I'm a pirate

Pirates of the Sea I'm a Big Brother Chapter 300

Since Ayanami wasn't even planning to show up and have to fight him like a mage with his spells, Carlos, the original entity, didn't want to do anything and just let Tendo Payne, the one with the power of the Sounding Lightning Fruit, play with Ayanami.

"Kuzan, see the power of the Ringing Lightning Fruit!" Carlos yelled and left after that, running to a corner and pulling out a bottle of wine and a cigarette, ready to watch the war that was more exciting than the movie, Thunder and Ice!

After Carlos left, Tendo Payne began to fight with Ayanami, who was no stranger to the Ringing Thunder Fruit itself as a natural ability, it was an even stronger existence than his Frozen Fruit, Yellow Ape's Shining Fruit, and Red Dog's Magma Fruit, this strong refers to an all-round ability, not a single aspect, in a certain aspect each natural devil fruit has unique characteristics.


Heavenly Dao Payne was suspended in mid-air, covered in blue-white thunder, the electric ions of the air were gathering, dark clouds were gathering, thunder serpents were swimming in the void, the light was decaying, darkness was gloomy, and a depressing air was pervading!

The sky below the cold pervasive, I do not know how big the envelope, which turned into a life and death desperate domain, ordinary people breathe a mouth, can be mouth to intestines to freeze directly.

I don't know how long it took, maybe an instant, maybe a long time, there were only three colors left in heaven and earth, the black and heavy sky, the white and cold ice, the blue and white electric light that illuminated the void, a seemingly apocalyptic atmosphere that pervaded the world, making people panic in their hearts!

Suddenly, the black and heavy clouds tore apart, blue-white light emerged, and a head of thunder beasts made up of blue-white thunder competed to tear through the clouds towards the cold extinct region below, these thunder beasts were diverse, including ordinary thunder birds, thunder snakes, thunder tigers, thunder bears, thunder leopards, thunder lions, as well as thunder dragons, thunder phoenixes and other exotic beasts, the scene was spectacular and shocking, better than any movie!

"Hahahaha I shuttle."

Carlos was laughing excitedly at the edge of the battlefield, this was a big scene that Tendo Payne had spent not a short time to make, saying that showing the green pheasant the power of the ringing thunder fruit wasn't just a matter of splitting a few coarse thunderbolts, what kind of insight was that, that would count!

The pheasant's heart was shocked at the sight, but also unwilling to show weakness, the above might be fierce, but the face of the elementalization of he could not do anything, but he did not want to lose the face of the frozen fruit, also do not want to let Carlos underestimate, so he did not care physical strength, desperately manipulate the numerous cold ice.

The cold ice that Green Pheasant manipulated wasn't that fancy, it only consisted of a kind of bird made of cold ice, that is, Green Pheasant's move of tyrannical pheasant beak turned into an ice bird look similar, only the size was different, but the appearance was basically the same.

Although not as all-encompassing as the thunder beasts, but always the same or quite spectacular, each with their own style!

Thunder and ice collided in the void, and the two forces exploded with a motion that was somewhat unexpected by Carlos and Green Pheasant

Chapter 332 - Goodbye Peach Hare

The shockwave from the collision of countless thunderbolts and cold ice spread over a radius of dozens of miles, creating a noise that could be detected at the naval headquarters, the navy as well as the surrounding warships all rushed towards the place of the battle.

There were no merchant ships, pirate ships in the place where the two were fighting, this vicinity was land controlled by the naval headquarters, except for the warships, no other ships dared to set foot in this sea without permission.

"C'mon, this bike is scrapped."

Carlos looked at the huge movement and left his mouth speechless, the influence of the collision between the elements and the elements was really big, no wonder Green Pheasant and Red Dog had hardened the climate of an island during the fight for the naval marshal, this lasting fight, the possibility of changing the environment was indeed very high.

The two held a big collision, and when the aftermath subsided, the battle began again, one in the air, one in the ice, the collision of thunder and ice, more than a magician, after all, it was an instantaneous spell, dazzling.

The two kept fighting, continued until the naval ships arrived without stopping, this level of fighting the general navy did not have the qualification to dabble, the sea was frozen by the cold, could only watch from afar.

On the deck of a large warship, a group of naval officers such as Lieutenant General Mole, who came to observe the battle, looked at the distant battle, where thunder roared, electricity flashed, cold air diffused, killing machine infinite!

"Tsk is this the power of the ringing and freezing fruits?"

"What a powerful fruit to be envied!" Lieutenant General Mole exclaimed with his pocket knife in hand.

The surrounding admirals nodded in silent agreement, such power was somehow like the power of a god to most people, not something that could be fought by human hands!

The admirals who couldn't intervene could only watch the battle silently, cheering for their general in their hearts.

Time silently passed, and the battle between thunder and fire continued until the evening, apparently it was a tie, but in fact in this spell against pheasant was a bit of a disadvantage, from the beginning to the end of the pheasant did not reveal its own body.

