I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 241.

The speed of the Plutonian Moon gradually slowed down in the heavy snow, which made the pirates chasing after it overjoyed, and the captains of the major pirate groups urged their men to catch up and surround the other side.

Just at this time, five huge shadows suddenly appeared in the middle of the vast snow, a huge and exaggerated size, the smallest size is also a thousand meters, until the crowd approached to find that it was several large sea king class, there are poisonous sea snakes, armor hard lobster, tentacles countless squid, back bone spines of sharks, brightly colored sea frogs!

A figure dressed in strange clothes, wearing a strange mask, and with strange eyes stood atop the head of the upright sea serpent, gazing down at them with an ancient, cold, unfeeling look in his eyes!

Their target was hovering on the surface of the sea not far behind the five large sea king classes, as if they were ready to watch the show.

Many of the pirates who came after them were so ugly. The information about the God's Eye Bandits seemed to be not weak, but it didn't mention that this group would summon and manipulate the sea king class.

This was a problem, although the strongest among them weren't afraid of the sea king types, it would take time to finish them off, and the other side could escape at any time when they saw the situation, which would be very bad.

Not only did they waste time and resources for nothing, they might even suffer losses!

On the flagship of the Blood Axe Bandits, a strong man with a large axe with spots of blood on his back, more than three meters tall, with a rugged appearance, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyelids jumping straight up!

That man, that man's eyes, those five large sea king-like identical eyes, made the long-fighting feel very ominous, always felt very dangerous to stay, but then chased here and suddenly retreated and very reluctantly


As the strong man was struggling, he cursed subconsciously at the sight before him, his face full of shock, his eyes bulging and his eyes nearly falling out of his head

I saw five large sea serpents of the Sea King class rushing towards them in full view of the public, the speed was abnormally fast, as if it had increased by dozens of times, moving forward at full speed like a magnetic levitation train, the momentum was like a landslide, unstoppable!

Well, I don't know if getting hit by a snake or a car feels the same.

Momo Fruit can increase the size and speed of objects it touches by hundreds of times, and can also increase its movement speed at will; the drawback is that except for itself, it can't make the creature get bigger and improve its speed, and I don't know if it's okay to increase its speed, but since it's the same novel, it slightly modified the setting, so it can't get bigger, but it can increase its speed.

Chapter 272 - Goodbye Golden Lion (above)

The sea serpent's speedy dash was just the beginning, the four sea king classes behind them rushed out in turn, their speed not much slower than the sea serpent's, the sea frog's speed even faster than the sea serpent.

The five Sea King classes stirred up the water waves, swinging away the storm clouds, and rushed towards the pirate ships catching up with them with the momentum of destroying the city, a distance of over a thousand meters instantly.

Some pirate group with slow reaction or insufficient strength was instantly crushed by this terrifying impact, more than ten pirate ships disintegrated in an instant, sliding into pieces, the pirates on board were either directly killed, or fell into the sea dazed, life and death is unknown.

Only some of the stronger ones were able to resist the large pirate ships, such as the captain of the Blood Axe Bandits, who took off the bloodstained axe on his back, jumped up into the air and swung violently, chopping out his axe blade to resist the incoming sea kings.

Not only did it resist, it also split open the armor of the large Sea King class, leaving wounds that were more than ten meters long, but wounds of this magnitude didn't say much for the massive size of the Sea King class.

With just this one impact, it wiped out most of the twenty or so pirate ships that came after them, causing many to retreat, such as the big man from the Blood Axe Pirate Ship, who immediately ordered a retreat after resisting one of the Sea King Class' impacts.

But since they were already chasing us, it wasn't that easy to leave, not to mention the fact that every sea king class was a strong swimmer and it wasn't that easy to get rid of them, not to mention the fact that there were people interfering next to them!

In the midst of the goose feather snow, Bastard Road Payne pedaled on a black eagle with a wingspan of over ten meters to cut through the blizzard and fly towards the surviving pirate ships, holding four lead bullets in each of his left and right hands, and with a flip of his hands, eight lead bullets flew out.

Momo 100x gun!

Eight lead bullets speed and size of a sudden increase of a hundred times towards several pirate ship flying, boom terrifying speed so that most of the pirates did not do the defense, directly exploded, set off the sky blazing flames and shock waves, will be the surrounding snow swept away!

The few remaining pirate ships were basically scrapped, a huge pothole appeared on the ship, and the flaming embers never ceased, leaving only one pirate ship of the Blood Axe pirate ship.

But alone, basically almost finished, a ship was five large sea king class siege, except for the strong man captain, the rest of the large sea king class is difficult to cause effective damage, at best, also break some scales, resulting in some of the large sea king class is not worth mentioning the skin wound just.

