I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 253.

The rest of them scattered, afraid that the Shura Dao Payne in the sky would give them another go, and the rest of them were busy chasing and persuading them to surrender.

The Black Wolf King was also under the blow of the Shura Dao Payne, although he only suffered some minor injuries due to spending a lot of armed color hegemony protection, but the physical strength, hegemony are very consumed, directly without hesitation and fled.

Carlos directly sent people to chase, sent a small number of people, but it was Shura Dao Payne as well as the God's Eye Bandits of the four major warriors, do not send minions, will not give the other side any possible opportunity to escape.

Five people chased and intercepted, the Black Wolf King was dying, and finally was beaten half to death, caught back.

It's a long story, but the war had actually been short, and by now the Sun and Moon Island had basically been occupied, with a small number of people on the island not enough to worry about.

Chapter 286 - Sky Wolf

In the middle of Moon Island, on the endless grasslands stands a magnificent and majestic castle manor, and behind the castle is a large, smoky lake, with a jade-like river flowing into it from the north, and flowing out of it around the castle.

This was the center of the Black Wolf Bandits' rule in Tsukishima, and the main force was here here, with only a portion of the pirates remaining on Hinoshima to maintain daily order.

By virtue of the Wolf Pirate Group's prestige in the New World, there weren't many pirates who dared to cause trouble on Sun Island yet, and the island's order could wait until it was guaranteed.

But at this time, this large area of the castle manor had already belonged to Carlos, the entire Sun Moon Island would soon be occupied by the God's Eye Bandits, Martin had already led people to the Sun Island to eliminate the remnants of the Wolf Bandits.

With a new master in residence, the castle was busy inside, and all positions were to be replaced with reliable candidates from the God's Eye Bandits, or at least keep an eye on them.

There weren't too many maids on the Moon, after all, it was in the stage of exploring the territory, and only when it had officially gained a foothold would all talents and resources, including maids, be transferred.

In the magnificent hall, Carlos sat on a luxurious single sofa of earthy gold with a cigar in his hand, and Black Wolf was escorted in in a mess.

Although the God's Eye Bandits can't make sea floor stone handcuffs, but there is an alternative, Black Wolf was fed enough doses of drugs, this drug is called cartilage pills, is Xiao Lema configuration, can make people sore and weak, can't lift the strength, but once taken cartilage pills want to easily dispel is not easy.

Xiao Lemar got the magnetic drum kingdom's medical technology as well as the germ fruit, whether it is medical or poisonous techniques every day in growth, the former Xiao Lemar if the West Sea's top sound, then this time is not the world's top, but also the world's top.

"Subjugation or death?" Carlos sipped his cigar and spoke slowly.

"You lackey of the world government, this is the New World, not the Great Voyage, and not the Four Seas!"

"I advise you to release me quickly, and then immediately ask forgiveness from our Sky Wolf Bandits, otherwise not only will the Divine Eyes Bandits be destroyed, but so will your kingdom in the Western Sea!" The Black Wolf King was untamed, apparently he had recognized Carlos' identity, and the news of the former world was almost universally known.

"Oh stubborn, and you dare to threaten me?"

"Am I Carlos the one who is afraid of threats? Now that you've done it, you're not afraid of retaliation from your Sky Wolf Bandits!"

"Just to take you to test your ability."

As soon as the words fell, and without waiting for the Black Wolf King to speak, a figure wearing a mask and a red cloud uniform with a black background suddenly appeared in front of the Black Wolf King and pressed his right hand to the Black Wolf King's head, and the Humanism ability was launched.


The black wolf king who was sore and weak and unable to resist came to an abrupt halt with a scream, his eyes turned white, a transparent as if gelatinous figure was pulled out, the black wolf king's body went limp, completely devoid of any sound, without any external injuries, but he was dead.

The man in charge of the escort was also frightened, his forehead, and back were drenched in cold sweat, oh this picture is too weird and horrible, what the hell is that?

"Go find a place to dig a random hole and bury him." Carlos commanded casually.

"Yes, yes,"

After the two of them left, the way of the earth devoured the soul of Black Wolf King, Carlos closed his eyes and searched the information in Black Wolf King's mind about the Sirius Bandits, as for the other memories, it had been basically filtered like a filter by the way of the earth Payne.

The information from the Black Wolf King's mind told Carlos that the Captain of the Sky Wolf Bandits, Kanekios, might be a little stronger than he thought, and a little stronger overall, but it was all fine, not beyond the expected, acceptable and harmless.