The figure of Tendo Payne was in that sky from start to finish, not moving much, and it could be said that in the duel between thunder and ice, thunder was better.

However, this did not mean that the overall strength Tendo Payne was stronger than Pheasant, Pheasant was actually scrupulous not of Tendo Payne, but of Carlos, not daring to show his face easily to be caught in a flaw.

When the battle ended, Pheasant's figure reappeared, and his heart's evaluation of Carlos went up a notch once again, this person was extremely strong and dangerous, and a one-on-one general was at risk of falling!

Afterwards, Carlos and Green Pheasant returned to the naval headquarters together in a warship, and on the warship Carlos was also very respected, and that was respect for the strong, not strength!

After returning to the naval headquarters, Carlos contacted the peach rabbit to see where she had arrived, listening to the peach rabbit said there was half an hour to go, Carlos simply waited for her at the warship berth port.

The first thing you need to do is to ask the navy if they are going to be able to find a way to get rid of it.

Half an hour later, peach rabbit riding a warship sailing in from the gate of justice, soon anchored in the port, and almost the same as before, almost no change in the peach rabbit from the warship came down, stepping between the valiant and not lose elegance and femininity, temperament excellence, beside no that obtrusive tea dolphin, simply beautiful!

Walking off the warship Peach Bunny came to Carlos and was quite speechless, "Why did you have to find me and cause me to miss my mission"

"Hahaha this isn't simple, male and female match, work is not tiring, I came to the naval headquarters as a guest don't want to let those stinky men accompany me, originally also had the idea of taking a look at you."

"Since I want to pick a female navy match, then naturally I should pick the prettiest one that fits my identity, what do you think?" Carlos laughed loudly, not hiding his voice at all, so that the subordinates who were going down the warship, Peach Hare's subordinates also heard it.

The peach rabbit's subordinates in the men and women, but because of the special nature of the navy is still the majority of men, heard Carlos' words, the crowd of mouth a corner, never seen such a brazen person!

This is obviously an attempt to impress their beautiful Lieutenant General and as the saying goes, if you're not trying to impress, you're either a traitor or a thief, so there must be an ulterior motive for speaking so nicely!

Hearing Carlos boast that he was the prettiest in the Navy, whether Carlos meant it or not, Peach Bunny was quite happy, who doesn't like to hear good things?

"Hmph slick, I'm just following orders."

"Plus this time you've been to the naval headquarters three times already, you've done all the shopping you should, and I can't find any new places." Peach Hare rolled her eyes and spread her hands helplessly.

"It doesn't matter what's going on, but it's nice to see who you're doing it with and re-visit the places you've been before." Carlos wiggled his eyebrows at the peach rabbit, hinting, no, it was almost explicit.

This wretched pirate, since he was trying to hit on the goddess of our naval dreams with nasty intentions, was really a tolerable thing, so one of Peach Hare's subordinates glared at Carlos in anger, looking as if he might draw his weapon and do it at any moment!

Peach Bunny's heart jumped at Carlos' tiger-wolf words, blushing slightly and changing the subject, "You're not staying in the New World Sun and Moon Island, you left the New World to attend the World Conference, right?"

"That's right, come here to see you before you go to Marijoa, you're the only one in the Navy who's on good terms with me."

"It was hard to pass by once, so naturally I had to come and see."

"Without further ado, I'm a little hungry after cutting a lunch with that Kuzan guy this afternoon to pass the time."

"Let's go find a restaurant in town and eat."

"Okay, but I need to go home and change first." Peach Hare smiled and nodded, then turned to her subordinates and commanded, "You're all tired after running around for so long, go down and rest, I'll let you know when there's a mission."

"Yes." The many navies promised to leave, despite their unease.

It couldn't be helped, that guy was too buttoned up and too thieving to invite them to dinner

Leaving the naval dock, Carlos followed Peach Hare back to her home amidst many eyes, and waited until Peach Hare had changed out of her uniform and into a casual, loose-fitting outfit before heading out together, heading for the town behind the rear headquarters.

By the way, Peach Hare's pelt blade, Kambira, was still with her, and as a swordsman, it was usually inching along except at special times.

As they walked and chatted, the rustiness that they hadn't seen for some time disappeared a lot, becoming familiar again, and the time they used to get along well.

Peach Bunny knew Carlos better than most people in the world, though the two didn't meet too much, much more than the real Carlos in the newspaper.

When they got along Carlos didn't have the dominance and pride of a new world, being the top powerhouse, being approachable, funny, and a little dirty, but not offensive.

The most important thing to do is to make sure that you have a clear idea of what you are doing.

The peach rabbit can tell that Carlos's approachability is not deliberate, it's really approachable, not randomly shaking the prestige, bullying others.

Chapter 333 - Finding Tracks

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