I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 240.

The third class is to occupy a few islands of the pirate group, the average person more than five, such a force in the New World many, the second class of the pirate group generally occupy more than ten islands, the first class, a unique white-bearded pirate group has been maintaining a territory of more than twenty islands.

Fourth-class pirate group generally occupy one or two islands, these pirate group belongs to the new world just established in the pirate group.

The lowest grade pirate group was like the Kamui Pirates who had just entered the New World, and were alone, and had no territory.

This division is based on territory and power, and does not absolutely represent the strength of the pirate group.

Occupying the largest territory? Carlos didn't have such thoughts, at least not yet, currently Carlos just wanted to get a foothold in the new world, taking an island would be enough, the expansion would be decided later on depending on the situation.

The first island as a base for the bandit group, naturally, the choice should be careful, it should be suitable for living, the population should not be too small, the economy should not be too low, the location should be good, so as to better support the development of the God's Eye Bandits.

So when Carlos was about to leave the Windless Belt, he took the chart of the New World from Suzanne to study it and see which island to choose!

The New World charts were not cheap, they recorded all the islands discovered so far by exploration, although due to the climate of the New World, the sea was unpredictable, many islands were not detected, but most of the New World islands were on the charts.

Carlos took the large chart and carefully observed and thought over and over again, finally deciding to develop from the edge of the New World to the core, taking a nice island near the Windless Belt.

With the windless belt as a shelter, it was able to block most of the enemies. As long as a strict patrol system was set up in the fixed sea, it would be impossible for the enemies who wanted to trouble him to bypass the windless belt and attack him from behind, and they could only attack him head-on, which was much easier to deal with.

After determining the specific strategy, Carlos will pick the appropriate islands on both sides near the windless belt, close to the North Sea windless belt side of the island temporarily put aside.

The God's Eye Bandits were now near the West Sea's Windless Belt, and if they wanted to go there, they would have to cross the entire New World, which was too far, unless they couldn't find a suitable island on this side to go there.

Another advantage of establishing a presence in the Windless Belt near the West Sea was that it was close to the West Sea, so if anything big happened in the West Sea, he would be able to go back in time to deal with it.

After ten minutes, Carlos had found an island that was extremely suitable for the development of the God's Eye Bandits, and one look at the name and shape of the island made Carlos think that this island was destined for the God's Eye Bandits!

This island is located in the middle of the New World, near the windless belt of the West Sea, called Sun and Moon Island, Sun and Moon Island is actually two islands, one island like the sun, one island like the moon, the moon wrapped around the general sun.

The most important thing is that these two islands have a stable magnetic field, a comfortable climate, and a year-round temperature of about 25 degrees, which is extremely suitable for human habitation, and the islands are also rich in resources, the most precious is a medium-sized gold mine on the Sun Island, and a small-scale silver mine on the Moon Island.

Although the gold and silver mines were not large in scale, the gold and silver melted out on the island were extremely pure, so this Sun and Moon Island was extremely valuable, and there was no problem at all for the bandits to develop!

Of course, such a good island can not be without forces to guard, this island is always a place of contention, to develop power, resources are naturally very important.

On the contrary, the power on the island is still very strong, although in the original did not appear, most of them have been destroyed in the cruel struggle of the new world, but now it is able to and the Hundred Beasts Bandit Group this level of the existence of the pirate group.

This pirate group is called the Wolf Pirate Group, and its captain, Kanekos, is also a famous person in the New World, and the bounty on his life is 200-300 million less than Kaido's, and BIGMOM.

This person is an animal system phantom beast species Wolf fruit ability to have three kinds of dominance at the same time, including the armed color attainments are very high, the Witness color dominance is also outstanding, but the dominance color dominance is not quite in line with the price and strength, compared to the newly awakened person is not too strong.

The Wolf Pirates occupy eleven islands in the New World, and although Sun Moon Island is not its headquarters, it is at least among the top five, if not three, islands in terms of importance, and moving this island is no different from stabbing a hornet's nest, and will definitely face a fierce battle!

In addition, it is said that Wolf Bandits and Hundred Beasts Bandits are extremely unfriendly, apart from the dispute of interests, it seems that Hundred Beasts Kaido also has something to do with the fact that Hundred Beasts Kaido wants Wolf Kainkos to submit to him and join Hundred Beasts Kaido as a junior brother

Most of this information, other than what was written in some books, was what Carlos had waited for from the pirates who were hanging out in the New World in his hands, too secret for these people to know, but the public information was still fine.

Despite the fact that moving the Island of the Sun and Moon would bring out a vicious wolf, no, it should be a pack of vicious wolves, Carlos decided to do it anyway!

In addition to feeling that the Island of the Sun and Moon was fated to him, after all, the God's Eye Bandits, the flag of the United States of Darkness was the Eye with the Sun and Moon, Carlos also wanted to see the strength of these powerful bandits and strongmen of the New World.

This Sky Wolf Pirate Corps was a good choice, although not the strongest, but also the New World's famous pirate corps, ranked in the upper tier, although in the upper tier pirate corps belongs to the bottom of the category, but can occupy eleven islands can understand, this pirate corps is not worthy of the name!