The strong man captain of the Blood Axe pirate ship did have enough strength to inflict fatal wounds to the large sea king class, but unfortunately the five sea king class siege did not give him a chance to breathe, and was killed on the spot by the beast to find an opening and bounce a 100 times accelerated armed colored tyrannical lead bullet that directly broke through the defense and drilled into the heart!

The rest of the time was spent by the five large sea king classes wreaking havoc on the ocean, destroying all the pirate ships and killing all the pirates they could see.

The five large sea king class killing efficiency is very high, they formed a circle, sunk half of their mouth into the sea water, ruthlessly sucking water, the sea on the surface of what remains, whether it is a living person, corpses, or wreckage or whatever, directly swallowed into the stomach to digest.

The efficiency was not just high, it was incredibly high, and soon no traces of the battle could be found on the surface of the sea.

Disposing of the first wave of greedy and daring pirates, the five sea king classes turned into white smoke and disappeared, the animal path returned to its place, and the Stygian Moon disappeared into the flying snow.

The annihilation of the first wave of pirates didn't make the pirates who received the news to stop, but instead the news spread more widely, and the tangible benefits, fame and hatred of the bandits who had become the lackeys of the world government, the number of pirate ships were even larger, and the quality of the pirates were even higher, and the strong pirates came after the bandits.

The God's Eye Bandits didn't deliberately hide their tracks or show their tracks, sailing normally, and since it took time to catch up, there were many pirate groups along the way to stop the God's Eye Bandits.

These sporadic pirate groups didn't need much of a strong hand at all, and with the range of the guns, the dense rain of bullets was enough to hit the other side, but it also really slowed down the full speed of the Stygian Moon.

This was intentional on Carlos's part, if the Stygian Moon's power was at full power, it would be impossible for those pirate ships that relied solely on their sails to catch up with the Stygian Moon.

The journey was destined to be accompanied by blood and fire, and it would still be accompanied by blood and fire for quite some time after arriving at the Island of the Sun and Moon, packing as much as it could along the way.

Which pirate group that can make it in the New World is not accompanied by blood and fire?

Isn't that perfectly normal?

A few days later, the weather was bright and sunny, and Carlos was calmly wearing sunglasses and sunbathing, well-proportioned and strong, perfectly proportioned muscles coupled with bronzed skin, full of manliness!

"Captain, we have a situation!" O'Neill's voice suddenly sounded next to the phone bug, which was similar to a walkie-talkie.

"If there's a situation you guys just deal with it yourselves, I'm not going to do anything about it this time." Carlos languidly spoke up.

Those small pirate groups that were blocking the God's Eye Bandits, naturally Carlos wouldn't take action, and the core crew would divide up the work to solve the problem.

"No, Captain, I'm afraid you have to do it this time!" O'Neill's incomparably solemn and heavy voice suddenly sounded, and if you listened carefully, you could still hear the taste of tension from it.

On the watchtower, O'Neill's eyes were placed in the high-powered binoculars, his face tense, and he couldn't take his eyes off the approaching figure in the distant sky.

"Holy shit, what kind of person has to need me to do it myself?" Carlos sat up abruptly, full of displeasure.

"Captain, it's Ski the Golden Lion!" O'Neill's somewhat stumbling voice came from the phone bug.

"Oh so it is,"

"Well what's he doing here? How many people did you bring?" Carlos trailed off, very surprised.

"What he's doing here I don't know, he's the only one here."

"Idiot, of course I know you don't know, I'm asking myself."

"If he is alone, it should be little if any malice, mostly no malice, business-wise, we still have some partnership today."

"What if, for instance, he tries to destroy us all by himself?"

"Unless he's out of his mind, what good would it do him to exterminate us?"

"Looting licenses are useless against pirates of this level!"

"Want fame? His reputation as a golden lion is famous enough, after all, he is world famous as the man who dared to break into the naval headquarters alone!"

"Want wealth? The Golden Lion can't be short of money, and the man isn't someone who values money."

"I reckon the Golden Lion should have something to look for me, I'll go and take a look, guessing is ultimately better than asking in person."

The clear sky, the Golden Lion sliced through the sky like a virtual imperial wind, extremely fast, flying straight to the location of the Stygian Moon on the ocean, suddenly, the Golden Lion stopped, a hint of an inexplicable smile on its domineering face.

A few dozen meters away in mid-air, a spatial vortex emerged, Carlos's distorted figure spat out from the spatial vortex, the scarlet kaleidoscope disappeared, the eyelids closed and opened, and purple rippling eyes emerged.

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