I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 252.

"How can something that hides its head and tail understand the beauty of a wolf's howl, go to hell!"

The Black Wolf King was furious at the words, his legs bent, and his figure moved to meet it, both of his cold scimitars were wrapped with domineering energy, one blocking and the other as if a viper spitting out letters slicing into Xuluo Dao Payne's abdomen.

For the Black Wolf King's movements, Shura Dao didn't take any notice at all, although this Black Wolf King's physical domination was all very strong, it still wasn't enough compared to the terrifying monster that was Barrett, even though this wasn't the Barrett of the All Victory period.

As soon as the two sides made contact, Shura Dao Payne gave Black Wolf a great surprise, like a teenager's fist against a strong man's fist, neither the strength nor the hardness of the fist was as good.

One fist went down and Black Wolf smashed right back, the other bend didn't even touch Shurudo, and the upside down figure landed right on the back of his mount.


A miserable, painful whimper sounded, and even the man and wolf were directly blown to the ground by a punch, one man and one wolf both spewed blood from their mouths, and the ground was crushed into a large hole, smoke and dust and blades of grass flew together.

"Kill, kill, kill."

Rain's Hillel kept saying the word kill on his lips, his eyes blood red, his body radiating a powerful murderous aura, his right hand resting on the hilt of Thunderstorm's blade, his left hand holding the sheath.

Estimating the distance, Thunderstorm sheathed his blade, and the Mori white blade flashed like a thunderstorm exploding, violent and swift, and crossed paths with a pirate riding on a giant wolf

The figure missed the rain Hilleu no longer cared about the enemy behind him, full of bloodthirsty excitement wielded the thunderstorm, killing intent, killing intent, sharp blade under the blade of no one together, basically all of them were killed in one slash, the most could not last more than three moves.

After the previous one person and one wolf maintained their previous movements and expressions and rushed out for more than ten meters, a scarlet line of blood separated the wolf and the man from the center line position, one person and one wave were cut into four halves, blood spurting wildly and foul-smelling entrails splattering everywhere, a horrifying appearance of a Shura Hell!

In order to pursue the thrill of killing, Rain's Hiryu used close combat, and while his killing efficiency was not the highest, it was the most brutal, and his ferocious methods greatly deterred the enemy!

Martin doesn't have the stench that Rain's Hitch left behind, and doesn't seek the thrill of killing, but rather seeks to crush and finish his enemies as quickly as possible

Only Martin's fists have been shrouded in the distribution of cracks on the white aperture, a pair of broken a circle indestructible, or hit the air, or hit the grasslands, or directly hit the enemy's body.

The air is split in all directions, a sharp chi energy is distributed like a wire net, and those who hit it will not die but will also be missing arms and legs to directly enter the category of serious injuries; the grasslands tremble, the turf, the earth floats huge deep cracks, smaller black wolves fall directly into the cracks, and those who are large will also fall into them accidentally and get stuck.

The worst is to be broken fruit ability directly hit, will be armed color domination of pirates is better, barely can stay a full body, will not be a direct fragmentation, that bloody scene is not much better than the picture of the slaughter of rain, but such a scene than the rain is still a few.

Using the ability like this was a bit of a waste of its power.

Doris battle scene compared to the two is a lot better looking, cherry blossoms flying in the sky, charming eyes, in the unconscious was cut throat, pierced heart, the dead pirate expression is not hideous, careful observation of he really has a hint of peace.

Of course, no matter how beautiful the scene can not hide the essence of this is a killing.

Riley's demon fruit ability is very suitable for this kind of land scuffle, the body swelled like a mountain, although not comparable to Carlos's complete body Soso Noh, but also to its chest position.

One punch, one kick, one move down, I don't know how many black wolves, pirates to hard smashed into a meat pie sub, blood, killing efficiency that was one of the best, the wind almost the rest of the rest of the main crew of the Shura Dao Payne overshadowed, phoenix infinite!

The Sky Wolf Pirates also had no choice, the strongest of the three thousand pirates besides the Black Wolf King had also come over to fight, but they couldn't go many rounds before being killed, and their strength was indeed not on the same level.

Because each of the four main forces of the God's Eyes Bandit Group was an existence that could fight their boss, Black Wolf King, the others naturally found it difficult to fight.

Chapter 285 - The Battle of Sun Moon Island (Part 2)

Of course there were many head iron ones, but they all died old and miserable, and soon they didn't dare to fight the four main combat crews of the God's Eye Bandits.

The rest could only settle for fighting the non-main combat crew of the God's Eye Bandits, but the non-main combat crew were not easy to fight.

O'Neill, Olsen were not weak, they were also animal demon fruit abilities, thick skinned, not slow, and their attack power was okay, not easy to deal with either.

Kylie, Suzanne, Sholema, and Louis were almost as strong as them, but none of them were good at close combat, Kylie relied on her gun, Suzanne relied on her secret sailing technique, Sholema relied on the poison made by the bacteria fruit, and Louis was a sniper, it was impossible to fight with him in close quarters, and the battle was tied up.

The moment of positive contact let the forces of the Wolf Pirates fall to the ground, which shocked the Black Wolf King and even panicked a little.

But soon the Black Wolf King calmed down, he was no longer seeking to destroy the other side now, the man who didn't make a move and the massacre of the dead who couldn't be stopped had made him dispel this unrealistic fantasy.

