I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 245.

"Good, I see the sincerity of your predecessor." Carlos nodded his head quite satisfied.

"So what's your choice?"

"Senior's territory is fine, fortunately fought down, the foundation of my God's Eyes Pirate Group will naturally have to be acquired with my own hands."

"I've already found a target, Sun and Moon Island!"

"Sun and Moon Island? I remember it was the territory of the Sky Wolf Pirate Group, the importance was quite high, Carlos boy, you sure still have a lot of guts."

"This Sky Wolf Pirate Group is also an old pirate group in the New World, when the Flying Sky Pirates dominated the New World, this pirate group could only survive in the cracks."

"But vicissitudes of the sea, this pirate group has seized the opportunity to develop in a big way, in terms of overall strength, this pirate group is not much weaker than my Flying Air Pirate Group, it's barely the same level."

"It's not hard to take Sun Moon Island with your strength, the hard part is what happens after you take it."

"The Wolf Pirate Group will never let you go, and with the things you kid did, I'm afraid most of the pirates in the New World don't have good feelings towards you."

"I'm afraid that the power gathered by the Wolf Pirate Group standing up and rallying the troops will be terrifying!"

"Your personal strength is not to be feared, but your crew, especially the bottom crew, might not have any left."

"A powerful band of pirates just having top-notch fighting power is not enough, it also needs a lot of elite bottom strength, you're not like that guy Ledfield solitary, it's not too easy to operate ah" the Golden Lion's brow wrinkled.

"It's not too easy to operate, that's why I'm asking you, senior." Carlos's smile was full, and his eyes were brilliant as the stars.

"You've got a good plan, just as well, the words are out of the way, I, the Golden Lion, am not someone who goes back on his word, I'm open to help you!" The Golden Lion, with one hard bite, took a hard puff of his cigar and clanged.

This wasn't a very easy decision to make, although the Golden Lion had said that he would help him seize territory, he hadn't expected Carlos to have such a big appetite and directly target a pirate group on the same level as him.

In fact, even the same level of the pirate group is not a big deal, his flying air pirate group after all is still stronger than the Wolf Pirate Group, with his presence, Wolf Pirate Group to make a big move will have to think about it.

If it wasn't for the fact that Carlos's identity was so special, the Golden Lion was almost certain that the Wolf Pirates wouldn't fight with his Flying Pirates for an island, albeit one of considerable value, which would only cheapen the other pirate groups.

The bad thing was that Carlos's special status, the pirates who were greedy for fame and wealth would definitely respond to Wolf Pirates' call, and with the addition of the pirates who had an inexplicable desire to get together, Wolf Pirates' power would definitely swell very quickly, even though the power was temporary.

With the character of Captain Kanekios of the Wolf Pirates would never let go of taking advantage of this, and with this, even if the Flying Air Pirates intervened, the Wolf Pirates would have enough strength to deal with it.

Then the Flying Pirates will fall into a protracted and bitter war, may turn into a war that affects the entire new world, but the words have been said, the golden lion loves to save face, is also not good to go back on his words, can only scalp agreed.

This was not an easy decision to make, but the Golden Lion was excited after agreeing.

Thinking of being able to fight a bit, the Golden Lion felt a lot better in his heart.

"Hahaha thank you senior for your help."

"But I, Carlos, am not an ungrateful person, I know what kind of whirlpool the Flying Air Pirates have been pulled into, and if it is not handled well and there are other powerful pirate groups falling to the ground, the Flying Air Pirates are likely to be devastated and even in danger of annihilation."

"This risk is too big for Senior to accept, and I'm too embarrassed to accept it, so the big risk needs to be shared and spread into a small risk that can be tolerated."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I will annihilate the Wolf Pirates and the pirates who have coveted me in the New World once and for all, and I will hurt them once and for all!" Carlos's eyes were fierce and murderous.

The idea had come to him only after seeing the golden lion, Carlos had planned to use other ideas to deal with the Wolf Pirates and the pirates looking for trouble, this time play it big, once and for all!

"Good gumption!" The golden lion exclaimed, but suddenly the words changed, "But it's not enough to be bold, there has to be a specific way to do it!"

"There's a natural way, or I wouldn't have brought it up."

"I wonder how Senpai's relationship with Kaido and Bigmom is?"

"What else can you do with them? I can only say I know them."

"They're the two best rising stars I've seen in the New World, although I haven't missed smacking them over the years, but these two are really monster level, can't kill them, at most they'll be badly injured, but before long they're alive and well, their physiques are simply monsters among monsters!"

The Golden Lion winced at the mention of Kaido and Auntie, their physiques were simply inhuman, it was hard to deal with!

"I see, you're trying to bring the Hundred Beast Bandits and the Bigmom Bandits into the fold?"

The Golden Lion naturally wasn't stupid, otherwise it once wouldn't have been able to grow the Flying Air Pirates to the point where they occupied more than half of the New World, and Carlos mentioned these two for no reason, so he quickly responded.

"That's right, I just want to bring them into the fold."

"There should be eleven large islands under the Sirius Bandits if I remember correctly, besides the Sun and Moon Island, the God's Eye Bandits want one more island close by."

"The other nine islands, you three share equally."

"Nice idea, but why does it have to be the two of them?" The Golden Lion's eyes lit up and his heart moved.

Four powerful pirate groups join forces, the risk is also under control, the odds of winning are extremely high, and the receipt of goods is stable, just two pirate groups are too risky.

The pirate group's top warriors life is still relatively secure, the others involved in a meat grinder, the possibility of surviving is not very high.

"Because these two are young, strong, ambitious enough, and aggressive!"

"They shouldn't think too much about getting involved in a war with such very high odds of winning."

"There's some truth to it, these two, especially Kaido, are just war mongers, just crazy, they go around picking fights all day."

"I think ah their brain circuits are a bit off, so the likelihood of a yes is very high indeed."


After saying that the Golden Lion and Carlos looked at each other and laughed together.

Both of them actually understood that Kaido and the two of them weren't really crazy, and that even the truly insane couldn't reach this point today, their brain circuits just weren't quite the same as normal people.

Laughing, Carlos spoke up, "The matter of contacting the two of them will be left to you, senior, in secret."

"Understood, don't worry, this matter is completely trivial."

"By the way, if I didn't come to you, how do you kid plan to solve this trouble?"

"Contact me voluntarily?"

Chapter 277 - Real Thoughts

"Huh? How is that possible?"

"Don't I, Carlos, have the ability to solve problems on my own? But it's not as clean as this, once and for all."

"Oh? I'd love to hear what you think."

"Shoot the man before the horse, capture the thief before the king!"

"Without Senior's help, I won't sit back and watch the Sky Wolf Pirate Group take the initiative to attack, nor will I give them the chance to drive the other pirates away."

"I will go straight to the headquarters of the Sky Wolf Pirates, stir them up, stir up the world, and preferably kill the captain of the Sky Wolf Pirates!"

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