Animalistic Phantasmal Species Wolf Fruit, hey, what an anticipation!

With a decision made, Carlos thundered into action, immediately ordering the Plunging Moon to change course, find a nearby island and purchase a permanent pointer to the Island of the Sun and Moon.

The permanent pointers that could be bought in the Shambordy Islands were some famous islands near the entrance of the New World, and the Sun and Moon Island was located in the middle of the New World, but not in the Shambordy Islands, so they needed to be re-purchased.

The crew supported Carlos's decision, they were all ambitious when they first entered the new world, but it was up to each of them to decide whether they would make it to the top or get a head-on collision!

Chapter 271 - Ever Been Hit by a Snake?

After the permanent pointer held in her hand, Suzanne planned the general route of the voyage, the next stop was White Sand Island, the precise route of the voyage could only really be determined after purchasing the permanent pointer on this island, otherwise the permanent pointer would have to be purchased and the route would naturally change.

White Sand Island is not rich in resources, but it is beautiful, dense with thick and tall coconut trees and surrounded by pure and fine white sandy beaches, making it a great place for a vacation.

But the climate of the new world, the sea is too dangerous, of course, the most dangerous is still people, so an island in the new world to rely on tourism to develop, it is very difficult, at least the second class of pirates need to shelter, otherwise it is a piece of fat waiting to be pirates cut leeks.

In the new world, the first half command, the second class pirate group almost no, asylum white sand island pirate group is a third class, the power is still too little, so the island suitable for tourism and did not develop, the island is not developed.

One island, one world, one island, one Ming, this is the true portrayal of the Pirate King's world, the two adjacent islands sometimes one side is a high-rise buildings, the other side is still primitive society, living a slash and burn life.

The journey of the bandits to the White Sand Island was quite smooth, with no major disturbances, except for a small storm and a pirate ship.

Even if they avoided the small storm, when they encountered the pirate ship, they avoided it from a distance looking at the huge size of the Stygian Moon.

After arriving at White Sands Island and anchoring, Carlos sent Martin to follow Susanna to purchase the permanent pointer, while the others stayed put.

As for the idea of going up to see something, Carlos did not have any, it was enough to take a look on the ship.

For their own situation Carlos still understand, do not know how many pirates stare at him this piece of meat and potatoes, stay here, people have been exposed to the whereabouts of the pirates, stay too long to attract the more pirates.

For the pirates who coveted him, the pirates of the four seas and the pirates of the great voyage Carlos did not put much in his eyes, but the pirates of the New World still have to give a little respect, to be able to establish a foothold in the New World pirates are a little something, can not be too underestimated, lest the gutter overturned.

For the pirates who coveted him, coveted the God's Eye Pirates Carlos had already thought of a strategy to deal with, he could not stay in one place for too long, lest he attract a large group of pirates to join forces, at that time it was inevitable that he would have to fight bitterly, what he needed was to break each and every one of them.

The New World bandits did not understand the strength of the God's Eye bandits, understanding is also in the hearsay, without seeing it for themselves, the authenticity is questionable, and the New World pirates inherently despise the great voyage into the fledgling heart.

As long as they make good use of these, before they reach Sun Moon Island, the Shin Megami Tensei Pirates will be able to eliminate a group of pirates who have covetous intentions towards the Shin Megami Tensei Pirates, and when there are really pirate groups that join forces to attack, the pressure on the Shin Megami Tensei Pirates will be less.

The desire for fame, wealth, and license to plunder will force ambitious pirates to flock to the band until the day that the band's power makes them desperate!

When to despair depends on when the God's Eye Bandits can take care of a sufficiently weighted enemy!

Half an hour later, Martin and Suzanne returned to the ship, and before Carlos could say anything, Suzanne smiled and nodded, signaling that what was wanted had arrived.

"Captain, as you would expect, someone in town recognized us, we left with someone following behind."

"Heh follow as you will, give them time, when they converge to a certain size, take care of some of them first."

"Trying to bite us, the teeth will just give them a crash!"

"Sail away to the Island of the Sun and Moon." Carlos smirked.

"Aye, Captain."

The Stygian Moon turned the ship around and left the White Sand Island, the Stygian Moon had just left for a minute, and before it disappeared into the sea level, there were several pirate ships on the White Sand Island that followed and spread information to the four winds.

The God's Eye Pirates had disappeared for so long, and now they appeared in the new world, and the pirate group that was eager for profit was immediately dispatched.

A day later, the news was heard that the closest pirate groups had converged, including pirates who had just entered the new world like the God's Eye Pirates, and the heaviest of all was a band of pirates who occupied a couple of islands.

This pirate group was the Blood Axe Pirates, the pirate flag was two interwoven blood axes, and the pirates on board basically used axes of varying sizes and weights as weapons, and White Sand Island was one of the territories of this pirate group.

In total, all the pirate ships added up to more than twenty ships, following behind the Stygian Moon and chasing with all their might, but always unable to catch up, making many pirates angry and frustrated, a ship of such a large size and still so fast, simply unreasonable ah.

The weather in the new world is always changing, the original was quite sunny sea, the temperature suddenly dropped quickly, and soon the sky drifted goose feather snow, as far as the eye can see a snow white, breathing between the white gas.

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