What he wanted now was to hold off as long as possible with his superiority of troops and wait for reinforcements to arrive, luckily he was cautious and didn't presume to ignore the forces that dared to attack Sun Moon Island, otherwise he would have to fight alone.

With a decision to make, the Black Wolf King became cunning and slick, no longer trying to cut down Shura Dao Payne, but ran into the wolves and swam with Shura Dao Payne, as if playing hide and seek.

The Black Wolf King, even if he thought highly of the God's Eye Bandits' strength and means, he still underestimated them.

A lot of soldiers and a lot of people couldn't talk about absolute superiority in this world of the Pirate King, and could be crushed by the strong at any time!

Carlos saw the Black Wolf King slipping, the wolves began to flank left and right, circling around and flanking back, making a quick decision to not let Shura Dao Payne play hide and seek with the other side anymore, he wanted to use the large group attack skill to directly crush the other side's advantage of having more troops.

What is the most powerful AoE skill on Shura Dao Payne currently? It was an intense missile attack, a laser cannon attack, and even the incomparable hot weapon firepower of the combined fruit and Shurado flesh transformation abilities!

These attacks weren't as crisp and clean as Heavenly Dao Payne's Ringing Lightning Fruit, Earth Bursting Heavenly Star, and Supernatural Luo Tianzheng, and took a little longer, but they were just as shocking!

The Shura Dao Payne could be called the king of hot weapons in this world, coupled with Barret's own powerful melee ability, there was simply no flaw, no way to be flawless, no way to be otherwise except to crush it with hard power.

This was the leaning of the Shura Dao to surpass the Bastard Dao Payne in battle power among the Six Dao Payne in second place, even threatening the Heavenly Dao Payne's battle power!

Only the flesh of Shura Dao Payne's body began to change, first the legs changed into jet holes, and the jet stream caused Shura Dao Payne to rise high into the air, condescending and looking down on the entire battlefield.

Next, the arms, head, waist, and legs also began to change, the upper body became three heads and six arms, and finally the body began to increase in size across the board, although not as perverted as the expansion fruit expansion, but increased by more than ten times, countless holes emerged from the body, completely without a human face, becoming a complete killing weapon, or a hot weapon killing weapon, the kind that was many times more terrifying than a pacifist.

These holes were large and small, only two sizes, one size was used to release the laser cannon, this kind of hole was smaller, mainly three heads and six arms, nine in total.

Although there were only nine laser cannon firing holes in number, their power would be inferior to the missile firing holes that were densely packed all over the body.

The Black Wolf King felt very bad and was tempted to stop the other party, but the other party was flying high enough that it would take time to get up there, and there were three Seeing and Hearing Colored Tyrannies around him that were always paying attention to him, so he didn't have the slightest chance.

Thinking of this, the Black Wolf King even decided to follow the bad premonition within his heart to fly towards the edge of the battlefield, this premonition had saved him many times already.

Just as the Black Wolf King was fleeing the edge of the battlefield, the sky's Shura Dao Payton was suddenly enveloped by a bluish light in white, and the energy of the nine laser emission holes was constantly converging, glowing so brightly that man or beast couldn't help but close their eyes.

At the same time, the countless missile launch holes on the body were all loaded and ready to be positioned, while simultaneously exploding!

Endless white-in-blue laser cannons sprang out, and countless missiles a foot long and two centimeters in diameter fell from the sky like a rainstorm carrying white jets of gas, aiming at the wolves and pirates flanking the battlefield left and right as well as the wild wolves at the rear who hadn't had time to engage in the fight!

The God's Eye Bandits were limited in numbers, and the first two sides to get into a fight were also at the outermost layer.

Boom Boom.

The laser cannon was so terrifying that it pierced through the enemy's body, and the flesh and blood of the enemy's internal organs were instantly burned to a crisp.

Then the laser cannon blasted into the grasslands and blasted out a huge pit, the terrifying shockwave erupted, and the turf and soil annihilated into nothingness wherever it passed, the pirates and wolves were no exception, and were directly reduced to nothingness, and nine small mushroom clouds rose up into the sky, shocking people incomparably!

The missiles were far less powerful, but they couldn't be held back by the large number, the terrifying number of them was frightening, saying countless was definitely an exaggeration, but there were still ten thousand missiles.

These ten thousand missiles were just like a powerful grenade, acting on the battlefield and striking a wide area, directly causing heavy losses to the pirates of the Sky Wolf Pirate Group and the captive wolves on Moon Island.

A large area of grassland was like a non-biological plow, nine huge holes, countless small potholes, the face was completely different, making the turquoise grassland let leave ugly scars, like a hideous scar on a flawless white face!

Being hit directly by a laser cannon, or being hit by the shockwave of a laser cannon was a little better, because they died quite quickly, almost no pain at all.

Being hit by a missile and dying on the spot was also considered painful, the pain was those who were lucky enough not to die, one by one, missing arms and legs, broken limbs, internal organs and bones, blood stained the grasslands red, whether wolves or humans were lying on the ground howling, miserable!

That's right, there were also confused on the battlefield, directly scared silly, dumbfounded, even if the pirates of the God's Eyes pirate group quite a few were stunned, they have seen a lot these days, today's scene is still deeply burned in their hearts.

Shura Dao Payne this big move has laid the victory of the war, the other side's military advantage was directly eliminated, the remaining people can't be much more, and the most critical is their heart and morale is directly beaten down.

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