gorge was a dangerous place on the Stygian Moon's chosen route, the route was wide on both sides and narrow in the middle, the narrowest place was this place called the First Line Gorge, the water was deep, but there were high mountains rising on both sides, the terrain was quite special.

So there is a group of New World pirates with some fame to occupy this place to collect tolls, of course, the tolls are not cheap, that is, from time to time they will also eat the black, as long as the band of pirates feel that they can eat it will do!

This band of pirates is called the Blood Eagle Bandits, the captain is an animal ancient species demon fruit ability, proficient in two-color hegemony, Blood Eagle is this world's ancient fae, huge size, incomparably violent and bloodthirsty temperament, the most important thing is that it can fly, is a more difficult character.

The Blood Eagle Bandits are a very famous band of pirates in the sea near the entrance of the New World, and the New World also has some fame, with nearly a thousand pirates under their command, and the core crew all know at least one kind of Hegemony, and all of them are old pirates who have experienced the brutal fighting in the New World, with a tough temperament and strong fighting power, and should not be underestimated!

Of course, while this band of pirates was not to be underestimated, Carlos didn't take them too seriously either!

Although the God's Eye Bandits were currently small in numbers, numbers to his level of strength didn't have much of an effect, and Carlos himself was confident that his overgrown dragon would be able to take on the Blood Eagle Bandits as a ground snake!

With Carlos' order, all the crew was ready and gathered on deck, the two high mountains of the One-Line Gorge already distant in oblivion.

"When we are about a thousand meters away from the First Line Gap, the three of us, Rain No Hillel, Martin, and Doris, will charge up with me."

"Riley lead the others to attack according to the ship!"

"Although we, the God's Eye Bandits, have been in the first half of the Great Voyage with a lot of glamour, I'm afraid the powers of the New World don't really have much of us in their sights anymore."

"When I return to the Western Sea and establish the United States of Night and cooperate with the World Government, a storm is sure to follow, and the World Government is no good, and will definitely try to draw some of the pirates' attention to us."

"I don't know exactly how they're going to do it yet, but it will definitely be a scourge, so that we can take some of the pressure off the world government, and the navy."

"But I, Carlos, the God's Eye Bandits, and the United States of Darkness are not to be messed with, so let the powers of the New World see the power of the God's Eye Bandits today!"

"When the battle begins, no need to hold back, we must break the Blood Eagle Bandits as fast as possible!"

"Got it?" Carlos' face was grave and deep, and his eyes were filled with cold killing intent!

"Yes, Captain!" The crowd was serious in unison.

"Hilleu, you can go on a killing spree and have a good time!" Carlos purposely looked at Rain's Hillel.

"Captain rest assured, this time I will make the so-called Blood Eagle Bandits bleed to death!"

"I can't hold myself back from killing anymore!" Rain no Hillel with his cigar in his mouth, grinning, his eyes glowing red!

"Okay, each one get ready!"

Beneath the high mountains of the First Line Gorge, the narrow mouth of the seaway was moored with ten pirate ships flying the banner of bloody eagles and clawed skulls, and the ten pirate groups had basically blocked the seaway completely.

That's not all, the seaway under the high mountain was also densely covered with a layer of adult thigh thick steel steel cable, the cable into a net, even if a pirate ship broke through the blockade of pirate ships, it couldn't break through that layer of iron net.

The blood eagle pirate group has been the first line of the gorge as its own base, in addition to go out to plunder, fight, usually stay in the first line of the gorge, the bottom of the mountain construction of a lot of houses, modeling is very rough.

The Blood Eagle Bandits although there are only nearly a thousand people, but here in the first-line gorge living nearly two thousand people, the rest of the people are stolen by the Blood Eagle Bandits, the majority of women, women's role naturally needless to say, there are some as slaves to make the young strong.

For the pirates of the Blood Eagle Pirates this was paradise, for the people who were robbed, especially the women, this was hell!

"Yo, finally business, it's been a few days since a ship patronized." On a towering watchtower on either side of the First Line Gorge, a bald pirate with a black turban wrapped around his head said happily with binoculars as he saw the sailing Stygian Moon.

"Coming to business? That's great, there's oil to be made again."

"The top eats the meat, and we're making a lot of money from the soup!" Another sturdy pirate sitting on the lookout smoking a cigarette paused in amusement.

"How about it, in your opinion, how much oil and water does the incoming ship have?"

"Can we just eat it all in one bite?" The able-bodied pirate got up and patted the black hooded pirate with the binoculars and asked excitedly.

"There are very few people across the street, so I should be able to"

"Fuck!" The black hooded pirate suddenly burst out.

"What's wrong?"

"It's coming from across the street!"

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