I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 243.

"Cut the crap, Wald, how could Barrett work for you, what did you do to them?" The Golden Lion was pushing the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny with all his might, and his face was serious.

"Seniors should also until they are captured into the propulsion city, already a loser, the possibility of getting out of the trap is minimal, I just let them regain their freedom."

"Net bullshit, how could they submit to you with their character, even I'm unlikely, Roger is more or less the same."

"It must have been some trick you kid used to turn them into this."

"That's right, they're all top-notch powerhouses, perfect for the raw materials for the abilities I've developed."

"That's one of the benefits of your cooperation with my world government, right?"

"Yes, it was one of the conditions for the two parties to enter into a partnership."

"From what Senior Ski means, you don't want to stand up for them, do you?"

"Huh? Get ahead? That's not so much, although we know each other, we can't talk about being friends, we've never fought each other before, but we were just very shocked for a moment."

"Rabbit death?"

"Ahahahaha kinda, there's really quite a bit of emotion when I think back to when the two of them were so intent on making their way across the new world."

"I wonder what will happen to me in the future, Golden Lion."

"Hahaha that's a bit of not wanting to think about Senior Shiki's personality ah, in my impression Senior has always been an unstoppable baron ah!"

"Yeah? You're not a bad kid, you're a baron too."

"Come on, let's see how good you really are at figuring out these things called Payne."

"Then, I'll ask Senior Sledge to give me some pointers."

As soon as the words fell, the two began to fight once again, Carlos' mind moved, the six Paine struck out, and Shura Dao took the lead, stepping into the air and smashing the Golden Lion with a thick and powerful Armed Colored Tyranny wrapped around both fists.

The Golden Lion didn't dodge, the blade became black, surrounding the crossed armed colored tyranny, and the twin blades slashed directly at Shura Dao's fists.


A clear and distant sound spread in all directions, and the clash of knives and fists heralded the sound of gold and iron, a terrifying shockwave spreading in all directions for four years and eight years, causing the three relatively weaker Paynes to stall.

The Golden Lion stepped back a little, while Shura-do pushed back more.

"Strength, dominance are all a lot weaker." The Golden Lion commented, "But it's normal, if you really have preserved all of your strength, what's the point?"

Thirty million volts of Thunderbirds!

Heavenly Dao Payne was covered in azure electric light, and with a wave of his hands, countless violent lightning bolts were released from his hands to transform into a giant thunder bird, swift and exuding destruction!

Although it was too late to dodge, but the Golden Lion did not panic in the slightest, worthy of having the world's number one swordsman in today's era, the strength of the sword dao was even more terrifying than its fruit ability, more lethal, the two swords cut, two crossed grand sword qi directly tore through the Thunderbird, the sword qi incomparably sharp and domineering!

"This guy's demon fruit is a rattling fruit, right?"

"At first I thought it was some kind of secret technique, but such powerful lightning isn't something that can be unleashed by a secret technique."

"But since being active on the seas, I have never seen the ability of the ringing thunder fruit, one of the most powerful of the natural demonic fruits, and I could not have heard the slightest wind of it."

The golden lion's domineering voice sounded with astonishment on his face, I'm afraid that the things he encountered today were more surprising than the things that had surprised him over the past few years.

"That's right, it is indeed the Ringing Thunder Fruit, this devil fruit was obtained by chance from a secret place."

"Unfortunately the development time is still short, and the true power of this demonic fruit is currently showing less than a hundred" Carlos smiled rather proudly.

"What a stroke of good luck, it makes me a little jealous."

"Boy, I'm going to get serious, don't blame me if I damage your stuff"

As soon as the words fell, the Golden Lion took the initiative to attack, fighting in close quarters, as a swordsman, the Golden Lion was very good at fighting in close quarters.

The first target of the Golden Lion's attack was the nearest human road Payne, the blade was sharp enough to cut off the neck of the human road Payne, and stabbed at the heart of the human road Payne.

This space was connected by vision, and even more so by the Seeing and Hearing Color Tyranny of several people, it was impossible to take one out by surprise, even if it was the Golden Lion.