As long as the golden lion there can succeed, the combined hidden strength of the Wolf Pirates will still be inescapable unless it reaches the point where the White Beard Pirates will be annihilated!

Time passed bit by bit, and by night the entire Sun and Moon Island was already under the control of the God's Eye Bandits, and the Sky Wolf Bandits were either dead or surrendered.

Wolf Island, the headquarters of the Wolf Pirate Group, Wolf Island was not previously called Wolf Island, but only because the Wolf Pirate Group had occupied it as their headquarters and changed its name to Wolf Island.

This is an island where high mountains and plains co-exist, and every mountain on the island is very high, with no short mountains. There are all kinds of wolves living in the plains and high mountains on the island, and even in the daytime, you can often hear the howling of wolves.

At night, the miserable and distant howls of wolves are even more distant, enough to frighten ordinary people.

There was a small palace at the top of the highest mountain on Sky Wolf Island, and this was where Sky Wolf Keos often lived and where he built it.

Animal Department Illusory Beast Species Skywolf Fruit was somewhat special, able to use the moonlight to aid cultivation, Keos's cultivation speed, strength improvement speed far exceeded the average person, the closer to the moon, the more lunar splendor is lunar thick, that's why Keos lived on top of a high mountain, this mountain towered above the clouds, straight and steep, is one of the famous dangerous peaks in the New World.

This mountain was also not something that ordinary people could step on, only the five cadres in the Wolf Pirate Group were qualified and had the strength to climb it easily.

Tonight the moon was very far away, without any dark clouds, and the cool and light moonlight scattered down, making the entire Sky Wolf Island as well as the sea above seem to be covered with a layer of silvery white veil.

As soon as the bright moon came out, the wolves became even more excited, howling loudly!

On the top of a high mountain, a slender, handsome man in white appeared under the moon, his body gradually changed under the moonlight, his head, limbs and body were all expanding and growing hair.

In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a three-story tall moon white wolf, whose body seemed to emit light under the moonlight.


The howls of the other wolves on Wolf Island came to an abrupt halt, leaving only the howl of the moon-white wolf crouching on the summit of the high mountain, and no wolf dared to howl with it.

As the wolf howls ended, a faint moon white pillar of light shone on the moon white wolf, and the surrounding moonlight gathered, looking as if a giant wolf was squatting in a small moon from afar!

Below the peak, a figure was climbing the cliff as if it was flat, the cliff was as if it was flat in its hands, the long-weathered rock was as if it was tofu a look, extremely fast, a glance at the peak, and in a few minutes he was climbing to the top.

"Captain, sorry to disturb your cultivation, my subordinate has something important to report."

The movement and figure of the visitor woke up the wolf Kanekios who was immersed in his cultivation, the moon white giant wolf slowly opened his eyes, the wolf's mouth spoke in a flat tone.

"War Wolf, what has happened that you need to disturb me?"

War Wolf, the head of the five cadres of the Wolf Pirates, an existence capable of going toe-to-toe with the Admiral, was second only to Captain Wolf Kanekos in the Wolf Pirates!

Wolverine was a strong man with a square face, and even looked like he had a silly face, but he was actually very smart and cunning, and was fearless in battle, having experienced countless fights.

"Latest news, Wolverine is dead, Sun and Moon Island has fallen, and I'm afraid that the Black Wolf King is also fierce!" The war wolf spoke with a gloomy face.

The winds at the summit of the alpine were originally strong, but under a sudden outburst of momentum all over the giant wolf's body, the winds stagnated and the air stealthily stopped flowing!

Chapter 287 - Hundred Beasts

"What the hell is going on? Who would dare do that?"

"The Flying Pirates? The Hundred Beasts of the Sea? Or the BIGMOM Bandits?"

The voice in the wolf's mouth seemed calm, but in reality it had been suppressed to the point of sanity, and the anger was almost out of control.

Wolf Keos did not mention the White Beard Bandits, because the White Beard Bandits are very Buddhist, generally as long as you do not provoke them, they do not bother to provoke you, for such things as expansion of territory is not active.

Although in addition to the flying air pirate group, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, BIGMOM pirate group in the New World there are some other pirate groups and forces that can pose a threat to the Wolf Pirate Group, but these three pirate groups aggression is the strongest, of course, Wolf Pirate Group aggression is not much better.

"Captain, none of them, but the God's Eye Pirate Crew."

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