I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 244.

Besides, it wasn't that easy to kill the Golden Lion, and although the battle seemed intense nowadays, it was with a sense of cutting and probing, not a true life and death battle.

A strong person of the Golden Lion's level was really determined to fight to the death, the possibility of pulling in was not small.

Still taking advantage of the siege, if the Golden Lion had men to help share the load, it would be very difficult to suppress the Golden Lion, let alone defeat and kill him.

The lean camel of the Flying Air Bandits was bigger than the horse, and the top warriors under the Golden Lion were not as good as the White Beard Bandits who were currently the only bandits in the New World, but they were still the best among the second class bandits!

"Hahaha Senior Shiji is over-praised."

"After such a long activity, senior should also be hungry, let's go, go to my ship, we'll have a banquet tonight to receive senior!"

"It's been a long time since we've seen each other, so let's not get drunk, shall we?"

"Yes, but don't try to fool me with some rubbish wine and food, the specifications must be high enough."

"No problem, it's definitely good food, and the good wine I have in my collection, I'm ready to bleed out."

"That's more like it, let's go." The Golden Lion smiled in satisfaction.

The two of them traveled imperially and soon returned to the Stygian Moon under the watchful eyes of many people on board.

"Go do your own thing, and in addition the logistics department prepare the best ingredients, and have a banquet tonight to receive the arrival of Senior Ski."

Carlos swept a glance around and spoke with a smile on his face, his voice gentle but unquestionable, the onlookers didn't dare to look around, they even went to do their own things in excitement, only the core crew didn't leave.

"Kylie, go down and lead them in their preparations, and bring out your highest culinary standards tonight." Carlos said very gently to Kylie.

This one was with his earliest crew, Carlos still had more respect, Kylie's cooking was perfectly suited to his tastes, and he usually wouldn't eat anyone else's food with Kylie around.

"No problem, Skee Senior, I'll leave first."

Kylie smiled and nodded, greeted the golden lion and left, the logistical part was led by Kylie, the chef, in the West Sea Kylie for did management, management of the logistical part but handy.

The other crew members greeted the golden lion one by one and left, they could see that the two captains seemed to have something to discuss.

"You've got a good crew."

"It's okay, it's still not as good as the former crew."

"Heh you brat don't be humble in front of me, acting like one, you weren't humble in the first place either." The Golden Lion glanced at Carlos wordlessly.

"Get used to it, get used to it, who told you senior you're older than me and we have a good relationship, others don't get this treatment."

"Come on, let's go sit down over there and talk."

The Golden Lion was blown away by Carlos' words, the Golden Lion didn't view Carlos as someone on the same level before he came, and only after the encounter did he change his views and mentality, people on the same level said naturally different things.

This is also the reason why Carlos accompanied the battle with the Golden Lion, and sent all the Six Paths of Payne.

If the two sides were to work together again, then it couldn't be the same as before, before it was a deal with a return of favors embedded in it, more or less so charity, and the status wasn't equal.

The two men sat under the umbrella, the wooden table and chairs in front of them filled with some snacks, fruit, and drinks, but neither of them moved.

Carlos picked up an unopened box of top quality cigars on the table and unwrapped them, dumped one to the golden lion, took one for himself, and after lighting them each devoured them.

"Senior, did you come to see me on purpose this time, do you want to cooperate further?"

"Sort of, since the Battle of Edgware Sea, I've lost a lot of my Flying Air Pirates, and they've gone from being the top pirate group in the New World to falling all of a sudden."

"During the time I spent in Propulsion City, the Flying Bandits declined a bit more."

"Although I came back in time because of you, it's still a far cry from what it once was."

"I, Golden Lion, want to recreate the glory and even achieve even greater glory than before!" The Golden Lion with his cigar in his mouth, his voice low, his brow full of confidence and dominance!

Carlos nodded silently, if it was the Golden Lion whose legs had been broken saying such things, Carlos would think that the Golden Lion was crazy, too much of a shock, deliriously awake and paranoid.

But now that the Golden Lion had sound legs, there was indeed still the possibility of renewing his glory, though it might not be great, after all, the New World was now even more powerful and treacherous than before.

At its peak, the Flying Pirates were incredibly powerful, occupying most of the New World, and were so prestigious that their popularity even overshadowed that of Roger, Whitebeard, and Ledfield!

"What can I get?"

Carlos barks and puffs on his cigar, the smoke stirring and making Carlos look a little blurry.

"It depends on what the purpose of entering the new world is."

"Do you want to be a pirate king?" The golden lion looked at Carlos with eyes that looked like little suns, trying to see Carlos through.

"Not interested."

"I have no interest in the history of the vanished, the winners and losers I don't want to pursue."

"Roger's treasure is of even less interest to me, Rafdru, I don't care to bother looking for it."

"So, King of Thieves I wouldn't be interested in either."

"My dream is to be the world's black-and-white big man, I can eat wherever I am, and all the powers actually want to pull it off!"

"Hahaha that's the best."

"Then our interests don't conflict, and this dream of yours is not just about being strong enough to do it, but also having enough, reliable enough connections."

"Strive to be a hundred at a time!"

"As long as you help me, I, the Golden Lion, will definitely help you in the future, and I have no problem following you to attack the world government!"

"As a gesture of good faith, I'm willing to help you get a foothold in the New World first!" The Golden Lion's face was serious and solemn.

Originally this time the Golden Lion intended to take the God's Eye Bandits under his command to enhance his strength, as for the world government's opinion, Carlos's opinion was not his consideration at all.

If he was strong he had to be listened to, otherwise he would end up in a very ugly situation!

What kind of favor? Is there grace? That deal was already considered to be paid off.

But out of the blue, the strength that Carlos had shown, the true strength of the God's Eye Bandits was somewhat unexpected, and it was no longer realistic to include them under his command, so they could only continue to work together and cooperate further.

Chapter 276 - The Next Big Game.

"Oh? How do you help me establish my footing in the New World?" Carlos's eyebrows rose with interest.

"It's up to you to decide."

"The territory under the Flying Air Bandits is not small, except for the location of the Flying Air Bandits' headquarters, the rest of the territory is yours to pick."

"If you don't want the territory I gifted you and want to take the other islands, the Flying Air Pirates can also send troops to help."

"Well? Is good faith enough?" The Golden Lion bit into his cigar and grinned.

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