The softness of the Human Way Payne's body was very perverted, dodging the Golden Lion's beheading in a very strange, non-human posture, and the Golden Lion wanted to do it again, but the other five Way Paynes had already rushed up.

The other five are already coming up. Since the golden lion wants a physical fight, Carlos will naturally let it happen, with the Shura-do Payne as the main combatant, the Heavenly Dao Payne, the Animal Dao Payne, the Human Dao Payne as the auxiliary, and the Hungry Ghost Dao and the Hell Dao harassing each other and covering each other.

Even though the Golden Lion was the world's top powerhouse, he fell to the wrecking ball the moment he was attacked by two and a half generals and three lieutenant generals.

Powerful physique, domineering energy, and rare and strange all kinds of energy made the Golden Lion Sword Dao, domineering energy, and demonic fruit firepower to be able to withstand!

Close combat isn't like fighting like magic, it's always been very dangerous, one slip up and you'll suffer a serious injury, your energy must be highly concentrated and not distracted at all!

Based on this terrifying suppression, it was only a matter of time before the Golden Lion fell defeated if they kept fighting like this.

It would be too disgraceful to really be defeated, so the Golden Lion pondered on ways to crack it while resisting.

The six Peons working together were a bit rusty at first, but as time went on, they became more and more in tune with each other, releasing more and more pressure.

The Golden Lion pondered for a short time and felt that to break this siege, he would have to take out one first, one less to work with would not be as perfect, and the pressure would be less, giving him more room to play.

Sooner or later he would be able to break each one, this was the strong confidence that a lifetime of fighting gave him!

So the Golden Lion deliberately sold an opening, fighting to take a punch from Barrett, and forcefully sliced the head of the earth's way, and the infinitely sharp blade made the earth's way's body, which seemed like a soft body, unable to resist.

The head being sliced did indeed make the Six Dao Payne one less, and the Golden Lion had thought it would be easier.

But the body and head that fell to the sea was picked up by the phantom hell-do Pern, summoning a gloomy and majestic as a prison gate trip monster to be resurrected and reanimated to participate in the siege.

This makes the golden lion face black as black charcoal, this is not a trick? Didn't he take that punch for nothing? His minor injuries were for nothing.

The Golden Lion also understood the role of Hell Dao Payne, and knew that if he didn't kill Hell Dao Payne, then doing anything more would be useless, wasting physical strength, domination, injury, and beating for nothing.

So the Golden Lion adjusted his main attack to target Hell Dao Payne, but the other five Dao Payne weren't vegetarians, and the difficulty of trying to get past them to destroy Hell Dao Payne was definitely beyond the Golden Lion's estimation!

Triple insurance is not a vegetarian policy. Which triple?

The siege of the four Paine's by the way cover, the dedicated protection of the Hungry Ghost Road Paine and the Hell Road Paine's own ability to split fruit like a shadow bilocation, the Seeing and Hearing Hegemony can't even tell the real body because they give off the exact same scent!

Chapter 275 - Seeing the Golden Lion Again (End)

The Golden Lion had tried several times without success, the best time was only to force his way through the blockade of four Paine, but the attack was blocked by the Hungry Ghost Dao Paine, and not even the Hell Dao Paine's billet was extinguished.

Being besieged was really bitter ah, although the siege of the six Dao Paine brought him less pressure than being besieged by Cap and War, but it wasn't too far behind, keep fighting, most likely he would lose, two fists are hard to beat ah.

What's more, there was still a Carlos who hadn't made a move, and even though Carlos was not as strong as usual even if he could make a move because he was manipulating these Payne, it was enough to be the last straw that would crush the camel.

"No more fighting, no more fighting, you kid is a monster, what kind of monster ability you developed, it's so sick!" The golden lion shouted, it would be a great loss of face to really lose the battle, at least now it was only being suppressed, although the suppression was a bit miserable

Hearing the golden lion's words, Carlos also stopped, he didn't mean to kill the golden lion, he was familiar with the golden lion among the great powers of the new world, and having such a person there was quite beneficial to him, and to the God's Eye Bandits.

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